Sunday, January 11

the slightest secret about you which i don't wanna know

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I hope so :D
*mumbles - its pretty hard..

well, I'm not done with my last week school works, so i'll be burning the midnight oil tonight, rushing up all the homeworks in one night. Physics exercise, Additional Mathematics, Biology revision, karangan, Chemistry lab report, my malay oral test, and some ulasan for Malay subject.


kay, keeping this short, I went Desa Park City, celebrated Chui Xing's birthday with the whole bunch of 5S peeps. And also celebrating Omar's belated birthday too :D
We ate in The Steamboat and we had a blast in the park after the lunch *grins

I shall upload the video next time.

I shall also blog about this in the next post, and peektures too.

Smile, kay?

till here, im still working on my homeworks!
bye loves!

tune in : I miss you - Sweetbox
mood : exaggerated-tiredness

1 said something! :