Wednesday, January 28

Miss Pandalicious

good evening people.

finally I managed to dig out this really old song, reminiscences of those days I was young.
*flips hair
I'm still young now though.

Miss Ai-yo-yo from Good Morning, Sir!

I seriously heart every series of her. She's so pretty and always with her motherly-gentle-tone, I watched her series everyday last time and I always bugged my mom to get me her videos. She's such a loving character and I wish every teacher is about the same as her.

She's a legend in the MediaCorp... having won a Best Actress award for her role as Mo Wanwan, and winning the All Time Favorite award in 2006. She won 2 memorable role awards for Miss Aiyoyo and Mo Wanwan. (From Holland IV)

YES, she's a really good actress! I can still remembered in one of her series, she casts a spell, some sort likely and the kids are having so much fun in that series. I used to imitate their dance moves and her adorable tone.. d:

Alright, what reminds me of all these?

Geeeee, last Wednesday, choir put on a show on Madam Shiu's retirement and we were having our last practices before the event starts. And oh well, while we are situated next to the Chinese Orchestra team, they played this song. LOL!

It takes a few minutes to wonder why the heck is this song so familiar, and GAWD, Michelle starts humming the tune and those peeps started singing beside me.

I remembered, the Miss Aiyoyo!
We came up with an idea, started singing that song to warm up our vocals instead, and everyone stood still watching the beautiful melody tuned. Go and watch the video of Miss Aiyoyo here.

Gotta go complete my homework
Till here then.

tuning in : Superhuman - Chris Brown ft. Keri Hilson
mood : pandalicious

Its my heart and Its going away.

1 said something! :