Wednesday, January 28

The early morning, the city breaks

Geeee, this site is so dead.

Hullo peeps
, I need some response puh-leasseee?


Its the third day of Chinese New Year, and oh whadturf I'll be stuck at home, laying rotten and just decomposed. Gaining these calories honestly driving me to the park, must be the damn attractive-mouth-watering-Chinese-delicacies. Not ba gua, but those jelly beans.
YES, i love them a loads.... *tempted betul

Seriously, I need to put off weights. Photobucket

kay, skipped that full-with-fats-part, jump to a new topic.

Dad will be working tomorrow - simply means no more family gathering till Friday. Awww, I don't feel like staying at home tomorrow; watching those boring duk-duk-chiank programmes. All they did every year is just substitute those pretty cute little girls to some other cuter, younger ones. *whadturf. You can observe the trends and they won't even think of ways to improve the song. (turn it into a rap version maybe? )

Wait, or maybe they did.

8TV shows a very good improvement in producing the what-so-ever-title-with-cowboy-mv
Photobucket Its a interesting video. Check it out here.

CNY is boring.

alright, enough of ranting & complaints, I'll stop here and finish up with what I've not done with.

Homeworks & assignments.

Till here then,

tuning in : You Found Me - Fray
mood : exaggerated happiness Photobucket

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