Monday, January 26

I could not put up with this temperature

Happy Chinese New Year peeps.

(practice what my mom preaches. Red= Ongness)

Its a miracle I'm still sitting down with my mobile phone, blogging away right now. I was caught in such a drastic weather; giler-panda-sunny-hot-with-numerous-bad-UV-rays.

Yes, I know I'm pathetic. Shaddap!

Stucked in granny's house for 5 frigging hours. Simply imagine what could I have been doing there, in the house with those unfamiliar faces, whom I only see every 12 months, and yet you don't really know how to communicate in their foreign languages.

Geeee, I'm quite sure you have been wondering what sort of foreign languages could it be?

Huar Yu
Wah Yue
Bahasa Cina
Yes! They speak Mandarin hell fluently and fast, and I could barely catch up with what are they talking. whadturf?

"Wo hui chiang huai yu."

Hell ya, I'm a pure 100%-Asian-Chinese-with-a-fair-complexion. This is no doubt, because both of my parents are pure Chinese. (How I wish either one side of my family is Caucasian xDD)
Geee, a little dark secret to be disclosed. Wait!

Maybe not-so-dark, a slight purple one.
Gah, crap.. My parents are English-educated, although both of their family backgrounds are fully Chinese-educated ones, idk why are they so special enough that my grandparents chose to send them to an English boarding school.

Well, since my parents are not used to speak in Mandarin, they communicate with me in English. This is just a mere fact I came to know when I started to know more people, and thats what we call, childhood friends and started talking to my cousins when I was 7 (Yes, Seven. Tujuh. Chat. Chi.) *whadturf
I soon realized what I lack of when I started to speak to people around.
(whadturf) *faints.

heheh, I could still remember how funneh was that scene when I tried to ask my cousin for a balloon, those round, colourful, big, made-of-rubber ones. (Was a toddler at that age) I have no idea what balloon is called in Mandarin and I keep telling him, " I want balloon! I want balloon! "


the funniest part is, he's totally clueless what am I talking about. *slaps head
therefore, I started showing him what is a balloon.
YES, I made some silly hand movements describing a balloon.
*malu-sangat ni
and my mother giggled how stupid I was and she often reminds me about it although its like ten years ago grandma stories.

Don't laugh when you talk to me in Mandarin.

But you can always try me in Cantonese!

I started talking Cantonese at the age of 10. *flash my bangga-smile sial ahahahaha..
It must be parental influence, my parents communicate in Cantonese behind my back because they didn't wanna let me know what are they talking about, but slowly I found my own way to understand Cantonese instead, TVB DRAMAS!

I picked up the language rather fast. very soon, I managed to communicate well in that dialect about two months later. ahahahaha (Well, now you realized how televisions play an important role in a child development?)

Gosh, this is one of the worst CNY ever, I supposed. This weather seriously ruined my entire mood for this festive season and I wouldn't want to step out from my house, for any purposes..
Or I would ended up in a giler-panda-jacuzzi, in other words; perspire.
I hate getting wet. Meow

oh yes, I managed to read till chapter 5; Konserto Terakhir
*flash my bangga-smile
geeee, I'm going to bed early again
toodles peeps!


tuning in : Without You - Hinder
mood : heavy-hearted

Called you up cause’ it’s been long enough
And you said that you were so much better
We have done a lot of growing up
We were never meant to be together

Cause something changed, you were acting so strange
And it’s taken its toll on me
It’s safe to say that I’m ready to let you leave

Without you, I live it up a little more everyday
Without you, I’m seein myself so differently
I didn’t wanna believe it then
But it all worked out in the end
When I watched you walk away
Well I never thought id say
I’m fine
Without you

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