Saturday, January 24

ready for something big

( quench my thirst )
*whadturf? why is there a bittergourd behind?
Ignore it!

I immersed myself into mua studies.

and I engulfed with last minute shopping.

the queue at the cashier was incredibly-turfing-long. Its quite unexpected to see many last-minute shoppers busy picking their super-panda-last-minute-clobber.

"Mommy, I wanna get this! " *points finger*
"Mommy, this is SOOO adorable! Can I have this please? "*stares hard with teary-eyed*
"OWHMYGEEZ! mommy, look here, this is so convenient. "

and in the end, Mother just walked off saying she has red eyes and POOFFF, all the stuffs i longed to buy flew off like little birdies flew back to their nest.
*how pathetic it was

well, sort of went home but whadturf? Mom dropped by at granny's house to hand her some CNY groceries stuffs. Things went pretty creepy when I entered the living room, sudden goosebumps rush in my head. I have no idea why is that happening as things were pretty fine earlier on when I entered the house.

Out of a sudden, my granny was saying at the top of her voice, that she dreamt about my grandfather very often lately, saying that he walked past her acknowledging her in those weird dreams. Oh fine, I was trembled with her words!

This is so scary...

Anyway, in less than 48 hours, all the Chinese and Buddhist will be celebrating Chinese New Year with the same typical line, "Have a Prosperous Year of Ox!"

Despite that everyone is actually preparing to celebrate this important day with their loved ones and families, many of us had acknowledged that poverty levels in the world's richest nation were on the rise. Have we ever thought that the money we spent on the unnecessities can actually contribute to their necessities and also helps in raising fund for those who are weaker and less fortunate compared to us.

Very often we demand for things we want to get, and never once we look back and think, do we really need them or was it just another selfish desire in us? Selfish desire destroys the harmony between the soul and our conduct. If our language and our conduct are in harmony, it may be as a result of our conscience, or it may spring from selfishness.

Think before you act.

P. S : This is not referring to any parties, its just my pea worth of opinions. No one should take this in deep consideration.

Too much craps in this entry, shall move on to something cheerful and bouncy now :D

- shu : LOL. and you should really watch the video in my blog
- shu : gogogo
- Stylish Retro: what video
- shu : something funneh
- shu : go ahead and watch
- Stylish Retro: oh that swing
- Stylish Retro: everytime i go jogging
- Stylish Retro: always chill thre for 1 or 2 hour
- Stylish Retro: so..
- Stylish Retro: @@
- shu : owh you jogged there ?
- shu : (=

he's referring to the previous video took in DPC. Lmao

- Stylish Retro: wooah.. slow, peaceful, just the right song and type
- Stylish Retro: lol
- Stylish Retro: few years back
- Stylish Retro: i thought Op*** ****ney was dead and their doing her documentary
- shu : -.- LOL!! ahaha
- Stylish Retro: and i was wrong
- Stylish Retro: until i saw Op*** ****ney show
- shu : >.<>

and this, it's just for laugh gag!

- Stylish Retro: waaa
- Stylish Retro: i know how to play piano!
- Stylish Retro: just 1 song
- Stylish Retro: my cousin taught me
- Stylish Retro: and i just remember
- Stylish Retro: hahaha
- shu i'd li: what song?
- Stylish Retro: Mary Had A Little Lamb
- Stylish Retro: LOL
- shu : *faints
- Stylish Retro: eh c'mon la
- Stylish Retro: that time i was about 8
- shu i'd li: lol...
- shu i'd li: im slightly better than you
- Stylish Retro: i forget how to play already looo
- shu i'd li: at least, i know how to play the choir's warm up vocals tune! ahahaa :)
- shu i'd li: *collapse
- Stylish Retro: lol
- Stylish Retro: *go ahead

this shows how pathetic he was (:

Happy Chinese New Year people !
and don't forget your last minute groceries!
till here. Toodles!

tuning in : A little too not over you - David Archuleta
mood : cny bizarre feeling

Memories, supposed to fade.
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go.
Didn't think it'd be this hard.
Should be strong, movin' on.

But I see you.
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside.
And I turn around,
You're with him now.
I just can't figure it out.

Tell me why you're so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.

Maybe I regret everything I said,
No way to take it all back, yeah...
Now I'm on my own..
How I let you go, I'll never understand.
I'll never understand, yeah, oohh..

0 said something!:

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