Saturday, February 14

Always thought I'm already strong enough

Hi people!

It's Valentine Day today
, as I mentioned in the previous post, participated the Youth Leadership Challenge organized by Sunway today. I could not find any reason to deny I did had a blast in this event. YES, I certainly did although outdoor activities ain't my preference at all. It's quite a trauma though to be on top of every one heads. I shall just keep that to myself because it was quite an embarrassing scene. Besides that, we reached Sunway reasonably early, surprisingly and we even managed to stroll around the place. It's Valentine and expected there will be tonnes of Valentine's greetings on the Love Boards provided at the entrance of cafeteria and there are really certain guys could write really sweet quotes to their girlfriend or maybe their girl-friends.
Wait, or just in case, they copied from the internet or just some other homosapien's quotes.

Anyway, let's talk about the bruises I got from the event today. Its kinda burning at my knee cap because the consistent rubbing on to the sand when we are having our race in the field this morning. And oh my, Mun Loong was the only lucky one wearing shorts in my team. I bet his condition is worse than mine anyway. Alright, I won't complaint much in this post. Gonna share my happiness with everyone out there! Teeeheeeee

*jumps in joy*
this is really a good day to know nice people, Valentine's blessings I supposed.
The peeps in my team :
JingJing ; Kepong
Wai Ann ; Pudu(P)
Hooi Ling ; Taman Connaught
Khairul ; Victoria Institution
Mun Loong ; Stella Maris (Sorry I left out your surname at the piece :S)
and Chik from Seremban!
The other human which I forgotten your name, I'm so-so sorry. Pardon me for my small capacity of brain memory :(
Anyhow, we seemed to get along and blend in with each other really well.
Yes, our teamwork spirit brought us to success, emerged as the first place of the first task given.

After the event ended *heaved a sigh* we are assigned to complete our task before 27th February, we headed over to Sunway Pyramid for our Valentine's lunch. Since Sue San's friend said it's only a 15 minutes walk from the college and also Mun's statement saying it's only a ten minutes walk, those people who thought of taking a cab there have to push those thoughts to the back of their mind when the majority of them insisted to walk there. Pardon me, it was afternoon 2 pm, when the bright Mr. Sun is still wide awake in the sky.

We walked there, and we took like 30 minutes. (Yea, thirty, sam sap, tiga puluh, san shi) to complete that never-ending-like journey and we even laughed out really loud at the street at certain lame jokes we made. The security guard and by passer gave the look as if we just ran out from some sort of mental clinic when Omar kept shouting Anjing, Kucing, and his what-so-ever-ing at us - he's just acting lame. We behaved like jakuns though and this is the most superb thing when everyone actually sweat together,walking together, heading to the same direction for one same aim together. d:
(Oh shutup, I might had slightly exaggerated on that part, but its not really that pleasant to walk under the hot sun. "We should have bring an umbrella", said Sue San)

Peektures time :DRed . Blue . Black

Sunway College

from left : Vincent, Wei Ann, Kar Yee, Sue San, undefined, Win Yee
(Sorry undefined, I didnt get to know your name :S)

At the end of day, we are supplied with water for our dehydrated body.

Miss Wong, the facilitator of the day.

On our way to the Mall

Sunway Medical Centre.

these budak sesats.
(Check out Omar's expression)

Finally we are few steps nearer.
Not so few maybe

Nearer :D

Tada, about there.

We reached! after 30 minutes walk
(I think we had shorter legs compared to SueSan's friend and Mun)

Sunway Pyramid's mascot on Valentine Day

that's the angels following the mascot :D

Lunch in Wendy's
(Chicken grilled garden salad)

Love is in the air

and more loves!

Tada, that's my Valentine this year.
What about yours? Share your stories with me kay?
Intervensi Paper next week! DAMN

I need to get some rest

tuning in : Only Hope - Mandy Moore
mood : exhausted and fatique

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