Friday, February 13

Single Awareness Day

(Credits to Matt for the title. For the reasons, read through this post :D)

Tomorrow is a V-Day!
It's February 14 once again, and there will be tonnes of rumours spreading from one to another tomorrow - Which girl collects the most flowers? Which guy received the most chocolates? And the list goes on and on. Valentine Day is supposed to be sweet for couples and pretty saddening day for singles (good example here : ME) to celebrate. Was it really that sad for singles?

*rolled eyes*
You can keep those thoughts for yourself.
AHAKS, several days ago I might have such thoughts in mind till I found out that my gans will be on group-date with me on that day. We are going to have lunch together tomorrow after the Sunway competition. Feeling contented at least I won't have to celebrate it alone, this year. Maybe the peeps celebrating with me tomorrow might be totally different with those that celebrated with me few years back, I hope this would be quite a good start to kick out those devastated feelings within me. Lol, apart from celebrating Valentine Day for those couples, it would also be the S.A.D Day for singles out there.

Single. Awareness. Day
(credits to Matt)

Think of the bright side, (way to make myself feels better though :D) I don't have to crack my tiny little feeble brain of the perfect gift for my partner and burning a hole on my wallet to get something that he will never even treasure, maybe he will? On that particular day only. Booohooo. Maybe I will, till I meet my Mr. Right *winks and crossed fingers*

Besides that, I'm actually imagining the atmosphere in school tomorrow and the scenario in class. Especially it's a Saturday class tomorrow on Valentine Day. Flowers' petals everywhere and people all walking in pairs and giving each other smootchies and the scent of roses filled the air in the assembly ground. How sweet? But it's just my peas worth of imagination because this will never happen in my school.


Because a couple of days ago, Mr. Herman - our beloved-cool-discipline teacher just gave a lecture on the 'couple issue' spreading in school like SARS virus. Nah, I'm just kidding but well nowadays, wherever I walk to each and every corner in school, there will always never fail to pop the 'couple alert!!' signal and they occupied the whole corridor like nobody's business as if their great grandma owned that corridor. (Nah, don't feel bad if you coupled and you're schooling in my school. Teeeheee, don't make me stare hard at you if I'm rushing and you both sweet couple are taking your sweet evening walk, kay? )

(I have to cut down on vulgarities and my evil intentions!)

Oh fine, and he even mentioned that he received reports from the teachers saying that they saw those couples touching and behaving lovey-dovey in class. Touching might be slightly extreme but just don't go beyond your limits. d:

Why do I said so?

Because I simply knew how it felt like when you're blamed for something that is irrelevant to the rules you broke and you're just sentenced for your punishment for something you did not commit and you could not do anything to defend yourself but to accept that punishment unwillingly.

The frequent lines the disciplinary teacher would use :

Do your parents know about your relationship with Mr.Blah in school? Is both of parents working? I shall let your dad and mom know about how well have you been doing in school.

Most of the time they would threaten us by doing that. And ended up in a sticky situation. Let's see, if the student is worry of the teacher's threaten to let her parents concerning the relationship issues in school, she will neglect her studies, and this could lead to the sudden drop off in her results and affecting her bright future, if she happened to be a really smart student.
See how well those punishments and lectures actually affect one's future.

I just received a message from an anonymous number saying ;

Youth Leadership Challenge 09 will begin at 8am! Late comers will be disqualified! See you!
Sunway University College

At first thought, I was thinking whether was it some of my close friends that are participating sent this to me, but well, after some confirmation, I noticed all my friend received it. I started thinking how did they get my number, did I filled in my number when I handed in my name?

Anyway, they are really to nice to send us a reminder though. Ahaha.
Oh yea, since tomorrow is the 14th February, last Monday was Chinese Valentine, I supposed, it's Chap Goh Mei :D
and many Chinese will drop by at the river to toss those mandarin oranges, the Chinese culture - saying this could bring better love life and even maybe meeting the Mr. Right or Miss Right the very next minute!

Writing down your contact number and name on the mandarin oranges and toss them into the river hoping that the guys will eventually pick one of those oranges and ring a call to you and thats how the whole love story develops. Maybe some other day, KL peeps will start tossing bananas, with contact number and name hoping the young single ladies will pick and drop them a message. *laughs*

However, my Chinese Valentine turned out to be a busy day especially if you would have to attend tuitions from the start of the day till the end of night. But yet, my dad made a visit to a nearby mall with these cartoon-like-figure strolling in the mall, he snapped a picture of him and sent it to me.

Did I mention this red lipstick man stole Mickey Mouse's gloves?

the crowd

Matt wants this :S

Yah, not to forget about the act we had in Khye Chwin's house. LOL, it was quite funny when we tried to work things out together especially with some catchy background music, Kar Yee managed to find and of course, promoting my blog in her house. *cheeky smile*

ahahahaha, we managed to complete it fast, in about 2 hours time, and I left my phone in her house when I was rushing to tuition. It was quite a trying period without a phone. But just have to push those thought to the back of my mind while concentrating in Biology tuition. YAY!
I let out heaved sighs of relief when Khye Chwin reached tuition centre and passed my sweetheart right back onto my palm. *grins*

this is Karyee, so say Hi!

Ayyoo Kalavenai (I learnt this from Kumitha)
My Nuffnang statistics dropped hell loads :(

Visit more often kay?
*evil laughs*

I left out something.
I hit the jackpot today in school. There's this brainless dude, carrying his eyes in his eyes' sockets but not using them well, but walking in front but his head looking behind carrying a hot bowl of prawn noodle banged onto me this morning during recess in the canteen. I was clueless the moment he knocked me till I sensed the burning sensation under my clothes and I smelled like a curry chicken, I realised I'm soaking wet in CURRY!
part of my white blouse was stained really bad and my pinafore stained the worst at the back of my bum because Shuky said it appeared that I just shitted in my pinafore. Whaddehell?!
And Shermaine scolded the guy for not careful - Yes! It's an accident. Geeee, thanks babe. d:
Those people that walked past, gave me a stare, thinking this insane girl must have showered with prawn soup. From far, they could smell the whiff wherever I walked to.

Not only this, I even had trouble with the bus driver because of some issues.
I should have take drastic measures in handling those issues with those people.


Alright, I will stop for now and my regards to all readers.
Please spread and show the love :D

Days grow longer and as the time goes by, things are taking their change.
May love remain no matter how the weather change.
May love remain no matter how tough the life may be.
May love remain no matter how cruel the reality is.
May you have a happy yet pleasant Valentine with your loved ones!

tuning in : Love Story - Taylor Swift
mood : in a state of devastation.

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