Saturday, February 21

I yearn for you ♥

Hi peeps!

Finally JieYing went online yesterday night & I managed to kidnap the pictures from her, those taken yesterday during our gardening at the very deserted piece of land behind the block M.

Our school had just came up with two brand new buildings, located behind the basketball court somewhere opposite of Block B. & I have no idea how did they came up with the alphabet M instead of G or H or some other better alphabets. I've come across with Ai Teng's blog and she claimed that M might stands of Malicious M. LMAO

Harmful building, beware!

Oh anyhow, to keep this short, I had this severe swollen eyelids on my right eye, due to the brainless blind ant that entered my eyes the nights before & a mild redness on my left eyes, credits goes to Fong, for slamming his beloved ball, to my face and hit right on my left eyes & nose. Whadturf!
I was in daze what's happening till I found the pain in my eye & nose bridge, WHADDEHELL!
The impact of the football slamming to my face was pretty unpredicted because he was playing with the football beside my seat, and it just flew right to my face from no where! Basically, I had a really bad condition on my face these days, & I don't feel likely to see anyone out there, or even meeting up with my tuition mates.

Alright, peektures time on the gardening session.
Credit goes to JieYing and her Sonyphone Camera)

Michelle, the poser & Kamwhye, the blurr kid

How pathetic! Using a mini spade .__.

& they plucked the grass with their bare hands

gardening is dirty ~.~

Girls' power!

Min Li is so proud of the soil she cangkul-ed.

I'm fetching water all the time :D
(Michelle's pail cacat giler!)

This was sent by YokeJong!
Forgot what sort of lame joke he made when he explained to me about the drawing.

& Mun Loong said "Hi people!"

gotta finish up with the class decorations

tuning in : Vulnerable - Vanessa Hudgens
current mood : pieces of fat

When I think about you and me
I get a litlle weak in the knees
I feel the flutter of a butterfly
Sometimes I can hardly breathe

4 said something! :

  1. Woohoo! Block M!! Again!!

    By the way, that looked like fun.

  2. Yea, block M ~.~ ahahahahaha..

    We did have fun, I supposed but it was under the hot sun. That spoils the fun )=

  3. The sun is good for you! :)

    Not only that, it makes the smell of manure even more 'fragrant'. ;)

  4. YEEWWWWWWWWW... I think most probably because you'd graduated from high school, feeling lonely and empty without us & you started to sound gross & disgusting. Beck Beck! ahahahaha but we have not start planting yet fyi :S LOL
