Sunday, February 22

bread vs eggs

Alright, this would be quite a short post, had a really dreadful lunch this afternoon.
My day was started off with a very relaxing History tuition, and a wonderful breakfast with my beautiful loved ones, had some mee suah for breakfast. & getting papayas for dessert.
This is lame, let's just skip to the next portion.

Yea, we went home after that & it was quite a unoccupied day since I have no where to go. This stray cat girl (ME) went into her room and occupied her time with some Chick and Dick video. Kaykay is hell funneh and Paul is horny! MUAHAHAHAHA

For more videos, kindly refer to XiaXue's blog. d:

Apart from that, lemme get you straight (maybe not too straight yet) to the point. Alright, I took my lunch pretty late today since I have a big time laughing at KayKay and Paul's hilarious conversations, I didn't plan to get anything heavy for lunch, & decided to have eggs and bread for lunch. Mom went out and get a loaf of Gardenia bread for me, & I'm supposed to show off my cooking skill by getting those eggs half-boiled. Okay, I managed to get the eggs into the steamy bath without breaking their delicate skin shells. Break the eggs would be quite a tricky task but the mighty Shu did a great job on that by getting this three lovely half-boiled eggs into her round purple bowl.

Hunger pangs and the temptations of those warm friendly eggs awaiting you to slurp them down into your stomach simply got me away & forgot the seasoning for my eggs. (sorry, exaggerated) I left the bowl of eggs next to the standing mightily loaf of bread on the dining table for getting the sauce and pepper. Was about to reach the dining table, the loaf of bread just fell right onto my bowl of eggs and spilled everything on the floor right in front of my eyes.
Poof, my mom said "Your bread spilled your eggs."


I haven't even get to taste the eggs yet :( but I'm just too lazy to cook it over again as I have to tidy up the mess, credits to BREAD. Yet, the sight of tidying the mess was really gross and spoilt my appetite for lunch, so I'm ended up having bread with Nutella spread. It's still good though but simply hate Gardenia now.

I'll have you next time, High Five :)

Told you, I'll keep this short.
Now time for a jog at the park.


tuning in : Never Think
mood : depressed over ovulation eggs

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