Sunday, March 1

a fortuitious try

I'd been repeating this for so many times, and I lacking of what to write and post, let's see. Lemme complete this :)

Tagged by Kenke and Joee

Directions: Once you've been tagged, you've to write a blog or a note on Facebook with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 10 people to tag, listing their names & why you choose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment ("you're it") and to read your blog. You can't tag the person that tagged you. Since you can't tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog/note, so I can see your weirdness. (:

1. I am eager to go Redang! WOOTS (I'll snap peektures for you, Matt. & turtle egg too (; )

2. In love with my family and friends.

3. Having super uber duper hectic school life recently!

4. Feeling fat. *oh turf!

5. Wanna go out with my babes again, so badly! :(

6. Little time till now I realized I spent too much of tears and time on you. =/

7. Looking back to the past & still stuffing myself in that same pit.

8. Never happen to understand the god-knows-who-created the law of physics and those complicated drained-brain-juice-add-maths-questions.

9. The girl you'll never expect that she just wanna have indefinite fun!

10. Ish, wanna beat all the classes in the singing competition for next Malay's week choir competition.

11. I felt like laziness had just engulfed me. Damnit!

12. Never know what's the reason behind all the facts I'd listed down but it sounds amusing. AHAHA

13. There's still 3 more facts to go & currently cracking my brain for the last three.

14. In loving memory of Shaooi, my dead fish that passed away for the past 4 years :(

15. Wondering where would I be in another 10 years. *chuckles

16. Heading to the night market in Kepong with my chicks tonight. Ka-Ching!

I'd like to tag ;

Ai Mei
She appeared to be the first one that come into my mind when I check out the link list.

She's a singaporean! LOL

Chee Seng
Because I didn't talk to him much lately :(

Chia Hui
Because I stalked on her yesterday in school. She's buying bubble tea! teeheeeee

Dj Sam
NGEK because he didn't go Redang (I couldn't think of any other appropriate reasons)

I missed her loads :)

The future A grade pianist and violinist

May Yan
The future accountant :D

Mun Kuen
The cheerleader :b

cute little angel

The headache is keeling me deep inside.
Nap time!
Meet me if you want in Kepong's night market. Spot me in green tiny crocs.

tuning in : Would you be there
current mood : turfing headache is disaster!

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