Sunday, April 12

Love me, love my dog

I felt so bad for abandoning my blog for such a long period. I'm sorry kay?

Oh well, nothing much I would talk about this entire week because life is going so slow and boring these days! Study, eat, sleep - Basically, the typical routine of a student-wannabe-adult. What else could I ask for?

Sheeesh, exclude the part I'm feeling fat though, still thinking of whether what should I be aiming at & the role of being the eldest child in the family. Nevertheless, parents never failed to criticize in whatever hell you're doing.

"Tidy up your bedroom and fold your blanket, Shu Ting!"

"Can't you see your sister is busy now? Pick up the call!"

"Why are you sitting in front of the computer? How many days more till SPM?

*slaps head with a big fat pillow*

This is my life, can't escaped from part of this soap opera. Although this never-ending-lectures are pretty annoying in times, I can still sense the love in every speech they delivered.

Hearts you Mommy :)

Oh, a slight update I remembered. Yesterday was a schooling day. Plus, it's a Saturday. I expected that many students in class will not be attending school however, I'm wrong. In fact, quite a number of students turned up and had the longest assembly in this entire whole week. Took up the first three periods and skipped Rahimi's class.

Weeeee, the main attraction was the Finals of the School King and Queen I guess. Something spectacular compared to the typical boring fashion show held every year. It was pretty entertaining afterall, with different peculiar costumes, coming up with weird quotes & funneh answers. The finalist were all the Fifth Formers - Hao Yan from our class got into the top 5 finalists for girl category :) Proud of her, she wore a Spanish costume that day, graciously. The finalists are all dressed in various forms - Egyptian, Mexican Cowboy, Spanish, China Scholar. Traditional Japanese, and the Red Fruitella. (Sorry, I'd forgotten what's your costume. I remember bright red with fruits. )

Peektures update :

The contestants for the School King and Queen

Skinny Afiq and Rebel Omar

Had lunch with Ernest on Monday before tuition
Check out the size of his meal.

Salad. Don't judge because it looks awful.

Without tomatoes.

Random xD

Vain Michelle and Lick-ey Kahyee?

Till here then people. I want to say more.
Save it for the next post

I hate this feeling.

tuning in : Just Dance

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