Sunday, April 12

You're everything I need and more

Ish, feeling so random, I decided to talk again. Still in hesitation whether to attend this Saturday's event not?

Anyone willing to be my date?

Anyway, I'm feeling paranoid about my weights and body lately. It's time to shed off some weights and work more, eat less.

I would just like to share my very own opinion in eating habits. Well, it said that one should consume smaller proportions but frequent intake of meals. To me, in my point of view, its true. Consuming larger proportion of meal for breakfast could eventually supply you energy for the rest of your day, and of course get some light refreshments in between your breaks. Getting sufficient of food in the early morning could also put you into a brighter morning. Not only boosting metabolism

Apart from that, chew your food before you swallow them. The action of chewing mechanically breaks down very large aggregates of food molecules into smaller particles. This results in the food having increased surface area, an important contributing factor to good digestion. According to university studies, chewing stimulates your endocrine system, keeping your hormones in balance for a younger, happier looking you. In particular, the parotid glands just under your cheekbones release a cell-rejuvenating substance. I'm sure they would bottle it if they could, but they can't. So chew for youth instead.

& what's the use of beauty without the brains? The more you chew, the more oxygen is sent to the brain. So take your time and give your meal a thorough munching if you want to score well in those exams.

Conclusion :
Eat with your heart, not for the time :)

I came across with this, wondering how true is this?

Circumcision 'reduces HIV risk'

Circumcision can reduce the rate of HIV infections among heterosexual men by around 60%, a study suggests.

The South African study, reported in Public Library of Science Medicine, found it had a protective effect for some of the 3,280 young men involved.

Circumcision is thought to help protect against HIV because cells under the foreskin are vulnerable to the virus.

UK experts warned some circumcised men in the study still became infected and condoms offered the best protection.

HIV infection rates are lower among groups in Africa who practise circumcision, but it was not known if this was due to cultural differences.

When the foreskin is removed, the skin on the head of the penis becomes less sensitive and so less likely to bleed, thereby reducing the risk of infection.

Studies in Uganda and in Kenya are also investigating the link.

It's Monday tomorrow.
Hello Monday?

i love you Pictures, Images and Photos

tuning in : Halo by Beyonce

2 said something! :

  1. I think you look fine, theres a perfect weight, waistline, height, etc... for everyone. You just gotta feel it! Cheers.

  2. awww, thanks beck beck :) Missed those days we had in maple. The tease, I meant. xD
