Friday, May 22

Have you seen such a long & big banana?

Hello ;

Oops, looking weird there. Its okay, am just trying different angles, people.
Anyway, I felt so bad for abandoning my mom's demands and engulfed in guilt for the whole night. Gotta bear with that till I can finally express my thoughts to my dad, when he returns from his match tonight. Updates.


Went to tuition which I supposed to be there half an hour early to meet someone but he left without a word. Met Ernest & Wilson downstairs in the sundry shop. Headed sundry shop twice, due to shermae's demand. Purchased her Rocky and Kar Weng's chewing gum. (I'm so nice wtf) Passed the chewinggum to Kar Weng and somehow, suddenly he returned me the whole packet.

Him : Damn smart larh you! See the packaging. *hand over the packet*
Me : What larh? You said any sweets will do, so I got you this. Request so much.
*take the candy and check the expiry date*
Me : OMFG !@##$% *whispered to Elaine* expired already, how? Karweng ate sudah!
Andrew : Manufactured date is it?
Him : Check what date is that again?
Me : Expiry date *giving that oh-so-silly-look-again*

He spat the gum out and passed the candy to shermae. Am going to bring it to school on Monday for trick and treats. Fucking nice of the uncle to con my munneh. Shouldnt've display at the rack in your frigging shop if your goods are already overdue. Crap larh, waste my munneh but at least, got Karweng in his mouth. Chewing overdue gums?

Moral Value : Do not take stuffs from unknown/familiar/silly people.

The gums are supposed to be in white, it turns yellowish. Eww

3rd Feb 09 : Expired 3 months already!

Went to missysa's house after tuition. Carpooled her mom's car with sherMae and then waited for my dad to pick me up. On the way back, he bought me more bananas. It's pretty shy to admit this, but I'm having this humongous craving on bananas recently. Fuck it? Yes, the taste of it disgusts me, somehow till the extent I hate having them everyday due to the poor bowel movements, mom forced me to consume two bananas every single day. & miracle-ly leads to addiction of bananas. Weird right? Dad bought me insanely-long-thick banana in the evening from the night market. He added, "These are fake bananas."

Where's the original ones then? LOL.

Have you seen such a huge, long, thickhairy banana?


Another paper down, one more paper to go, two more days. Am feeling so giddy this morning, god-knows-what-happened-to-thclimate was really drastic in the afternoon and the temperature in class. Chemistry paper today was just so-so. It wasn't that hard as I expected & not as easy as I wanted it to be. Blah, I guess I'm gonna flunk this paper, especially the paper 3, was totally unprepared for that. Yesterday ahMoiku called before bed & planned to stay back for lunch with her and Elaine today, asked if missysa wanna come along. Ended up, only ahMoiku and I went over to Mcdonald for study session. Took the bus and talked to Weng Wah for the very first time, and ahMoiku elaborated at her terms of 'Ladies First'. Met heaps of people over there though, in both casual clothes and school attires. Went into the outlet, bumped into Yoke Jong, Zi Kang and also the girl I met in Kepong's IR. It'd been quite a long queue, were planning to make a sketch for the Mcd nuffnang competition, but were in school attire. Lazy to think of it since it was like so random, out of the blue stormed into our minds, and barely have anything in mind while hunger pangs were calling. Poof, met Khai Weng, Jo Yee and Jun Kit. Good gracious, it's like a KB gathering in that fast food outlet.


vain vain vain
(bear with that, destressing after exam)

ahMoiku : Your eyes so scary staring at the camera larh!

& I gave her this priceless expression ;)

Geee, I this picture!

Moving on, went over to Guardian to restock on hand sanitizers. & went back to Mcd to get ahMoiku's sundae. Am going out for the practice now, bye!


5 said something! :

  1. ohh wait darling!
    wilson tuition di cekap? O.O

  2. err.. it's different Wilson, Lao Jo. This guy is from SMK Sinar Bintang, 17. (;

  3. Ghaaaa! Damn cute lar u Shuuuu!

  4. Awhh, I miss this. Macca's in school uniforms! Can't believe it's already been THREE years since I left high school. Le sigh. Time sure goes by in a blink.
