Saturday, May 9

I wanna feel your touch, this ain't little crush.


Good afternoon people. Let's just skip those unnecessary details &head straight to updates.

It'd been quite a time since my last update & I have nothing specific in my mind to talk & blog about. Anyhow, have not been really studying these days due to the these&that factors. Roaming around in school; thinking a loads too these days.

Happy Macho tujuh-belas, Junleang!
(Sorry to put such a poser pic of you. Next time, I candid! [: )

Was a pretty nice day except for the part, got somehow teased by a friend for some inappropriate reasons & burst my mind off for the whole day. Been having mood swings for the rest of my day because of THAT ARSE. Hell rude & bossy, keep some respect for yourself puh-lease lady. Geee, wasn't really in a perfect mood to talk on that morning, turned out that I burst off laughing a loads in tuition & got scolded by Sundram for talking too much. LMAO, can't helped laughing when ChuiXing trying to imitate Fara so badly & it turned out to be so wrong. Physics class was sort of a dull one that night as I just took some pills & feeling really drowsy throughout the class. Counting down the time ever since I stepped into the class, wished upon a big tree that Nicholas's house will experience blackout for 1hour 45minutes & BOOYAH!
Physics class will be canceled unless he wanna teaches in the dark, under a romantic mood.

School was just kinda a typical routine; assembly, class, recess, home. Was sort of different because have to attend tuition in Cekap. In other words, Biology tuition & I'd been seeing Sundram for two consecutive days in a week. At least, I felt so much better because Kahwai experienced three consecutive days, I doubt if he even remembers him, he's so quiet in class .__.
However, I'm so glad that he gave his first try - We took bus together from school to Cekap. He said it was his first time in the past 17 years, he has not use a public transport before except for KTM & Monarail. Was laughing my arse off in the bus because he didn't know how to ring the bell. Had lunch at the mamak store nearby the petrol station. I sweared I will never ever go back to that frigging store. Ordered maggi goreng but it turned out to fucking salty with those thick curry powder taste & the frigging drink was damn sweet. Did he just added extra tablespoon of sweetened milk into my drink? Kahwai claimed his drink was quite tasteless. LMAO

Guess what happened next? Went back for class & I experienced something which I don't wanna experience again. Sheesh, my stomach ached so badly as if some sort of worms are feeding on the food I'd just ate & having fun with my faeces. Bad description? In one word, diarrhea. Fuck it, I'd just recovered for the past few days & experienced it all over again because of these inconsiderate men that DIDN'T bother to maintain the hygiene in his food store.

Finally, Friday arrived. Skipped school today, unable to get up from my bed. Felt very strange that morning & nauseous. Sister went to school, was alone at home in the morning. Wandering around till I found a little note on the desk ;

We have gone out for breakfast. Get prepared before we're back. Shall bring you to the doctor when it's about 2.

Parents ditched me for their breakfast, didn't even bother to wake me up. Feeling ever so crappy, got my butts off from the bed & got myself a cup of milk to rejuvenate myself. Nothing much I could do at home, read newspaper & saw some really pathetic news. What the fuck is wrong with the people nowadays? Are they that sick & got out of their mind? Father jailed 45 years for Raping Daughter. That's just so sick larh wye.

Its like; you contributed your sperm to the mom. When your sperm undergoes fertilization, mitosis & meiosis. When all the cells are fully developed, the baby are ready to be delivered to the world. As the baby gets older, she grows mentally & physically, on the genes & genetic information based on the sperm cell you contributed to the mother's ovum. In conclusion, those beasts are just raping their cells.

OMFG, get your fucking butt to the washroom & masturbate your balls drop to satisfy your sexual needs. Why wanna destroy your daughter's future & give them some sort of scary nightmares with your dirty cock? They will experience fears & horror because of you, filthy brainless beast!

Well, in that situation, I think the father deserves something more than 45 years of jail. In my two-peas worth of opinion, the father should have experience the pain he caused to the daughter. Let's see, three alternate days of public caning in a month, in front the media for the rest of his years served in jail. This could eventually warned the public & raise the awareness among the citizens of the consequences of the brutal act.

P.S : Sorry, I certainly have no respect for these kind of people. Pardon me for my language.

Woke up pretty early today, mom said we're heading to temple early because sister will be following us along. Her tuition teacher canceled her class without an early notification. Went to Old Klang Road about ten & had breakfast there. Not much pictures though because dad was bit grumpy over the issue I hanged on the phone till late hours last night. Caught red-handed & got some lectures in the car when he was driving. What the hell is wrong with that?

Sheeesh, I guess that typical line of the dad. "You should sleep early, wake up early in order to maintain a good health & body."

DAMN, have been listening to this line ever since I was born, probably not. Maybe 3 years old? Which baby understands what are you saying when they are just some totally blank in mind homosapien, have not stepping into the nursery learning ABC? Weird thing is they do. In fact, they know how to interpret the words you told them. Funny?


Sometimes I don't call like I don't care at all,
But secretly, you're the only thing that lifts me up

tuning in : Suddenly - Ina

2 said something! :

  1. You need a cup of tea! :D

    Not worth letting little things get us down. No matter how 'big' a matter it feels like.

  2. I would prefer an ice cream to cool down the temperature. It's on a rise! GAH..
