Wednesday, May 13

Momma's Day


Wesak's Day and Mothers' Day peektures posted.

Sorry for the stagnant days. Was somehow allowed no access to the internet with the dead notebook. Bear with the temperature these days.

Not this Deathnote

but this


Happy Momma's Day peeps. A belated post this time, was tucked to bed that night after I reached home, couldn't afford to go against her will & lighted up a match on my own butt. Or else, she'll be running after me with a cane, although it's her big day. My mom has always been a strict lady, never once she'll fail to make us listen to her. Probably when she screams then. LOL.
Anyhow, went out to have dinner with granny because she said, no one is fetching her out for dinner. So my dad reached home early & headed to Taman Petaling for meal. Good gracious! Dad ordered satays & the meat is not fully cooked. Crap, gotta wait the freaking dishes to arrive for an hour & basically everyone on the table kept quiet except for mom & granny. Blurting out every single details as if they did not meet each other for years although they hang on the phone every night.

(Pictures is uploaded)

Went Thean Hou temple on Wesak's Day night.

& they believe this.

I swear that the hall is frigging cold although with loads of fire and heat.


I found this in the temple & it looks so freaking real,
except that it made of rubber and in China.

A rubber crocodile

So considerate of them to provide recycle bins.

*close eyes while looking away from the screen*

Boar, in better familiar name ; pig.

It said that this man in beard improvise relationships and the list goes on and on.

Momma's Day

The delicious-looking-but-taste-like-crap-satayy

Durian cake.

Granny, GOTCHA!




Hmm, the flow of my days were pretty skeptical lately. Was wondering what the heck am I doing when I was actually trying to finish up the 10009273th maths question. Malay paper is pretty easy except for the part, I put the wrong word for the wrong definition. Gonecase for that particular sentence, 2 marks flew off. Hang out with Mic & Pammy during recess. Laughing session was all taking place instead of reading for the next paper. We were like nerds in the foyer. Spot us next time!

Someone has a new nickname. Bunneh, love it right?


It'll never gets boring when it deals with English. That's like the ever-so-interesting-paper among all the subjects the Government offered us. Ish, basically I guess it's time for an improvement in this universal language. They changed the syllabus of science subjects in order to allow the students to cope up with English language better & easier understanding compared to Bahasa Malaysia. Honestly, if the Government were to convert Science & Mathematics into Bahasa Malaysia again, I'll die in front of your eyes. I meant, we are so used to learning Scientific names and Mathematics theory in English, don't mess with our future please.

Rushed add maths assignment as teacher said we have to hand in our papers next Monday. She'll be deducting marks for those who fails to do so. Crap, doubt if I could eventually finish up the assignment by time if I have not started.

I need to go.
Add maths paper is tomorrow.
Wish me luck, love!
I'll update whenever I stand a chance to access my site again.

Oh yea, Sher privated her blog. I'm here if you need me kay?

Bitter and sweet are both in life's menu.


Tuning in : -

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