Monday, June 1

Official tujuh-belas!

Good day people.

Certainly not feeling good these days especially its hitting the mid semester break. Couldve get myself indulge in studies these holidays instead of getting out from my house, lepak-ing with girlfriends despite boredom eventually engulfed whenever regarding history.


Skipped school today due to the teacher's day celebration. Ponteng-ed secara besar-besaran with my mates in class, as usual. The typical routine of class 5S when there's some sort unnecessary event taking place in school. Woke up in the afternoon because slept really late the night before. And babbled the whole day with sister in the room, discussing what would happened in another 15 years time. Workaholic or housewife? Headed to Chemis and AM tuition in the evening and things werent that good. Felt nausea after my dinner and did not bothered to pay full attention in AM class.

29/05/09 & 30/05/09

I guessed this is one of the longest assembly ever take place in this month. Was rooted to the ground, plus frigging alarmed temperature, listening to those needless speeches. We turned a deaf ear standing at the very end of the row, talking away with ahmoiku. Though it wasnt really a good day after, bet my noon make up to that. Had lunch with shermae outside of the school. I guess it's my second time going out with her for lunch. Met Ze Jun and his friend there too. Walked back to school carrying the food I take away for Elaine eniale and ahmoiku. In the middle of hasting bact k to school, bumped into Hon Boon, Kah Wai and Keevin & expected them to walk faster compared to us, gave them the noodles to be passed it to ahmoiku, waiting impatiently at the first tree. I bet shes glad tho despite all the time wasted waiting for her food. *cough cough*

Hang out in the playground with shermae and had deeper conversation. She's always so emotional. Blah, wanna ciao when I spotted this mid-aged looking man, staring at us from far under a tree, looking suspiciously with his perverted glaring eyes. Mr. Sun was in full mode that day and perspired badly in that afternoon. Shermae said, "You always sweat!"
Walked her to the mango tree and see her getting into the cab. There she went, left me for a cab. Drag myself back to school pitifully and met Liz dearie there. She was waiting for her friends to go MilWheel again. When I said again, it simply means they visit that place pretty often. Gossiped a little while till my transport arrives, & in that half an hour time, realized I cursed a loads. wtf

Peektures grabbed from shermae's blog.

wtf. yea thats me.

Yi Wei's ball bun.
Seriously, grab it & feel soft. Smell it & taste bun.
crap, am just so jobless.
Anyway, it's a rubber bun!

Night was kinda boring, my very last few hours of sweet sixteen. Should have sneaked out of house, get to someone else's place & partay the very last less than 60 minutes. Clock striked 12 and received a numbered of messages and calls from mates.

Mun Loong
Jie Jiun
Jun Jie
Ting Hong
Lao Jo aka Joee
Tze Han
Liz dearie
Ai Teng
Hon Boon
Khye Chwin
Kar Yee
Elaine eniale
Mr. Lee
Wee Liam
Wei Kang
Kah Wai
Kee Vin
Hui Yee
Ai Mei
Heng Wei
Wei Ann
Jen Ming
Kien Lam
Seng Keong
Jia Jun
Momo aka Kim Hung
Hsin Yung at the very last 3 minutes thou.

Hung on the phone for hours before bed, talking to ahmoiku, how well did I spent my first 30 minutes of seventeen dedicated hanging on the phone with her. Talked the whole night till I finally called it a day and KO-ed about three.

Morning was a drastic one. Neither anyone particularly my parents greeted nor wished me in the morning till I spilled the word, I need my seventeen candles. Practically, they were busy the whole day. Had lunch with sister in the mamak & hung on the phone with Elaine eniale before she sets to tuition. Ranted to ahmoiku how bad was my first day of seventeen and could have never expect the least-expected-ones to make an effort to call, wishing a delightful seventeen birthday.

Thanks everyone for making my day a memorable one despite the party and fun factors.
Those that sent your wishes via messages, email, phone calls, facebook, friendster and lovely tags in my site.

Thank you people!

Random pictures in these two days.

*cough cough*

*beetch slaps*
my only dose of cheer


Sunday ain't that good neither. Dad was preoccupied with loads of paperworks that day and have to stay home for the rest of my afternoon. Blog hopping as aimless as I could be, & took a nap. Had a really strange dream. How strange could that be? I dreamt that I confessed to this -insertsnamehere- guy and surprisingly he spilled the truth & he used to have a huge crush on me when we were in kindergarten. Strange enough that he'd a girlfriend now in school. *slaps self* It's just a dream in either ways.

After dinner, dad went on a hyper-curious-mode, wanted to locate where the campus is. Headed to Petaling Jaya and went on the search high and low for that building. Dad got lost in that area though he's having the map in his hand. Being really unfamiliar to the routes there, dad passed 5 tolls & gotta come up with the munneh for that. Oddly, dad going rounds at the same spot and finally found the spot after a numbered of dead ends, wrong routes, and 2 hours of search. & finally put a wide grin on his face.

Sorry for the short update.
Im working on something now.
Bet you'll enjoy this.
stay tuned.


I waited for my phone to ring but your name never appears.

3 said something! :

  1. u meant sing yiao ? lolxD

  2. Guess sending you a birthday wish via your chatbox wasn't a reliable way. Heh. So then, belated happy birthday from here I guess.

    Can you do me a favour though? The bun your friend 'Yi Wei' has, the Breadou, I've been looking for it. Mind asking where he/she bought it?

  3. Jjay : What's with Sing Yiao huh?

    Malicious M : Awww thanks michael. Ahaks, I didnt really get to access to my blog these days. Thanks tho for the wishes. Hmm, I just realised it was Faun's breadou actually. I'd heard that her friend gave it to her. Well, but I'd just checked it out from my mate that One Utama's Action City sell them. Check it out!
