Thursday, June 4

I'm awayy for good

Fuck them!
Screw it!
Go to hell, beetches!


Despite everything written above, I'm still feeling so gloomy no matter how I cursed like nobody's business in my own room. Am feeling so useless ranting in my own room to 4 stiff non-talking creatures namely wall.
*crawls back to my own imaginary world*

What's wrong with every single particular people around me these days? Did they just gone nuts or simply hates me for being me?


I will be away for good.
Cheer for that?


*throw confetti everywhere that Shu is finally leaving blogosphere*
*pops champagne celebrating her leaving*


5 said something! :

  1. Ugh no. Need an escape?
    Random larh you Michael. Drink need to runaway isit?

  2. I'll bug you some day in msn if I felt like running away again, kay? *laughs

  3. Hahaha.
    You know I'm almost always on, babe.
