Friday, June 26

Overdue entry

Its been a whole long week. Awesome not? Judge them with your own eyes. Updates!


It was the first day of school and were not expecting much today. It fucking awesome when I got to see each & every true faces hidden behind a thick layer of lies and bogus expressions. This was a priceless experience, nevertheless could not be bothered to give much damn attention in that situation anymore ;)

Monday's biology was ever so interesting again sitting next to Ernest, poking him when he was napping, in class. Mind me, he always does that though he's sitting right in front of Sundram's eyes. Why the heck didn't he notices that? Shooosh, anyhow Physics tuition was just completely fine.


Random memoirs of 5S. (Credits goes to Aryl)

Aryldebater, Cicakman Fiq & Ivan

Hon Boon, Yew Weng, Hao Yan, Kee Vin. Kah Wai


Kumitha, Nisshanti, Sharmela, Sherlina

Cicakman Fiq, Jegan mamat, SinghisKing, Vincentfatso.

How things work when we're serious.
Venue : Choir's official meeting

How dreadful it was when things went chaotic & every single bits of events are trailing down so badly as if its close to the end of the world? Exaggerated? Perhaps - till you found out what have your parent done behind your back and start messing around with your schoolmates.

Konged at one after hung on the phone with ahmoiku.

When is the right time?

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