Friday, June 26

Sunset or Sunrise?

Missing in action for about half month & the serial of events failed to be placed into their right positions. Disappointed how things worked out between us after all the trust I gain in you, & every dirty secrets you spilled to me. No, I'm not dedicating any of my entries to any shyts anymore because I couldn't be bothered about every words you wanna bitched, behind my back. I'm gonna hold on to the long entries on partys, school happenings and those upsetting news. I'd been giving in too much emotions in this site that I decided not to anymore & afterall, who appreciates for what I'd given in?

In quote of that, I'll be on hiatus for a period, in preparation for my four-months-till-examination & in conjunction, considering closing this site. I'll leave the tagboard here & spammers are allowed to spam whatever fuck you want, but clearly your spams would not be taken into any form of consideration.

I don't wanna say more,

0 said something!:

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