Friday, June 12

sick matters

Hello people once again.

I'd just lost my senses to blog.
Oh right, let's head to updates!



Basically it was a terrible day. Loaded with classes, paperworks and mom nagged me in the morning. Things were fine in the beginning, when headed to meet elaine eniale and slowly things got dreaded when I thought I lost my cell phone in the bus. What the shell? Freaked out and alarmed of this, I searched my file and pockets. Damn! & when I about to reach the bus stop, I noticed that blinking object at the far corner of my seat, picked it up & ran down from the bus. Just happened that when I aboard the bus, the cell must have slipped out off my pocket. Phew, thank God it's still with me now.

Met up with Elaine eniale & she's 25 minutes late. Had lunch with her in Mcdonalds again & babbled the whole afternoon till it's time for tuition. I was looking forward into my interesting Biology class that day but the lessons failed to attract me. Sigh, I didnt know creating me was that complicated. It's not only the fusion of sperm and ovum but involving many others body cells. I couldn't elaborate further because I wasnt paying much attention in class that day, I need to do my revision. Class ended early surprisingly, very seldom he would allow us to go home before the time, and so I was waiting downstairs with Elaine eniale, Ernest and Wilson. Staring and giggled hard about Missysa reversing her car. Her very first time driving to Cekap tuition without her parent, I supposed and it turned out to be a laughing stock. Seriously, if you were there at that point of time, you can't help laughing looking at her driving expression.

Physics class was just fine. Shocking news that I don't find Physics that hard anymore compared to Additional Mathematics but am catching up! Feeling so great that Im finally studying despite everything that happened in the beginning of this year. Didnt expect that things will turn to be good though, afterall... It's time for a change. Alright, parents went for wedding dinner, have no transport home and Elaine eniale generously offered to give a ride to her house. Ahmoiku called at the same time & we had this three-dialled-two-conversation. It lasted about an hour, while I was practically exploring her house beside her. I think we should have a sleepover, ahmoiku! Read this and tell me when & where.

Reached home at 11.30 p.m. and kipped about midnight after the show.


Rotted at home ever since my room is invaded by those bugs. I have these sudden red blotches on my skin and NO, it's not chickenpox. I haven't get them yet, touchwood.

Its flaming red & frigging itchy, when I said it is, you will feel like dipping your feet into the pot of boiling water to stop the itchiness. Exaggerated? Let's see when you're having your beauty sleep and all of a sudden, in the middle of the night. You woke up and feel this tiny unnoticeable creature crawling around your leg, feeding on your skin & still you couldnt see any of them! Scary a not? Plus, you start noticing the red marks getting redder and itchy when you tend to lay your fingernails on them.

The bites look exactly like this, but this is not my feet.

Chilled out in my aunt's house and had some time in the pool with cousins. & then rushed over to Aman Putra to meet up with my mates. Thanks to dad, for always picking me up late & hit there 40 minutes late. Practically, the scene was kinda awkward at first, have not been seeing each other for two years & got used to it after a few minutes of silence.

I miss you heaps, babe. Walking down the memory lane, I still remembered how we hung on the phone in the middle of nights and days, chatting our hearts out and mimic the voices of people we hate. We've yet bound to be the best-est mates of life till you spilled the news, you're gonna leave us for home-schooling. It was a terrible news & you were not there with me anymore through the thick & thin. Missing those moments we shared, the joy & tears we spared over the tiniest issue in high school, our every first moment entering the school was a totally new experience. Laughing away at those stupid yet memorable moments we had in our childhood days, crazed over the hawt dude next door & falling in love. Those stupid and dumb fights we entangled strengthen our friendship & thus, it's getting stronger and still counting, Mel!

We had steamboat at the Restaurant Ho Ho. Practically the food there failed to meet my expectations so badly. The ingredients were just okay, & pricing was still fine, though Mel felt she was cheated. So after that undelightful dinner, walked to the end of the shop lots to find better food. Headed to De Pastry Chef and had a few desserts for the night. I guess the whole scenario happened again. Placed my wallet and cellphone in ahmoiku's handbag but just didnt happened to realise I wasn't holding anything while roaming at the alley earlier on. When they about to settle down and need to go to the loo, I need my wallet and phone. To add into anxiety, I probably have to come up with the munneh first and I can't find my phone in the handbag but the wallet. I know you guys would say, your wallet is still there, what are you afraid of?

What about my cell phone? I even considered running back to the previous restaurant to find back my phone, ignoring the pastries that they'd just ordered. But well, I stormed to the washroom, asked ahmoiku did she saw my cell phone, and she opened her bag, placed her hand into those not-obvious-theres-a-compartment-compartment and took out my cellphone. Pheww, was panting and freaked out what if I really lost the cell phone. There's like tonnes of important pictures, messages and contacts inside it. I'm glad I found you back!
*hugs cell phone and put her gently on the bed, singing her to sleep, MEANS OFF PHONE LARH!*
If four of us were to place together in a room, I'm pretty sure the room will turn into a very noise scene.

The cakes were surprisingly pleasant-tasting but the tea was kinda a turn-off. I'd a great night afterall.

Oreo cheese. (Must try!)

Green Island
(Every green tea's fan would enjoy this. Didnt like it for the red bean paste.)

Chocolate Truffle.

Detox tea

ahmoiku, Mel, elaine eniale

hearts them

Mel and elaine eniale

moi and ahmoiku

Damn, I looked so stoned. Wtf


Thats all for now, practically done nothing at home on Wed, Thurs and today. Rotten at home, lazing on coach, munching on tomatoes and craving for Korean dramas. Gosh, I'm putting on weights. Anyway, I'm proud I've done my 140 peribahasa, and Biology notes.
Bye for now, am not done with Add Maths &Chemistry.

It's another party night tomorrow! See you guys there.

Its different because Im lost now& you are my hero but now you are gone.

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