Monday, June 8

Love it not?

  • This is my very first entry blogging the Twitter style.
  • Changed my bedsheets and every single clothing on my bed because there are these freaking bugs, no idea what the hell are those bugs & bitten my limbs, causing these fugly obvious red blotches on my arm. Fuck you, whatsoeverbeingundermysheets!
  • I have no idea why am I staying up late every night in order to complete that damn book! Anyway, I wanna take back my words. I love you a loads, Twilight thou how much Minniematt bytch about you.
  • Can't wait to meet Mel on Tuesday for dinner. Seriously, it've been years since our last meet up & long heart-to-heart talk. How have you been ? ( If you're just happening to read this, I need to let you know this; I miss you hell much! )
  • Rebecca is coming back from Singapore this week & am going to meet her soon. Flashing back the memory lanes, I remembered the last gathering we had in Desa Park City before she left Malaysia for her Nanyang high school. *stares at Becca*
  • I have so many to list down but everything is compiling in my brain & I didnt know which to go first. See, I knew it! I talked too much during the day & now I was stunned at night, damn!
  • Minniematt drools over Boa's song, beetch much about Twilight & things went different when dealing with a much better Twilight's reader : his ever-so-horneh-song.
  • Ayamchengkenku is staying up late today which I have no idea whats the reason but keeping me accompany is kinda sweet of him though, despite the hilarious part. "Megan Fox is man." He didnt know Megan Fox is a man & he fantasizes her all the time, I meant him. Urgh, yea so sorry to spill the beans & potong-ed all the steams, ayamchengkenku.
  • Browsing through the schedules I'm having this week, its gonna be a busy week again. Meeting Elaine eniale tomorrow for lunch before Bio. Crap, I'm suppose to be there early then to hand her something. I hope I'll be able to make it on time.
  • I need to go bed by now. See you people tomorrow.

P.S : I need feedbacks about this. Do you prefer this writing style?
P/P.S : I need instant remedies for the bug bites. )=

I used all types of glue to stopped it from falling but it couldn't hold up any longer. I'm falling

Before clicking play, kindly bop to the top of the page and pause the music loading at the top left corner of the page. Seriously this is the nicest version I ever heard of River Flows in You.

2 said something! :

  1. megan fox's a lady kan...

  2. Hmm, try googling it. I read some of the news on the net, she's a man. So I'm not sure though about the rumours. But yet, my mates are pretty alarmed to the news!
