Saturday, August 15

You kno I do


Sorry for neglecting my blog really long. Could've just spend some time in front of the computer instead of hooking up with more soap operas. TVB dramas are just too addictive. Nothing much recently, life has always been fuckin' hectic and dull to me, as usual which I could hardly find an amazing description for it.

Saturday was hell boring today, expected though the school would be pretty empty and shorter queues in assembly ground &canteen too! ♥ Fruits and more fruits made my day, while Elaine eniale & ahmoiku are having a dilemma today. They even wondering should they or should they not spilling out the truth that weve been hiding from everyone all this one? Would that make any difference or changes in between them or was that going bring them together with just some words? We certainly hope for the positive changes! :)

Sad thing, we are eventually having a difficult time in class. Shall talk about this some other time, lets' just focus back into one main topic. Oh ya, Ive not mention it yet here, before and certainly not my sense of blogging to write about my family. Anyway, shall this reach your ears &eyes not, I really hope for your forgiveness & pray for every goodness you need& want. I knew you have been really sick of my persuasion in every fetish I longed. Immature brat, called me that & I couldve never bother to admit till the one you fell really ill right before my eyes. Being such a ungrateful child, it has never come across my mind, the only pillar of strength whenever I fucking faced any harm &evil. When I said he did, he really meant it with all his heart, protected his only teenage daughter, struggled to get her piercings done, and nearly got the family involved in an accident in the midday - raining cats and dogs. Vain & demanding traits in the past has never been this obvious in my dictionary, perhaps I aged a little too much nowadays & yet to discover more how obnoxious I was to my own family, and the mighty man. He's all I could depend on, emotionally & physically. I really felt his words, his pain when I babbled those hurtful words to him whenever I flashed back now and then - how that tearful sight turned into another unpleasant memory in his early-fifties.

It was really a month of strange events, bizarre and rather frightening. Before I could stop & think the next plan, I can't help myself from slipping into a pot of problems. There's this fucktard in school messing with me, and my fuckin' marks are decreasing rapidly. This dude, I shall not say he has no sense of responsibility because I felt he certainly is doing his job, but to no avail, he should have bloody trying to achieve his quota by just randomly picking on people - smaller size than him & fucking copied their names down. Do you have some bloody sense of logical where you should have eventually enlarge your fuckin' sepet eyes & see how bloody high up have I pinned up my fringe? Or shall I give you a hand if you need that so badly?

I just cant understand how did my high school days turned traumatic when I tuned into seventeen, it's just a blink of eye. I could still remember how mighty and huge the school was to me when I was a junior in school. The peeps were so tall and humongous when they walked pass me, felt as if I'm one of the seven dwarfs in Snow White's cottage. (Yes, I live in my very own fairytale) Plus, I would be totally clueless to wander aimlessly and roam around the school compound when that school is at least 3 times bigger than my previous school. I loathe the feeling of being block headed in this totally unfamiliar surrounding.

Not only I felt really belittled, everyone seems to be at the their top of the world, & therefore excluded this tiny one from every outing list. FYI, I miss those days in middle school, a lots!


Supposed to attend some sort of creepy talk with mom in but screwed up when none of us bothered to wake one another in the morning. AHAKS, mom said it's fine not attending and went out for breakfast instead.

Healthy meal

& I couldn't be vainer than before, camwhored a little, sulked with my parent's behavior & a Methuselah, he was fucking rude and big time snob. He spat right in front of my eyes and gave me the stare of a perverted psycho. Screw you, spoil my beautiful morning! Have some sense in mind, sicko. If you do read my blog, please be sure you don't park your car anywhere nearby I stood. OOPS

Pardon me for being a tad overboard on camwhoring :D

Weee, it's school holidays again, the final before my big day. Shall talk more some other day.
Need to run, xoxo!

Love is like a Rubix Cube, there are countless numbers of wrong twists and turns, but when you get it right, it looks perfect no matter what way you look at it.

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