Wednesday, September 9

The day when there's no tomorrow

Hi ;

I did not realised its 09.09.09 today till I saw the receipt of the pictures I took from the shop. Well, its kinda unbelievable somehow this day reached that fast, just as I was flashing back to those days when I just bypass 08.08.08 last year. Somehow, it reminds me a lots of the sweet yet bitter memories in the past. Updates, here we go!


Basically another family gathering, went to Manjalara and had steamboats with the cousins. Sorry, no pictures on that day because I had an awful bad hair day. Plus, I had this frigging huge pimple on my forehead. Oh, I'm being whiny again. My dad used to complain to mom how do I look and put myself into presentable mode in public. Anyway, apart from the facial comments I got from him, he burst out laughing in front of the public about my constipation. *shy

It's fucking embarrassing to share the story of it. Yet, we are these really weird family. Why? We don't mind talking about shits even we're supposed to enjoy our scrumptious meal, despite the awkward scents we would imagine in our mind, having each and every bite of the food in our mouth. Besides that, dad went to grandpa's house again after the dinner. We left separately and both of us, basically my sister and I were left in the car, basically she's revising for her papers next week while I'm reading twilight in my ebook. All this seems to good to be true till a stranger, in his early fifties, Malay man approached our car and knocked into our windscreen. We were kind of surprised but in agony, I was like wtf, and keep pressing the car's horn, hoping that will scare off the pervert. & just so my parents returned, my grandpa told them about the recent rape cases in his neighbourhood of this chinese lady and the malay man. Wtf


Trials is finally here. Shall blog about it soon in conclusion of all subjects.
Oh my, biology papers are really tough. Am so ready to fail that paper, I've no idea what the heck is all the questions asking of, despite the late hours I stayed up for the readings. FML, shouldn't have practice last minute revision, this is so bad, kid!

Oh, I simply adored watching Chace Crawford every minute in the series. He's such a heartthrob, his voice, and eyes are way so seductive.I guessed I'll be sleeping beforehand mom stormed into my room for not studying on history.

Friday ; History kills.

Oh wait, on second thought, I think Ed Westwick is turning on the siren pulaks. *bangwalls.

Hands off from him.
I'd really need to stop fantasizing both of these hawt arse.
Back to my crib, & start reading the insane facts.

Her sentiments were echoed by subsequent speakers , anybody hear her then?

2 said something! :