Friday, September 11

Just feels right

When it seems that everyone is busy catching up with the pace of their life, it never likely I would be catching up with whatsoever occurrence in my pathetic life. It's that supposed to be a bad warning for every next chaos?

Oh right, its down to three more papers ; Chemistry, Physics and Additional Mathematics. Seriously, I'd most probably screw my Chemistry papers this time, Ive heard its going to be really tough this time compared to the rest. & Ive took history, seriously the papers was fucking hard as my mind went blank the moments I flipped through the sheets. Ordinary questions I would said, but Ive no idea whats all those questions about despite the late nights I poured for this trials.

There's so much happenings this week, where shall I start from? Oh, have I mentioned anything about this really strange incident that happened on last Monday? The scene started off in tuition, I set my alarm to 3 a.m. for the last minute revisions. So the whole scene only revolved between Elaine eniale and I, we were busy discussing who's gonna wake each other up and getting up for the last minute lynch. After I got home, I was all ready to bed, pretty sure I would be awake by 3, dozed off like a log. The next thing I knew when my mom woke me up was 6 in the morning. FML, my alarm did not ring and I received a text message from Elaine eniale. I thought she must have got herself brushed up for school so I could not reach her phone.

Scenario became a puzzle to everyone of us when Elaine eniale asked why did I called her repeatedly yesterday night? Wouldn't that be strange when I'm still in bed and Elaine eniale received a call from my number at 3.04 a.m.? She kinda emphasized she did received my call last night when my first thought landed it was just another prank. I can't assumed I really did gave her a call if I'm still in bed, I went home and checked my call log.

The next thing I saw is, I did called her at 3.04 a.m. Wtf, this whole thing seriously creeps me off then. I let my parents knew about it & they claimed I'm suffering from somnambulism again, the disorder of sleepwalking. The only thing I remembered was I found myself in the living room trying to open the door and get myself out from the house & that was like 2 years ago. I guess I don't really enjoy staying here then.

I have in mind, if she did pick up my call that night, whose voice would she hears?

As I was struggling to find a solution to every paranormal manifestation took place in my daily grind, I left myself pondering with tonnes of questions in my head. What lives in the other dimension of the world? What does it takes to continue with life? Do they look the same as us in our world? I bet you have an answer in mind what am I talking about.

I meant its nothing more than just bumping into 'them' , I meant, but why does this happened that we always have these thoughts in mind, fearful and timid when it deals with this matter? This statement would be pretty subjective, I'm not trying to say I'm not believing in these stuffs, but it all just down to mind matters, if we would to spend a little time and think of how everything revolved. However the state of matter started to change for bad, we would just have to believe in no reasonable explanation of how the lady diagnosed with cancer had now got rid of her tumour without any surgeries.

Probably I'm just having these in mind because it's the month of Hungry Ghost Festival. This 14 days journey really gave me chill down my spine when they are offering prayers & burning incense at the junctions, and roadsides. Oh, I used to ask my mom on the roadblocks in the middle of those neighbourhood, they set up this really huge place and stage for some sort of concerts. I was simple & guileless at that time, have not exposed to internet at that age, didn't know much the reason behind the stage. I used to bug my parent to bring me & watch those ah lians performing on the stage, wearing skimpy clothes. Their apparels don't seem to be appropriate for general view purpose, but I did noticed many ah bengs and ah lians enjoyed watching them from the floor, ah peks too not to be forgotten. Some even recorded the performance and most probably compiled the video for their ultimate collections, & mainly watching them when they wants to you know what.

There are also some interesting precautions I came across with via internet, old folks' saying and parents ;

  • Never go swimming during the 7th month.
    I've heard my mom said, those water ghosts would probably drown you in order to get a replacement of soul. In order to obtain a body and reincarnate, they got to get themselves a sacrificial. If your luck is low, you might probably happened to encounter it.

  • Extra early curfew.
    Family members, especially children are advised to stay home at night because the spirits might be wandering around looking for victims. Working adults are advised to return home early and best not going out during the late hours. No more clubbings and partays!

  • Never talk much during the night.
    It said that do not give any comments when you saw people having their prayers at the roadside or any strange incidents.This belief is due to the reason that you might offended the spirits and wandering ghosts might possess you.

  •  Do not go for dark shades.
    Avoid dark shades and colours of apparels and manicures. They believed that spirits often have dark manicures, blood red shades of long nails, & mistaken you're one of them. Avoid this unless you want them to greet you.

  • Never wait under trees and bus stands at night.
    I've just come across with this from a movie. When it happened that you might get yourself involved in an accident, the driver couldn't see you standing there mainly not because of faulty breaks or shitty driving skills but the spirits covered their eyes. It said that the places are cold. PHRRANNNGGGG!

There's a lots of source around, mainly these are the important ones preventing much of what you didnt want to encounter in this month. You can refer to here, here and here for more details.

Prevention is better than cure, do not try to take up any dare in this month because you'll have no idea what's living in the air you breathe.

You might probably wondering who's next to you when you're reading this article!


A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.

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