Tuesday, September 22

A fairytale deal *updated

Its quite a kickstart for me to regain the oomph to blog again these days, practically these several sleepless nights I had &yet have nothing in mind, totally blank of what's going on around me. Hari Raya was totally un-cool at all to me, personally because I merely stay home more than before, most of my tuitions were cancelled. This leaves to no avail for helpless Shu to rot in her own crib. But there's one thing for sure, I'm listening to lots of songs these days, much than before. And I started to sing in my dreams too these nights. FML


Well, how badly I hope to be in a shopping mall now, healing my shopping pangs by just picking everything I need & longed to have so badly in my cart. Just having these thoughts in mind made my big face smiles. Seriously, Ive never been feeling so good ever since he walked out from my life. At least those silly dreams and fantasies could brighten up my dull days. Oh maybe these unreachable goals will be fulfill in the future, I hope at least. *fingers crossed.

Perhaps, I'm still living in own small world, quite big in my opinion. Being in such and all of these hallelujah scenes are gonna be the blessings, I'd never reach upon after all effort I gave in. Question ; how many years could you work in your adulthood that you can splurge in the mall all you want, & satisfy your desires & lusts in shopping? I would rather live in my small world now on second thoughts.


*big smack on head
Ouch, that is definitely a hard time when you're way far carried away from reality & all you want is just a good escape to your own dream. This smack not only reminds you're just another weaklings in Earth & there's nothing much you could do but to behold your own faith and destiny. Sadly, if I'm given a choice, I wouldn't wanna undergo these pressure and stress I'm dealing with nowadays.


Examinations & assignments are such a pain in ass when teachers in school are giving you a hard time. Have I not mention this to anyone before? I would have to agree that most of teachers & parents had been through this classic days, used to be the moments they would love to treasure but that doesnt appeal to everyone, at least not to us, at this age. Probably as time goes by, when that fact hits golden age I would called, parents tend to outgrow what they felt for the children & started flashing into past of what they had been through when they were in our age. I'm pretty sure they had undergo puppy loves, that developed much into some deeper affairs in high schools later. Precisely, more or less likely they went through courtships, broke ups, torn between two, practically the ups and downs of a student in life.


Well, exposure to more people in the society are quite scary in some ways. Most of the friends left and went separated ways after high schools, some would chase their dreams, go after their goals, make some achievement before its too late & some would just remain static, no where to go ; remained the way they were before. How sad it was when it comes to the crucial part, reunion. Basically, they would go gaga-ed over achievements they've made, fame & fortune when these people are placed together. Oh, I forgot some important points, some girls might even get marry after high school, thats fast right?

pregnancy Pictures, Images and Photos

Pregnancy is not really bad thing afterall. Think of the bright side, you get to set up your family at a very young age, & enjoy family days pretty more than the average ones do. If you're lucky enough, you might even create 4 generations in 5 decades. Wow, that's a lots, under one condition, your children have to get marry at young age too. Imagine you're only forties, you have a bunch of grandchildren calling you granny, its another blessings ;D Although you might have lost your freedom at young age & you're stucked at home breastfeeding your child while your mates are having fun in the club, getting the new hot guy's number, think of the little toddlers calling you granny while strolling in the park, what a bliss!

As we grow older, our actions & responses started to slow, rate of metabolism decreases rapidly. Silver mine setting up in our hairs, I'm not mentioning those that dye their hair damn frequent. At that age, we would really hope for more love, care & concern our children could showered at us, not forgetting the attention we would seek for. Nothing more we could ask for as long the children is loyal and filial to the parents. Do appreciate your parents before anything happened. Undo the regrets now or never.

P.S : This is personally my own thoughts on the cycle of human growth. Basically I'm feeling these because I'm getting older, precisely & watching my parents grow older into their golden age period was quite a painful sight. They used to be strong, wrinkles-free and generally tough in most of the situations. I supposed when human grow old, they became vulnerable & unable to adapt into changes made in their lives.

After a relatively long soapy post, let's move on to something amusing. Allow me to post these several nude pictures of myself :D
Here are some warnings I would warn before strolling down.

  • This is not for the weak-hearted, please close the tab if you can't help laughing right now.
  • Pardon me being buffoon in these raya holidays.
  • Prepare yourself for the lamest-pun-ever today! 

(This is what I learnt from chain mails. They tend to have these really non-ending dots.)










Which is your best pick? 

2 said something! :

  1. Undo the regrets now or never.

    This sounds perfectly on me. Good job!
