Friday, September 25

I went to space.

Hello people, I'm back once again.

I'm sorry for neglecting my blog again, seriously I'm just too excited of everything! Three months ago, I received an unknown call from someone I would least unexpected they have my number. I thought it was a prank and nearly blurted out chiocheebye on the phone with him. Who the heck expected that larh! Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor (if you have no idea who's him, try googling) rang me on the phone, asked do I wanna join him with Kapten Dr Faiz Khali for the second astronaut programme in this month. I was really excited about that! I was totally unaware was it a dream or not till my sister gave me a pinch on my arm. Blue black tau? So he asked me to give him a reply when I've make up my mind. On first thought, I was hesitating, I couldn't imagine myself in the outer space, Shuu lightyear! *inside joke*

While I was still considering the offer, my parents urged me to go. Cumon' it only happens once for a lifetime opportunity. It's freaking hard to say no, okay?
So, I decided to return a call to Dr Sheikh.

"Hello, is this Dr Sheikh on the phone?"
"Ya, saya. Selamat pagi. Who's on the line please?"
"Oh, I'm Shu here. I'm calling to give you an answer about the offer. I couldn't turn down your invitation, I'm so thrilled. Pardon my shaking voice."
"Tak apa, so Cik Chang akan datang ke mari?"
"Yes, I'll be joining the programme. Is there anything I should prepare, or maybe attending any courses?"
"Tak payah. Take it easy!"
"Alright, you let me know about the further notifications about time. So shall call you then?"
"Boleh, jangan lupa bawa IC!"
"Okay, byeeee!"

I should record the conversation between him and me, fml. I still couldn't believe what's happening, my voice trembled with fear when I was on the phone with him. So I can't wait to see my face is going to appear on the TV! & feel so superstar-ish, wtf!

Just so I happened to pay my first visit before the take off in space shuttle. My eyes would practically popped off when I saw the first rocket in my whole 17 years of life. I bet those that aged 50 and above might not even see one before. Camwhored with the rocket, it's quite inappropriate to post it up here. What do you expect larh, I'm a just 17 year-old vain teenager! So Dr. Sheikh walked me through the places & brought me to the space shuttle. Those colourful buttons, now it seems like I'm living in a science-fiction movie, StarWars.

He explained to me each & every procedure from how do we put on the space suit, the movements allowed in the outer space (I can't wait to float, weee!), how are we gonna consumed our food. It's very interesting of the way astronauts drink and eat in space although they consumed anything edible like us on Earth. The only difference is we have to use a straw to suck the water & the space foods were all bite-sized and placed in aluminium tube. He even teach me how to pee! Very very interesting. He showed me a video of it (not someone peeing larh, wtf) they just pee in their pants, literally! Spacesuits are usually fitted with diapers so that astronauts can work for hours in space, but there's also toilet. What if we need to poop?

In the toilet, due to weightlessness, there's a lots of restraints, like foot loops to prevent us from floating away. They also rely on the air & vacuum pump to create suction getting rid of the waste. Also can shower, cunted sial! There's a full body shower unit in the shuttle, when they need to shower, they stepped themselves into the cylindrical shower stall & get themselves wet, like what we did on Earth. But those little droplets of water you'll be noticing it's floating about, your soap bar too!

After that long introduction, I'm finally ready for my only likely happen once in my lifetime journey to the universe. On the launching day, I bid goodbye to family & relatives, none of my friends attended the farewell, it was quite a last minute decision, dears! Was thrilled and excited throughout the journey, I saw a myriad of stars & getting nearer to the Moon. It was very interesting how I brought jelly beans to the space & I can eat them without my hands, floating all around me.

I brought my camera to space too! & camwhored there too!

So after a week there, we finally going home, back to Earth. I seriously miss those days in space, a lots not to mention the bathing experience! ;D Afterall, its a memorable one, how I wish I could hold a birthday party in space in years to come, who knows? Everyone will be in their birthday space suit, cool eh?

Last but not least, I wanna thank you Dr. Sheikh for such an incredible experience, the crew members for being really helpful in the space & also everyone who wished me for a safe journey. I'm back home in one piece now and sat right here blogging an entry about it. I'm glad that you guys were there when I've to make this really tough choice.

P.S : I would like to express my gratitude to Blogger for allowing me to post up such a incredible & fiction tale about my experience in the space. Besides that, I'm really impressed of the idea of getting a scorecard to the space but it's just another imaginary tale I would like to share with everyone, its my dream at very young age. I'm sorry if this somehow offended anyone in the story but I'd hope to give everyone a good laugh, somehow at least I think its funneh!

Where do you obtain the pictures?
Missy Google.

Where do you get the picture of yourself in spacesuit?

Where did you inspiration comes from?
You, because you collided to my blog!

3 said something! :

  1. Oh MY GOdddDDDD~!! I also wantttt~! xD

  2. time should bring me in to your dream..haha

  3. I was like wth ? is this really real, I really laughed till the end..
