Wednesday, September 30

It's not gonna be long

Hello loves.

It's gonna be a quick update. Things have not been going great these days. Results are distributed in classes & I'm so not satisfied with my achievements & totally be screwed by my parents if they would find out, soon! Anyway, I would really wanna apologise to those who fell for the pun in the previous entries. The space tour was totally fiction & all made up for blog sake purpose. I didn't see that coming in fact, its pretty entertaining how the storyline entered my mind. Oh right, I'm gonna be away for long this time due to the EOTY. It gonna takes up much effort compared to the previous years and deciding which path of my life gonna be. I hope everyone would just bear with me of the temporary hiatus. I will be M.I.A till the exam is finally over.

Till then, toodles

xoxo ♥

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