Saturday, February 13

A pile of thoughts to file

This must have been quite an overdue post. I have not been writing ever since I'm spoiled and neglected inspirations that came upon. Gawd, pardon me readers for being such a laid-back bitch these days. All these happenings are piling my days, and took over most of my time shared; writing my lungs out. I'm really sorry for I took such a long break after my EOTY but never knew that I would be engulfed by laziness and got hold of myself from jotting down my heartsick thoughts.

It's been quite a tiring month in Sarawak. Though I wouldn't be bothered to say that I really wanna go home so badly, somehow something is just stopping my will to return to where I belong. I have been a ungrateful child since young, mind me I talked back to my parents, ignored their advices and always take them for granted till I finally learnt the hard way how important family is to me when I'm far away from home. Its never been easy to say and act when you have finally undergo the stages I had in these couple of weeks.

No matter how hard I try and tear in those sleepless night, I've just yet to bear with the pain and regrets for being in such a state that I did not appreciate every effort my loved ones did for me till it's already too late to learn the pain. Heartfelt words, I would never spill it in front of my family, I started to let it all out in the calls. Never expected that this one day would come I would say those mushy words when I used to give cold shutter replies to my dad on the phone. Screaming my lungs out whenever my mom tries to talk me in a nice tone but always let them down as I threw my tantrums on them whenever my phantom got into me again.

I'll try to be a filial daughter as much I could when I return home, dad & mom. If you're reading this site again, be strong and tough. I knew you could and there's nothing more you could do about it when I'm still away from home, 3 more weeks and it's gonna be over. (Happy birthday, daddy in advance. Gonna make it up to you when I return)

Anyhow, it's Valentine again tomorrow. Mrcutesmile, I adore you ;D Too bad, I was in the camp for the past few weeks and have not stand a chance to get you anything from here, but every smile of yours make my heart skipped a beat.

Happy Valentine's Day.

OOPS, National Service's post coming up.

Friday, February 12

Kuching, Sarawak


Greetings from Sarawak.

I've not been exposed to the great multimedia world out there for more than weeks. Crap, I'm freaking afraid I would lose my accent really fast. I barely speak in English for days and entirely Chinese-speaking in the camp most of the time. Anyway, this is gonna be a really short update. To all readers, bear with this uber short post. Happy Chinese New Year to all & have a prosperous tiger year ahead. RAWR

Typically, bet everyone will be waiting for the long national service post. I'll try to get as many pictures as possible after this.

Honestly, I've not been away from home this long before and finally learnt the hard way to be far away from our loved ones. Homesick giler wye!

I miss you dad
I miss you mom
I miss you sis
