Thursday, September 16

Terlalu lambat

It's been quite some time since I last blogged. When was the last time I really sit down and pinned every single of my thoughts down eversince I came back from Sarawak? When was the last time I really regain my normality in full mode? When was the last I being the party animal among my clicks? When was the previous period of time I really let myself out? How did all these changes took place when deep inside me I hadn't have the chance to even look back after all the changes made in within these few months time?

Love my lashes? She zoom zoom zoom to snap my big face! fml

I used to be so dependent on someone, my family and my friends but something inside me just changed. No longer, lively &the outspoken me, nosy and chatterbox (or maybe I still do poke my nose in certain issues larh) but still, I hope everything will just back to the same old time. As close to what I really hope for and what I need, I just need to be alone from all these shyts happening in my days. I guess, the people around me would even notice these tiny changes slowly engulfing my very own behavioral acts and the way I took charges of my decisions. I'm just so insane.

Movie marathon was awesome, the only way to kill all emoness and symptoms of depressions. It's just so splendid when you get to spend time with great people when you're at your lowest point. Trust me, that's just the only way to kill the emo-monster inside you.


Had time-to-time chilling out sessions with the girls, but no photography sessions with the chicks, can't help it when my camera was sent to the shop; got it back recently though! And life is nothing w/o photography. Celebrated Minyak's birthday at Michelangelo’s Ristorante, SOHO KL. Happy belated birthday, Aryl! (Appreciate this belated post) He brought along one of his friend; a Sabahan. Awkward and I tagged along Missysa after work, rushed all the way to her place after I simply grab a shower and skipped my pilates class. The biggest joke of the day was, we were lost in Mont Kiara and took a ride around the housing area because none of us know the way back to our place! Ahahahahaha, but the gathering was awesome; Meiyin was there with here Fuji instant camera. Seriously, I wanna own one and all blames shall goes to Meiyin because it was fucking chio!

Aryl finally becomes legal 18! (;

For some time, she's so busy working till she finally came out and join us 

Polaroid makes people go flawless! Madness

Missysa and Kiefy 

Kangaroojoey and yourstruly

Raya Day 2 was very unproductive as well. Headed to Perak and got home by late noon; camwhoring with the lousy sister in the car during flow of journey. I typically rot at home, feeding my fats most of the time. Damansara-Ipoh-Tambun-Kampar all in a day, would've laid my fat ass right on my couch as soon I allowed my eyelids rest.

Picture perfect 

I felt like killing these emo bugs in me now. I relent to what soever that just take charge of my feelings now, don't try me when I'm at my lowest. Feeling so helplessly tiredly thinking insight of what's gonna happen next gave me butterflies in my tummy.
Can you tell me you  me as much as I do now?

Shall end the post with a very pretty picture of us

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