Tuesday, September 28

what if

Sometimes, reality just hit right back onto my face whenever I have these thoughts about you, and us. The days we get to spend together are so numbered and little, it's the least from what we can both expect from one another. Is this what we worth fighting for all this while? It's amazing how you melt me during the conversation we both shared, food and delicacies we feed one another, stupid spanks and tickles we had, and of course the anticipating moments we both treasured within that one week. I do hope what I'm looking for is just right the one lies behind that face, I need the heart that combines perfectly to mine. Boy, get me right? It's not gonna be easy.

Happy 7thmonthsary, boyfriend ♥

7 months and still counting on.

Long post ahead :D

1 said something! :

  1. You both look gorgeous and perfect together. All the best, girl. He must be one lucky dude to have you.
