Friday, November 30

With my heart &no regrets.


Once again, I lied about my own feelings and all. I procrastinate a lot these days when I clearly know that my time is running out! The worst scenario I can ever have in my head right now is repeating the subjects that I have in this semester &of course, I wouldn't want that picture to come true. It's just the laziness engulfing me slowly, knowing that it keeps me away from getting back in track to whatever I am supposed to be doing for now.

I do not have anything inspired me to talk about this time, but I just have this really one question running in schemes in my head. Yes, my head is pretty tiny but it contains this really big mind okay! Now, input this question in your mind, why would we have expectations in people that we do care for or most probably the person we love?

Expectations often lead to disappointments.

It's such a overused statement that often seen in Tumblr, social networking sites, &one of the highest 'likes' of    heartbreaking quotes. Have anyone ever get through that phase? Allow me to state my personal POV. It's actually an 'everyday' phenomenon to everyone here, as long as you're a living soul and you're still breathing in oxygen, and you do have a functional brain, I am quite assured you are. How does this actually happens? We are not going to get there (what, who, which, how, when). What's the point like pushing all these faults to others when in the first place, you place yourself in such a state wanting the other sides to show you more. Sometimes, what you gave might not be what you will be getting. This is the hardest lesson I guess everyone should just bear that in mind, this might sounds shallow, at least you do know I'm making a lot of sense about that.

So many times, I heard from this &that, regarding how friendships grow apart and relationships that did not make it through often boil down to the same issue. Despite knowing fairness do not really exist in most of everything that relates to human relationships and especially when they are bind with the special bond, like siblings and family. I also do agree that what the old folks would always nag and lecture at us; the young kids especially. In life, not every single matter and feeling got to be black and white, plenty of them are in grey areas and some are better not sorted out. It feels so much like, you really want to find out about some stuffs/problems/issues, and at the end of the day, you found out about it &you regret for making such a move. Hence, that's when certain issues and words are just better left unsaid &maybe some stories are just better untold.

I do not even know when I started to behave in such manner. How badly-behaved have you been?

Not in 'that' manner, but picking up life lessons as I'm getting older and pursuing my interest, I hate to admit though, it suckballs for real. Believe it or not larh, we just tend to have expectations in the people we care for regardless of what matters inside you.

  1. When you want to hang out with your friends pretty late at night, you expect them to feel the same and probably, you might also wish that they will extend their curfew hours. 
  2. What intrigues you may not feel the same for others. You adore something/someone so much, like really heaps and tonnes of admiration for it/him/her, do NOT ever expect your own close friends to have the same thoughts like you.
  3. You may have try and work really hard to earn their attention. Always remember that's your definition of trying really hard, others do not feel a single bit at all although you poured in all of your effort, gave you 101% best and etc.

All of these 3 scenarios mentioned, think again. When you have that in mind, you hold a certain expectations on them, and when they barely show that they care, you're asking for it, digging your own well of tears. On a side note, perhaps one thing you can only do is, care when you do - with your heart & no regrets.  


Tuesday, November 27

Will be back

Rain drops keep falling on my roof, I can smell the 'rain' (ykno like those breeze, the rainy rain kind) despite that I caught such a bad cold bug. Well, I made a promise to myself to start writing again, at least kick start with just a really short note, but the medicine starts kicking in. On the side note, doctor said that I should really start getting enough of rest or my system couldn't do any further. HE SCARES THE SHYT OUTVE MAMA CHANG JUST NOW & >:'(

&am really so thankful that she tries to understand how much of pressure and workloads I'm dealing with lately &the last thing she can only ask for, ensuring I have my meals punctually. -___- (I wished that doctor only reveals what he should tell only instead of telling my family everything, walaoeh)

There's so many things to do and yet so little time to spare. I can't even do anything right at all at this moment. Judging by the rate of what I've been doing for almost all, I'm on the verge of giving it all up and yet probably just wish for a zombie apocalypse and save my ass slamming my face to the wall.

I can't stand this any longer *pulls hair*
I need to sleep. xx