Sunday, September 29

For Ashwin and Alex.

It's like 5 minutes before the clock strikes twelve again. Usually, I'll be either snoozing soundly in my crib, one year ago, I was partying my life away, contaminating my lungs and my liver were pretty intoxicated during that stage in life, and for now, I'm so contented in life, staying in my sick bed reading just a good book and having a plenty of rest that my body well-deserved at this time of the week. I went shower, and it reminds me so much of the memory lane that tapped my back this evening watching a few series on the tv when I fell on-and-off asleep on my couch.

I have been taking so many medicine lately, countless times I actually made a few trips to different doctors in just a week. Knowing that lately many of my friends turned 21, and my presence there would probably make a slight difference - I felt so bad, SO SO BAD inside me, like really bad, I couldn't utter how depressed that I can't be there to sing you guys a birthday song, but I really wish you both a memorable 21st. Please claim your birthday lunch/dinner with me soon.


Alex . Ashwin . Nicole
(Grabbed something from Facebook  \(0_0)/ )

Happy birthday, Ashwin Asokan! You've always been a wonderful and great guy friend to me, each and everytime. I know what got us closer and who brought us together at the beginning. I'm so thankful and can't ask for more, we are still close buddies even after things changed, and that eventually strengthen our friendship; such irony!

Happy birthday, Alex Kwok! I'm so sorry that I gave you the thought that I clicked 'attending' to your 21ST YOLO HOTEL PARTY when cx mentioned to me about your birthday celebration. It's like a must every year to attend Alex's birthday dinner together and this year, regretfully for not being able to attend and at such last minute notice. You know you have been a really nice friend to me, all these while which words can't even describe more of what we both feel.

That's practically how bad I really felt inside staying in bed, but I'll be drafting a thought of mind that I'm going to write about, yayyers. I can't wait and I should catch some sleep again, time for my meds.

Birthday boys, and guys, please stay safe and have a blessed birthday! Loves

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