Wednesday, November 26

sweet tag by Liz

Tagged by Darling Liz
1.The last person to tag you is?

: baby Liz *smile

2. Your relationship with him/her?
: besties :)

3. Your 5 impression towards him/her?
: she's sweet, the girl-next-door, freaking friendly, has a angelic-voice (listens when she sing karaoke :b), and she loves camwhoring. NGEK

4. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you?
: she went karaoke with me, in Curve, and we sang all our heart out : )

5. The most memorable words that he/she has say to you?
: she called me sweety *heart melts

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
: give her all my heart

7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
: back off, and let her hates me *heartache if she is

8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
: loving me more XD

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
: she had another boyfriend : (

10. The most desirable things to do for him/her is...
: bake her a cake TEEEEHEEEE :D

11. Overall impression towards him/her is...
: sweet and cute

12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
: er? noisy. NGEK NGEK

13. The character of you for yourself is?
: giler panda and indifferent

14. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
: i hate the emo me

15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
: HELOOO!! i wanna be shu ting :X

16. For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
: i like you too

17. Bra or panties?
: panties : )

18. Chocolate or ice-cream?
: don't want. I MAU LOLLIES!!!

19. 8 people to tag.
(those peeps that couldn't copy and paste the tags from my post, kindly refer to baby Liz's blog. TQ)
: Ai Teng
: Ann Tan
: Eugene
: Chui Xing
: Jie Jiun
: Michelle
: Shermaine
: Ting Hong
20. Who is number 2 having a relationship with?
: err??
currently single i assumed. is it?

19. Is 3 a male or a female?
: he's a male. straight one too. LOL

20. If number 3 and 7 got together, would that be a good thing?
: shermaine and eugene? funniest joke on earth!

21. How about 5 and 8?
: maybe, same age :D

22. What is number 1 studying about?
: her chicken rice xD xD

23. When was the last time you had a chat with them?
: recently

24. Is number 4 single?
: idk.

25. Say something about number 2.
: she's pretty and sweet

26. What do you think about number 3 and 6 being together?
: they might be perfect together.

27. Describe number 4.
: my childhood friend. and she's bulimic nervosa. (teeeheee, kidding, consume more food, babe)

28. What will you do if number 6 and 7 fights?
: hmm... i stand there and watch.. NGEK NGEK (call me evil!)

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