Monday, August 31

Like a broken CD, her heart skipped a beat

I knew its down to few hours till your first day of hitting 17, another year closer to legal age. I had so many thoughts about you, simply much enough to fill up the entire concrete pillar of feelings, mate. We'd been friends since primary days, &'ve never slipped past my mind, we would be standing this close right now, babbled our hearts out every opportunity we had.


Never appealed to me in just a blink of eyes, we just walked off from the childhooddays and slowly bypass teenagehood, stepping in young adulthood. Flashing back, we used to be those typical teenie-boppers over-fantasized on those sick love novels and reading cute thick Enid Blyton's storybooks. I wouldn't condemn any of her books as it's really interesting for peeps at our age, at that point of time &now, the obsession outgrew us and changed from time to time.

You developed and changed a lots compared to those days. As for in the present, you tend to be more responsible to your own acts and words upon every consequences you might had to bear. But afterall, you'll just stood right next to me, clinging on every breathe you could take for struggles you had to face. It's just a tad whiny sometimes when it comes to conversation between us, typical nature of yours! Don't worry, hun.


Facing countless obstacles in every hardships and nasty breakups, you always ought to be the stronger one, although how bad it feels like, you always carry them on your shoulder, all by yourselves and totally acknowledged the presence of us, the bud. That's what friends for, act upon your pillar of feelings, sink every deep thoughts in our hearttohearttalk session.

Walking down the memory lane, I remembered the numbers of call in the endless nights, had these big really dark circles and eyebags, sleepless nights when I just had to simply get on with life. How motivational your words are & simply remained every unspoken thoughts in my mind; real clearly. We always do have some unconditional psychic for one another in times and under certain circumstances we couldnt agree to disagree.

Redang was one of the best-est period ever, we could really spent those moments the max, & giggled every stupid stunts and poses we made, never appeal to me what's wrong with those days till you finally have someone in mind. It tortures your inner soul & break you apart. How hard it felt like always have to be one of the pain memories you soon gonna erase.

Looking through beautiful album, countless snaps we took, are often just so happened that it's just random in mind. Mind you, in each &every picture simply framed the beautiful bizarre thoughts in my mind of how I felt about you & our friendship.

& simply admired my photo-snapping skills *big wide grin
You know how well I do


Kawan baik selamanya, Mic-chilli!


1.Besides your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed?

2.How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
gawddamnit, it's raining again & postponed my driving class.

3.Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?
the very last time I stood near to one was about weeks ago.

4.Would you consider yourself spoiled?
sometimes, but I would gladly be one.

5.Will you ever donate blood?
yea, needles hurt.

6.Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
yes, of course.

7. Do you want someone to be dead?
no one in mind so far

8. What does your last text message say?
Want come my house?

9.What are u thinking right now?
I wanna shower so badly.

10. Do you want someone to be with you now?

11.What was the time you went to bed last night?
2.25 a.m.

12.Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
I got it from my cousin

13.Is someone on your mind right now? .

14.Who was the last person who text you?

TEN Lucky person to do this quiz...
1. Shermaine
2. Edward Tan
3. Yuhjiun
4. Keith
5. Michelle
6. Nixolie
7. Florence
8. Tze Han
9. Marcus
10. Yee En

15. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
With no. 3

16. Is no. 3 a male or a female?

17. If no. 7 and and no. 1 get together, would it be a good?
World War 3

18. What is no. 1 studying about?
Chemistry, I don't know

19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
#1 - last thursday
#2 - weeks ago
#3 - weeks ago
#4 - yesterday
#5 - yesterday
#6 - weeks ago
#7 - yesterday
#8 - yesterday
#9 - days ago
#10- yesterday

20. Is no. 4 single?
Yea, he is

21.Say something about no. 2
 Footballer & madly in love with his girlfriend

22.What do you think about no. 2 and no. 6 being together?
Yuhjiun is so gonna be pissed!

23.Describe no. 9
He's horneh

24. What will you do if no. 6 and no. 7 fight?
I'll stay still

25. Do you like 8?

He's the new 

Its down to one day finally.
Am totally screwed for this examination
I'm fucking scare pulak, FML.
Gawd, I need to retreat to my desk.

Always remember that the pain of holding on
is greater than the pain of letting go.

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