Monday, December 9

Bye Examination and Quizzes

It's time of the month again. I realized how much I missed those fleeting moments I had with my homies and so glad that a handful of them are back in Malaysia once again. Supposedly, it's down to a couple of years more until we can all be united again and bearing the thought of missing Michillie in Canada, quite overwhelming heh. (You better come back soon, or else just get married there and sponsor me the flight tickets &accomodation!)

Christmas is approximately two more weeks, means I have another 14 days left to hunt for Christmas pressies for the girls and my homies. Last year, I was so thrilled and excited to go out every night - I wonder how and where did I have all the energy pack to keep my adrenaline rush during those ungodly hours with the cray cray peeps. Perhaps, some of them left Malaysia for studies and a few good friends got into a relationship, their time of settlement from the cray cray scene. What I'm going through now and then, it sounds so mundane and boring already. Got up early in the morning and I'll prepare a hearty breakfast (or, I would walked out and take away some food or MY KUIH LAPIS), come home for some readings, head to work and gym, sometimes a jog and then sleep. T_______T

What happened to my playtime and life?

In my mind, I was thinking probably it's just a number dictated on my IC, the age of 21 knocked some sense into my head with the bundle of responsibilities I have when I'm finishing my studies really soon, anticipating for the results and my graduation bash! My mixed feelings can't really tally with my dilemma whether to continue the degree or taking a leap of faith to venture into the media industry. My relatives actually rang my family, especially my mommy asking if I'm about to start working or continue my studies here. As much as I really want to pursue a degree, I hesitated and my gut feelings always opposed the thoughts in my head. Maybe, I should take a break and have a getaway soon!

On a side note, I can't wait for my thinspoo to finish her paper! Yayyers.

Saturday, October 26


Plentiful; and plenty


And this is probably the most recently used reaction I gave to my friends when they asked me to go out during weekends - the saddest line I ever said, all fully slotted with other tasks in my schedule. Everyone around me and my family is getting married. Of course, I should be happy for the newly-wed couple and throw them all the best wishes quotes I have learnt in Chinese and English, they have my fair share of bliss and blessings, yet I hardly utter any smile since then I started working on the projects. I swear to God and oh my tien, the amount of work and responsibility dedicated for this semester is so overwhelming to the extent, I'm losing PLENTY of sleep, I'm binging on PLENTY of food, I skip PLENTY of my workout regime, I'm missing out in PLENTY of gathering this couple of weeks and the list goes on; I'm just gonna rant my liver out. The doctor prescribed a heavier dosage for my gastritis due to the excessive stress hormones this semester, I couldn't even think of any other ways to channel out my anger and rage, it's engulfing me inside - painstakingly bitter tasting my own fear.

As far as things are proceeding all well at their own pace, this slowly traces the path towards the self; the younger Shu Ting - two years ago, stepping fresh into this enormous circle of new faces and cliques of people that we deemed friends back then and probably still friends or better known as acquaintances. Though I've always said, "Haiyoyo, I don't really care. Really, not an issue if you're not talking to me, and I don't actually give a damn," but I actually give these people some flying fucks when I still hear from them - so I still do care about them afterall. (I blame my female's hormones)

I just can't, anymore.

Sunday, September 29

For Ashwin and Alex.

It's like 5 minutes before the clock strikes twelve again. Usually, I'll be either snoozing soundly in my crib, one year ago, I was partying my life away, contaminating my lungs and my liver were pretty intoxicated during that stage in life, and for now, I'm so contented in life, staying in my sick bed reading just a good book and having a plenty of rest that my body well-deserved at this time of the week. I went shower, and it reminds me so much of the memory lane that tapped my back this evening watching a few series on the tv when I fell on-and-off asleep on my couch.

I have been taking so many medicine lately, countless times I actually made a few trips to different doctors in just a week. Knowing that lately many of my friends turned 21, and my presence there would probably make a slight difference - I felt so bad, SO SO BAD inside me, like really bad, I couldn't utter how depressed that I can't be there to sing you guys a birthday song, but I really wish you both a memorable 21st. Please claim your birthday lunch/dinner with me soon.


Alex . Ashwin . Nicole
(Grabbed something from Facebook  \(0_0)/ )

Happy birthday, Ashwin Asokan! You've always been a wonderful and great guy friend to me, each and everytime. I know what got us closer and who brought us together at the beginning. I'm so thankful and can't ask for more, we are still close buddies even after things changed, and that eventually strengthen our friendship; such irony!

Happy birthday, Alex Kwok! I'm so sorry that I gave you the thought that I clicked 'attending' to your 21ST YOLO HOTEL PARTY when cx mentioned to me about your birthday celebration. It's like a must every year to attend Alex's birthday dinner together and this year, regretfully for not being able to attend and at such last minute notice. You know you have been a really nice friend to me, all these while which words can't even describe more of what we both feel.

That's practically how bad I really felt inside staying in bed, but I'll be drafting a thought of mind that I'm going to write about, yayyers. I can't wait and I should catch some sleep again, time for my meds.

Birthday boys, and guys, please stay safe and have a blessed birthday! Loves

Sunday, September 15


So, I had the longest Friday ever yesterday with my lectures in school, lessons in class, and hours at work. And nothing gets better today. LIKE NOTHING AT ALL.

I just don't even know how to feel right anymore when it seems that everything isn't right at its pace. Possibly, it's just time of the month when my hormones are raging or could it be the haunt of the past? It's been 2 years down the memory lane, they should know it better that they do not have to tap me at the back of my mind. Everything is clearly refreshing in their auto-mode without any pause/stop/skip button.

The rain is adding on to the bloody-fckin' depressing mood. And my twitter account is still suspended. Bloody fuck, I don't even know what the fuck they want - back up code, temporary password. Just bloody return me my Twitter account that hard meh.

Bye larh bye.

Monday, September 2

Angry Shu Ting on Angry Monday

I'm so pissed.

Literally all anger and rage are fuming in this tiny bottle of soul in such rapid momentum I can't decide to hold them in anymore. It's been liddis for the past one week, and I can't figure single shiets behind all these hormonal tantrums I had bottled down, perhaps it's been there for months since I finished my internship and not wanting to be involved in any major roles in life because taking a break in life sounds like the perfect plan for now, at this age which I think I'm really getting older.

Physically, mentally and emotionally. I was so despair and upset over the tiniest thing ever, when my bestf doesn't reply my text even if her last seen in Whatsapp was after reading the text message I'd sent earlier. *stares


when I called her house, her cellphone, her everything that I can contact/dial/call/reach/sms/text/viber/ and etc but she still doesn't reply because she's missing in action. (Seriously, I regretted so much that I hate ACCA for lending my friend for 2 bloody years, or more likely - they just took her away without MY permission, yes MY PERMISSION)

See, you understand now when I said my hormonal tantrums lists can start anywhere from A to Z, then back to F and heads straight off to U and probably back to C, and next K. You got it right, pretty much fucked up when I am whiny, I rant and all these annoyance just piled up made Shu Ting such a grumpy child. Then over all these nonsense, I actually find the need to write all my anger down but as I typed longer, I lost my train of thoughts and I don't know where did all my previous angsty went! Either the rage had just flirt and dance with the wind or probably went down my large intestine. Shouldn't have had too much of the mata kucing when I was a little hesitated to binge on my dinner today, so I had a whole basket of the fruit while watching TV during my weekends. Smartypant resulted having bad diarrhoea, releasing all the shiets that I have amounted over months of constipated emotions. Seriously, constipation larh.

Maybe, I should start to think and imagine how's first class tomorrow for Fundamentals of Publishing gonna be like with Roshan's lessons. Hopefully, he's gonna be as kind as the previous semester he had with us, please...please don't make me regret switching my elective and taking his subject! September doesn't sound any nicer and kind anymore with the amount of assignments and project briefings we received during the first week of college. May the force be with us, for real.


Tuesday, August 13

I can't anymore because I'm happy on my own.


I am not going to start writing every single details and outing that I've been up to lately, but sure it's been a hell-strings of emotions flooding into my bloody pea-sized head. Have you ever feel this vulnerable to a certain things that took place in your life that you've been trying so hard to run away from it for months? Honestly, I could have deal with this better, or shouldve at least face this earlier than having to embrace this painful lesson right now, esp during my less-occupied period.


Sunday, June 30

Learning the worth.

Learn your worth? How to learn something when you are so indecisive of what you feel and really want in life? There are a few times, these are the ones that kept me wondering, why would I have to feel so bad and allow myself going through such emotions?

It's just so bad for your health.

I try to learn and master the easiest way to decipher my own feelings when something strikes, for instance - my closest friend said something really bad about my body image. It hurts so bad, I felt fat, it seems the entire world and own circle of friends are against me because I look like a ball, and nothing more than just a ball they would want to toss it far far away.

This is all how a brain works. I would just need to get out from this bloody damned world.

Shu Ting

Thursday, May 2

This is gonna be some quick question.


Friday, April 26

Er, hi again.


Couldn't be any shorter-this-POST because I'm not done with my work and research, shit lots ass of tasks to do everyday and I'm supposed to blog about this Cafe Vienna in town when I gone out with the munchkins last week for Michelle's farewell.

Aside to that, Michelle left Malaysia and went back to Canada to settle her stuffs and I've no clue why my bestf is nowhere to be found.

Nah, so I decided to remind you of my younger days now. *drumrolls


Monday, January 21

Could you save yourself...

Hi, third week since we started 2013. I have not done anything great and exciting in year 2012, got to admit I have been quite a mundane dull child throughout my year but lots of lessons learnt with a price to pay. Spent quite some time with my munchkins, homies and what's most important that I get to see everyone again, a great way to start my year. Michillie gave me a surprise visit that she came back on January 3rd and conned me to her house, I was deceived and totally didn't expected any hidden agenda behind those lies, damn!

Review of what happened last year (2012)

First attempt to climb Broga Hill

With nannywong

Singapore then Johor Bahru with Fongfats & Sawadeekap Jason!

The 8.30 morning vanity with my favorite girls

First working experience in SONY Expo

Adorable sweet Jason Fan

Genting with the homies

Andersen and got conned by Justinpetpet

Malacca road trip with piggypot and Ivan

Then the following day, Perak with sissy x mumsy for another road trip

Rebecca's farewell in Ben's

Credit to Jaz
 first Halloween event in Frontera by IACT kids

David Guetta in Sepang!

Heartbreak of the year but greeted with a new hello

&abs, I want! 

Practically, that sums up the most of everything In just a blink of eye, everything skimmed through without any further notice of how time flies and we are all hitting 21 so soon, mine is pretty near but yet so far. Why am I feeling all low and extremely bitter to start adulthood? Gear up and getting mentally prepared for all these, so not fun please, like not at all luh. 

January 11th, remember that I was planning for my skinnytoot's 21st birthday, turned out that it was quite a success though, we had a simple dinner in Souled Out, apparently they also threw a Gangnam Style and Jai Ho flashmob when they last called for their kitchen, it's so adorable to watch Jai Ho dance, the Indian way minus the trees! (especially skinnytoot's expression on her big day &she was fashionably-late with her boyfriend, punctuality man!)

And looking forward to Swedish House Mafia in Sepang last weekend, supposedly their one last tour but I was feeling meh during the rave. The rain turned us into really poor-looking wet kittens and we didn't really have fun because of the crowd was horrendous. But now, my piggypot is tempting me so badly to go the upcoming one, ASOT when we all missed We Love Asia, which I read so many good reviews about it today, after my first presentation in Advertising class. This is just something I'm not familiar with, I do not know what I became, a good girl back in track, putting all priorities right into studies and assignments once again is totally worthwhile after the grades I got last semester, couldve and shouldve done better!

And today with Paula in college to keel 3 hours break. Oh gosh. 

Thursday, January 10

Belly bell rings.


I just can't wait for tomorrow because my bestest-sister-girlfriend is turning 21 in an hour time and I'm feeling so meh, popping rainbow pills like they are FOC!

You're officially legal-legally-legit now in almost-all!

Need to crash and sustain all energy for tomorrow X