Wednesday, December 31

last day

lovely doodles, i will blog about this when i come home..
Im not going tuition today:D mommy said its excusable this time :)
weeeeee... I'm going genting now... meet me anyone?
Sms me kay?
enjoy the last day of the year till the fullest *winks

with loves, bye darlings!

Happy New Year
and welcome TWO ZERO ZERO NINE!!!

looking forward

OKAY im super duber uber excited now...
In few more hours, im gonna greet welcome year 2009 and bid buhbye year 2008 :D

shall blog more in the next post as im kinda rushing now...
tuitions :X

current melody : never think
current mood : frigging delirious

Tuesday, December 30

silent killer

Warning :
an emo post after all...
click the [x] big red button at the very right top corner of your screen if you want to

I saw his footsteps walking away from me today, shouldnt even have take a glance of you if i would have know this can happen.
Your footsteps are lingering in my heart

Sight of you leaving could be merely painful and I simply never thought it could be so.

current melody : kiss the rain
current mood : hanging on

Sunday, December 28

blood test

its almost midnight when i finally get to settle down and blog about everything happened today.
The sight today in the hospital was really grieving and almost made all of us to cry in that saddening pitch. I didnt know she could actually endure all those pains, as young as 11 but im proud of you, little sister. I knew how painful it was, i went through all those needles and knives before you at your age and I was merely clueless how to make you feel better :X
I saw mommy's eyes were in tears and I couldnt do much except for giving them a hug... I knew deep inside my mom's heart, she wished that she can replace sister and undergo the pain she could hardly bear with, but we were just so clueless when we heard of your cries and wailed in pain. Honestly, blood test is the scariest EXAMINATION ever on earth to my family. My parents are afraid of needles too :)
LOL... ( especially, my dad )
and I still remember when I was in primary 3, I was admitted to the hospital due to dengue fever. *whadturf

and they took the OH-SO-BLARDY-blood-test like every single day and night. Giler panda - Are they some sort of vampires that hunger over a 9-year-old-dengue-infected-girl-blood ?
GEEEEEE and I left some footmarks on their lifts and walls, everything in that hospital after i was discharged from the room because I simply hate them. *i was very mischievious at that age

however, oh well, Im feeling kinda embarrassed when i returned to that hospital for check up, and yet so shy when i faced the nurse that used to wrap me into a mummy-flatted-sausage-like because i couldnt stay still when she wanna inject some sort of white-fluid-like-chemical into my wrist d: ( not an obedient brat and so when i was young )

so i'd been spending my whole day in the hospital, waiting for the results to come out and so on.
we waited like 5 hours there doing nothing .___.
You could actually know we were, because we even had time for camwhoring session :D
when the results came out, mom heaved a sigh of relief because she finally knows her little tiger is safe and healthy.
ahahahha and we could be really random in the hospital..

i can even have time for pao in the hospital (its red bean, and no porks :D)

we took a stroll at the nearby park

heading towards cafeteria

signboards :D and car park :S (my dad couldnt locate his car .__. )

and we went information centre too ... LOL
mom : check out the price under maternity session
me : what for? *giggles
mom : for you to stay larh...
me : *whadturf?

watching a malay man selling pao or maybe buns (weird eh? )

blood test .____. (i dont dare to enter the room when her blood was oozing out )


and this very random picture i snapped last night.
Anyone interested? kindly contact that number
p.s : im not doing any publicity on that :X

Translated : Strong medicine for males? O__O

by the way, people!
go ahead and shop till you drop
before you'll be regret for not doing so
because the year end sale is going to end
in about a week time!!
4th of Jan :)
happy shopping ~

time to doze off :D
nights people...
current music : So what by Pink
current melody : shop-before-its-too-late

Saturday, December 27

Her friends and family should have taught her more about love.

So bottle up old love, and throw it out to sea

thats what my gans always tell me to do so...

Sometimes people come into your life
Like they're meant to be
And suddenly you've found someone
Who sees the world like you see

And you laugh like crazy
At all the crazy things
That no one thinks are funny but you
That's when I knew
That I had a friend so true

If my world were crumbling down
You are the one I'd want around
Cause through everything you've shown me that
You were the one who had my back

Remember the laughs
Then add up the dreams
And take it to the nth degree
We'll be friends forever
Cause you'll be forever in my heart
That's where best friends are

There will always be hard times
I'm glad I've got you to see me through
And I will never forget your smile
I just have to say thank you

For being there always
Even the darkest days
Especially when you didn't have to
That's when I knew
I had a friend in you

So if your world should fall apart
Call me I'll run to where you are
I only hope that I can be
Half of the friend you've been to me

Remember the laughs
Then add up the dreams
And take it to the nth degree
We'll be friends forever
Cause you'll be forever in my heart
That's where best friends are

Where would I be
Without you by my side loving me
Anyone can see that we're the real thing

No matter what and always
Come whatever
We're best friends forever
Remember the laughs
Then add up the dreams
And take it to the nth degree
We'll be friends forever
Cause you'll be forever in my heart
That's where best friends are

Dedicated to my gans,
deep down in heart from Shu.

current melody : Dear Tragedy
current mood : tired and sick

happy birthday shermaine

Happy Belated Birthday Shermaine ()
she's Miss Tsunami, 26th Dec baby
Happy birthday girl and i hope u had a blast on your big day!!

i'm still reading twilight, thanks karyee for forwarding me the story :)
somehow, i found out something. Edward Cullen in the story is just way too perfect for something to be true. Something in him is special and different from other guys around. Maybe im just too indulged in the story *winks but part of me waiting for someone like him walk in my life :D

gahhh, not much emo post lately, be strong, learnt this from Ivy and Kayla, helped out loads and contributed much laughter in my life these days and here i am, blogging happily but still hurting much inside. Its just a matter of time..
and im having a big time resisting myself to stay away from you,
so stop getting nearer.

geeee, im going to bed, my mom lectured just now for staying awake too late :S
byeeeeee gans!

current mood : mind over matter
current melody : the little things

The little things you do to me
Are taking me over
I wanna show you
Everything inside of me
Like a nervous heart that
Is crazy beating
My feet are stuck here
Against the pavement
I wanna break free
I wanna make it
Closer to your eyes
Get your attention
Before you pass me by

Back up, back up
Take another chance
Don't you mess up, mess up
I don't wanna lose you
Wake up, wake up
This ain't just a thing that you
Give up, give up
Don't you say that I'd be better off
Better off sitting by myself than wondering
If I'm better off, better off without you boy

Thursday, December 25


Everyone please put your fingers together and pray for this toddler. He's only about one year old and he's having really high fever. Im so worried now. sigh
God bless him.

current mood : mood swings
current music : stopped

Christmas =]

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... one small book, from Dad - How to become a filial daughter. *whadturf?

yea everyone - cx and shermaine had blogged about the outing going on yesterday, but im the last one to blog about it.. Geeeeeeeee *slowpoke.
anyway, we planned to have a birthday celebration for Shermaine, aka Miss Tsunami Girl (why tsunami? her birthday fall on 26th Dec, and we celebrated earlier for her) at Pavillion, and yea... so we are heading to Pavilion, i reached cx's house pretty early that day and shermaine's dad fetched and dropped us at the KTM station. Its early, not much people there, and we expected to meet Jackson there, however, he's late :/
well, and jiayang, shermaine's friend aka Dino was supposed to come along with us. ahaks.
at least he reached earlier than Jackson, but still he's late compared to us. (several minutes larh)
and we called shermaine to run over to the opposite side to meet him, the bollywood style
chore churi ya, lalalalalala
somehow we settled down and missed the first train, because jackson haven arrive yet .__.
however, that two couldnt keep the lips tight, and they keep arguing in between me and shermaine. (could imagine that right? dino and lion )

and we thought of going to LowYat to stalk on Marcus. He's working there, selling Apple.
yes, apple and oranges LMAO. *giggle tremendously
he's selling apple gadgets.
after meeting marcus, shermaine wanna change her phone screen protector badly and jiayang want to send his 'dino's earmuff' for repair, i guess :S
after that, we headed to Pavilion. Its not really walking distance anyway, but still we managed to reach there in one piece. GEEEEE, loads of pictures to upload later :D
after purchasing our tickets, we went on looking for food... and i struggled wearing the contact lens in the washroom :S *whadturf?
after wearing, my eyes turned red, unpleasant experience and i quickly took it out, however, i broke my nail while opening the cap. *whadturf blardy tight cap
we thought of going dragon-i, karls junior and in the end, we picked subway. Healthy lunch and eat starch .__. What is Christmas without turkey? - I picked turkey ham and honey oated bread.
we talked and laughed a loads thinking back of the moments we had before the school holidays and its almost come to an end now. sigh
funniest joke of the day
shermaine teased cx has a very small mouth.

Shermaine : oi! eat faster larh, small mouth girl
Chui Xing : Small mouth good larh *bite on her 6-inch-long-bread
Shermaine and I : *Giggles non stop and laugh out loud in the shop
Chui Xing : what? true larh...
Shermaine and I : yeaaa.. small 'very good' huh?
*she's stoned for few seconds and giggle loudly
*Jiayang stared at us with one look
and everyone laugh...
Jiayang : mouth small nevermind, throat must be deep
Shu : *whadturf? throat deep... GAHHH i get it... Laugh Out Loud at my seat
Jackson still the same old blurr look as usual. hehehe

and and and, i met DingDong, Amanda and her bestie, Kristine. Geeee, she's slim and tall. ahahaha
yea, i met Amanda outside of GSC cinema and she gave me a hug the moment i walked close to her.. awww, thanks dearie.
anyway, so we went into the cinema and somehow, something hilarious happened. I couldnt really recall but it was about Dino and cx.
We watched YESMAN!

surprisingly this movie caught my attention. I saw some peektures about this movie that day, in the tv, the trailer is good. Ratings : 6/10. There were plenty of good chuckles to be had and some down right laughs (and yes for those into it, a gross out scene that will make even this amazingly desensitized movie going generation cringe). surprisingly, in Malaysia they didnt censored the word fuck, which Carl Allen (Jim Carrey) screamed out loud at the beginning of the show and they didnt cut off the kissing scene too. *screammmmmmmmmmm "WHY LARH CUT OFF TWILIGHT's one?!" :(
lol, Jim Carrey can sing well and he's seriously did a great job in this movie.
highly recommended to watch if you're emo :D (dont spill the popcorn :X)

after the movie, i hang out with Amanda, Kristine, and Nixolie. She insisted she doesnt wanna reveal her full name to me, but i'll soon find out :D
We went to F21 because Amanda wanna get sweater and also some long pants. and Kristine looks stunningly in the bright orange dress, but its just too loose. >.< *thin sangat sia Somehow, its getting late and cx is eager to go home because she's going to fly to Cambodia, 3 in the morning today. So i bet she's on the flight now. May you have a safe and enjoyable journey dear :D

We took monarail to KL Sentral and on the way back, the monarail was packed like tuna :S *Why tuna? because sardine doesnt sound good. The stench and perspire all around is hard to bear with especially when everyone is like clothes-contacting-to-your-butt *puke the moment i thought of it and guess who we met on the way to KL sentral?


it was so unexpected because we thought omar and jonus are not coming and i didnt expect aryl to be there too. ahaha and Omar told us about his experience in Sungai Wang, Jonus wanna get braids but somehow, no luck with them i guess. awww, and meiyin said aryl went Dubai but it was actually his aunt .__. Surprisingly, i heard that they carolling in sungai wang because they are short of ten bucks as Jonus's braids cost Rm 300 and they only had Rm 290. couldnt imagine that scene, and they got paid for Rm 25 for the songs! If we know that they are in Sungai Wang, we should have actually drop by there and giving them our moral support :D not MUNNEH support though ngek ngek.

In KL sentral, we were SUPPOSED to queue up behind the lines, but somehow, our very smart friend, Jonus, the German exchange kid created his own line out of nowhere, but anyhow, when the train comes, everyone just ignored the line and pushed all the way into the train. LIKE TUNA in between two wall of breads!

geeeee and we spotted loads of lala on the way there and back. LALA alertttt!!!!
muahahahaha, but still everything went smoothly and we got shermaine a soft toy, tortoise
LOL... her birthday and christmas prezzie. muahahaha
and Shermaine's mom dropped us at cx's house. LOL

celebrated Christmas in maple with friends :D
Merry christmas people!
honestly, this year christmas is sooooo quiet.. not much decorations in my house but i did enjoyed the outing yesterday. heheh

pictures time! teeeheeee

in the monarail - Times Square

I saw this in LowYat Plaza - Lemon Food Court!
(i bet lemon will be damn proud if he sees this :D)

candid #1 : Marcus talking to his customer -Shermaine LOL..

and shermaine's phone - the man is so gentle towards her sony phone.

candid #2 : i have no idea what is she doing .__.

pavilion's washroom : Cx and I

solo hahahaha :D

breads and her blue nails : shermaine's

my bread :D

candid #3 : Jiayang and shermaine

shermaine calls this jobless *bimbo tune (she tak tau appreciate sia)

the view :X

candid #4 : cx and jackson

reflection in 7 gold balls (count them :D)

the giant tree outside *omfg will it collapse?

dingdong with black beanie :S forgot to snap amanda :(

lol.. *acting shy sia, knew it :X

the tree outside :D better view now lalalala

O__O giler nice.

candid #5 : more and more candids

candid #6

we walked through this place :D

candid #7

candid #8 *pfft? ignore the purple shirt lady, spoils my picture

i think this used to be my mom's high school.. shall find out one day :S

candid #8 : aryl (black) and jonus (red)

waiting for the train :S

shermaine is eager to meet her mom (:

meet honeybear, black bear - Ziq LMAO

Today? hmm.. i woke up about 1 and i decided to have some baking session today alone .__. my mom doesnt wanna teach me and i have to depend on the manual *proud of it, but hangus at the top and bottom :D but still perfect, I MADE ONE LARH!
its a spongecake with vanilla flavour, i wanna add purple colouring but my mom said, it will turn out to be an alien-made-cake.

Mom : GEEE you have to finish it yourself, dont expect us to finish it up if it doesnt taste good :X

GGGahhh, so stick to the original recipe AND MUAHAHA ITS awesome. SERIOUS LARH!
i got another one more. I decided to give anyone that wanna try. anyone? tag me :D
somewhere near my area kay? .__. its expensive to pay fedex :S

baking process

i wasted one egg.. let mom do the job .__.

its not easy you kno, my hardwork :D

round spongecake

square flat spongecake LOL

gotto go soon and ziq takes centuries to update his blog!
lol he claimed that slow and steady
and and and
my name is shu
not fanshu , laoshu , whatever shu .__.
byeee people and have a pleasant experience :D

current mood : santa santa :D
current melody : fall for you

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start

Wednesday, December 24

Merry Christmas

Short post just in case i happened to away from home tomorrow.
and with loves
in the year 2009
for better start
better brains
and munneh! :D

Happy birthday lovely Erica!
lol, santa girl huh?
may all your wishes come true

gotta go ;)

current mood : excited giler
current melody : O Holy Night =X

Tuesday, December 23

Tagged by Shermaine

*1. Those who get tagged must answer the question about themselves.
*2. At the end of the post, tag 10 people except the person who tagged you (tagger).
*3. Continue this game by sending to other people. (refer to rule No. 2)

Time: 9.31 p.m.
Name: Shu Ting
Age/Birthday: 16 . 30th May
School: SMK Kepong Baru
Elder Sister: I wish i have one
Younger Sister: unfortunately, i have one =X
Elder Brother: Gahh, takde
Younger Brother: dont have )=
Favourite Liquids [Drinks]: hmm... apple juice?
Favourite Consumables [Food]: lollipop! :D
Favourite Place To Sleep: my bedroom
Flying: O__O
Swimming/Diving: none to both
How Much Friends In MSN: 500
Couple: had
Loved Ones: family, friends and lollies
Get Kicked On The Butt?: yes, my sister .__.
Allergic?: dust, seafood, sun
Gastric?: yea
Whole Fortune?: nope
Age Of Marriage: after 25
Children Wanted: idk
Age Of Death: .___. after 100 :D
Animals In House: fish, three years ago :X
Longest Fingernail Ever Kept: err, two years ago
Wanted Birthday Present: lollies and munneh ( money) :D

Q: In your dream, God tells you you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?
healthy family, a bunch of friends and a contented life. (im greedy :D)

10 people to tag:
the ten person that wish to complete this tag.. :D

I'd decided to sleep early tonight
love you people.

sneak out

Hiya, couldnt control my little fingers not to leave any alphabets in my blog.
IM BACK, from hiatus. LOL..

been thinking about my life, parents, family, friends and every single minor role in my life. D:
and one of the reason is Michelle wants my blog to be updated, and the main reason of this - I couldnt stop this addiction, part of my life. ahahaha, but thanks dearie for all the sleepless nights those days and being all the phone with me when i need someone to talk with badly, especially these nights.
ahahaha and we will always got carried away gossiping :X girls are always girls!

I managed to recover some of the old pictures in my dad's computer :D

some sort of wafers .___. (too sweet for my appetite)

In the progress of annoying her :D

Giler panda, im so pissed of my parents. *pffffft skip that part
Yeh, i wanna note this too.

For the first time ever in my life,
Chang Shu Ting
sneaked out of the house
at 3 a.m.
to the convenient store

NGEK NGEK muahahaha, i knew its lame and lots of questions in your mind.
Lemme answer them one by one
Q: Why convenient store?
A: because its 3am, all the shops are closed (its Malaysia, what do you expect? )

Q: Why 3a.m.?
A: lol, because i couldn't even close my eyes, terlalu wide-awake .__.

Q: What are you doing before that?
A: msn and on the phone

Q: What did you get from the convenient store?
A: a drink

Q: Did you meet anyone or encounter something unpleasant?
A: The cashier? .__. and I went out with my pyjamas D: *imagine it

Q: Why are you bothered answering this?
A: Because i know you're interested and you're still reading this :)

ahahaha, hmm.. nothing much today - exclude i woke up pretty late AGAIN.
My body alarm clock isn't functioning well because im practically nocturnal these days.
but I will make a change to it - I promise, mom! *heavy dark cirles below my eyes :(
(any remedies for it? help please, someone! )
*cry in vain

I'm sorry my little cuties - Dingdong, PeiPei and Amanda for not turning up today at the mall.
I'll tell you more when you come online, and welcome Dingdong to KL :D
hope you guys enjoy the movie w/o me :(
aawwww *sob tremendously

I gotto start my revision for my papers
Wish me luck :)
and merry christmas everyone in advance

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'coz you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me

current melody : Because you loved me
current mood : i need a haircut desperately