Saturday, February 28

I guess it's really over.

Hullo human.

Finally I get to touch, grab, feel my personal laptop once again after this one week break. It wasn't really a break, but still I'll take it as one since its after the Intervensi week. Oh turf, and its SO NOT a break especially teachers started to distribute our results to us and contributing pressure to us since there's only 276 DAYS LEFT; till SPM.

This week is quite a slow and steady one for the fifth formers while the form fours are having their monthly exam, is it? *shrugs* I've been thinking a lots as usual but there's always an obvious answer to the thoughts randomizing in my mind. Let's see, the readers here are quite general, so let me share this little dirty secret of mine. I don't wear a bra to bed. LOL, not this dirty secret eventually, it was only part of the joke. Okay, on second thoughts, I shall save this for my next post, if I remember! *grins*

Before its too late, Happy Birthday Hsin Yung!
You finally hit 17
, doink and wait, oh sorry! You're not legal yet for sex and clubbing, Fong :)

Nah, its okay ONE more year! ahahaha. I knew you since like err, Primary 2. & I could still remember during our Mandarin Class, you used to sit behind me. We happened to be childhood friend, now I realised. There's one particular class, we talked a loads in class ; sanitary napkins. We talked ignoring the Chinese man's presence & teaching, we finally came up with a name for you, POPO. ahahahahahahaha

Happy Birthday kay? Don't be mad at me for posting this here. xo

Apart from this, I attended the choir official practice last Monday. It's fun except for the part, Omar started annoying me with the quote. Somehow, I could actually heard them pronouncing the title wrongly, and it went really absurd. We practiced on the Big Band Swing Thing piece but I could heard them singing Big Fat Sweet Dick. Maybe we really deserve a checkup on our ears, but still it's just plain ridiculous we could heard that.

Camwhorers :D

The sopranos and altos

*I can't remember their name yet, give me time ;)

& pianist at the end

Treasurer, Jona announcing duty roster :S and president, Ee Shan

Now you see, now you don't


I saw this at the newspaper.
Jangan smoke kay, baby?

Skipped that part, there's also this birthday bash in the astaka, directly in front of our school hall, what a strategic place to avoid those unnecessary people and crowds staring hard at us. We got them a cake, contribution of the whole class to these 8 January/February sweethearts.

Chui Xing
Mei Yin
Jie ying
Hsin Yung

Chocolate Indulgence
Credits goes to Sher :)

Weeeee & have I mentioned this, I went Times Square with my babes yesterday. It was actually a planned outing but Mei Yin last minute back out and Elaine joined us for some certain reasons. It was quite fast and furious that day because we didn't wanna get con again by those dumb inconsiderate taxi drivers. Let me elaborate on that, there's this fat ass taxi driver, dressed inappropriately outside of Sunway Pyramid's main entrance while trying to con those pity young fellas like us, struggling hard to hit home early since it's Valentine Day. We planned to take a cab home & this is our very conversation with this unnamed taxi driver.

T : Where do you all wanna go?
Us : We planned to go home; Kepong.
T : Kepong? Come, follow my car. *point us to his cab*
Us : How much is the ride home?
T : RM 42 only
Us : Rm 42?!?!! Can cheaper arh?
T : Rm 42 very cheap already, other taxi drivers would cost much higher than this. Today Valentine's Day, everywhere traffic jam and toll costs.
Us : We'll have a discussion on this first.

So Omar said, the price was very reasonable. Rm 42!? The ride home from Sunway to Kepong.
While they're still hesitating whether to take the deal or not, we went over to the taxi counter and asked for the price, it's standardize right?

Guess what's the price does she offered us?
Did that fat arse just turned the price 24 to 42 and claimed that as a really good deal?
WHATTHEHELL! (and Omar said it's very reasonable LOL)

Fine, and we'll never board cabs without meters despite delay of time.

*back to topic
We are like mad people going around the mall searching for food. =x
It's just a terrible description on us, we headed to the mall and settled down for lunch at McDonald, the super savers are just too tempting. We tried checking out for nice deals in that mall for our Redang necessities, and the stuffs there are repeating. We could see the same design and fashion in the next shop we walked in. OH MY? Basically we just walked for like 2 hours and we started to feel bored of that place and headed home after that. Did not head home right after the shop but to the park opposite Mic's house for a jog. Practically we only jog for two rounds and slow evening walk rest of it. Why do we had a jog? We feel fats sinking below our skins and of course the bulging tummy. TURF!

Nvm, I'll do more sit ups, baby!

In monarail :)

My lunch of the day.
Gobbled that really fast ahahahahaha

for KahWai
"We are so cute"

found this for that girl :)
I think you should really own that number, babe.
018 2737438 suites you better!

getting packed and going home :S

reached Kepong station, heading park! woots

(credits goes to Michelle)
Don't this look weird to you? :D

and this. ahahahahaha
name : -censored-

my fat toes. I love my nail colour :D
This is just random

Today is the spring cleaning of the year in our school. I was involved in the class cleaning session, practically arranging and cleaning up the desks & of course, the class decorations. My classmates have always been the dead, not-cheerful and lively physically but FEELING TURFING GOOD mentally. Had not much time under the sun today, but feeling worn out after a day of energy-consuming activities. Stepped into the school compound at 7.58 a.m. with a pair of sport shoes and pink khaki shorts looking blurr because there's like a bunch of termites in the school assembly ground with multi-colours gathering, sitting down while waiting for the instruction from the King of Termites. I haven't even take my breakfast but then Mr.Ong started to give a speech that morning. Give me a break, it's Saturday hullo? After several minutes of talk, finally we are allowed to dismiss and return to our respective classrooms and sections, but then Cheng Ken didn't show up. Texted that orange chicken and he's still in bed. *heaved a sigh*

Class monitor, Ivan

Ignore the name in pink.
Patience is the companion of Wisdom

Was shocked to see strangers in our class when we entered. There's this bunch of peeps, from afternoon session shouting aimlessly and playing with the broom while giggling frigging loudly ignoring the presence of others.& the saddening part is I have to take my breakfast at the corridor of my class because the peeps inside are having their own summer party in class with the brooms, filled with dust particles. At certain extent, I couldn't stand but to direct them to do some chores since they are not helping yet making lots of noise in class. Since we'll be sharing the class with them throughout the whole year, just have to bear with their behaviors. The satisfaction of getting the place you'll be using clean is really undescribeable. Had egg banjo during the break, something simple yet delicious when you're feeling hungry!

Left the class about 11 and headed to some other places with Michelle and Elaine. Wooosh, we can start the germination of seeds next week! YAY, this means more gardening session next week :)

different tones of soil

done :D

closer view

before going home, in basketball court
Gahh, I miss basketball :(

I'm taking a nap then :)
Bye loves
Redang, I'll be there soon.

tuning in : Sempurna - Gita Gutawa
current mood : sleepyhead

Kau genggam tanganku...
Saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
Kau bisikkan kata
Dan hapuskan semua sesalku

Janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
Takkan mampu manghadapi semua
Hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

Kau adalah darahku
Kau adalah jantungku
Kau adalah hidupku, lengkapi diriku

Oh sayangku kau begitu...

Sunday, February 22

bread vs eggs

Alright, this would be quite a short post, had a really dreadful lunch this afternoon.
My day was started off with a very relaxing History tuition, and a wonderful breakfast with my beautiful loved ones, had some mee suah for breakfast. & getting papayas for dessert.
This is lame, let's just skip to the next portion.

Yea, we went home after that & it was quite a unoccupied day since I have no where to go. This stray cat girl (ME) went into her room and occupied her time with some Chick and Dick video. Kaykay is hell funneh and Paul is horny! MUAHAHAHAHA

For more videos, kindly refer to XiaXue's blog. d:

Apart from that, lemme get you straight (maybe not too straight yet) to the point. Alright, I took my lunch pretty late today since I have a big time laughing at KayKay and Paul's hilarious conversations, I didn't plan to get anything heavy for lunch, & decided to have eggs and bread for lunch. Mom went out and get a loaf of Gardenia bread for me, & I'm supposed to show off my cooking skill by getting those eggs half-boiled. Okay, I managed to get the eggs into the steamy bath without breaking their delicate skin shells. Break the eggs would be quite a tricky task but the mighty Shu did a great job on that by getting this three lovely half-boiled eggs into her round purple bowl.

Hunger pangs and the temptations of those warm friendly eggs awaiting you to slurp them down into your stomach simply got me away & forgot the seasoning for my eggs. (sorry, exaggerated) I left the bowl of eggs next to the standing mightily loaf of bread on the dining table for getting the sauce and pepper. Was about to reach the dining table, the loaf of bread just fell right onto my bowl of eggs and spilled everything on the floor right in front of my eyes.
Poof, my mom said "Your bread spilled your eggs."


I haven't even get to taste the eggs yet :( but I'm just too lazy to cook it over again as I have to tidy up the mess, credits to BREAD. Yet, the sight of tidying the mess was really gross and spoilt my appetite for lunch, so I'm ended up having bread with Nutella spread. It's still good though but simply hate Gardenia now.

I'll have you next time, High Five :)

Told you, I'll keep this short.
Now time for a jog at the park.


tuning in : Never Think
mood : depressed over ovulation eggs

Saturday, February 21

I yearn for you ♥

Hi peeps!

Finally JieYing went online yesterday night & I managed to kidnap the pictures from her, those taken yesterday during our gardening at the very deserted piece of land behind the block M.

Our school had just came up with two brand new buildings, located behind the basketball court somewhere opposite of Block B. & I have no idea how did they came up with the alphabet M instead of G or H or some other better alphabets. I've come across with Ai Teng's blog and she claimed that M might stands of Malicious M. LMAO

Harmful building, beware!

Oh anyhow, to keep this short, I had this severe swollen eyelids on my right eye, due to the brainless blind ant that entered my eyes the nights before & a mild redness on my left eyes, credits goes to Fong, for slamming his beloved ball, to my face and hit right on my left eyes & nose. Whadturf!
I was in daze what's happening till I found the pain in my eye & nose bridge, WHADDEHELL!
The impact of the football slamming to my face was pretty unpredicted because he was playing with the football beside my seat, and it just flew right to my face from no where! Basically, I had a really bad condition on my face these days, & I don't feel likely to see anyone out there, or even meeting up with my tuition mates.

Alright, peektures time on the gardening session.
Credit goes to JieYing and her Sonyphone Camera)

Michelle, the poser & Kamwhye, the blurr kid

How pathetic! Using a mini spade .__.

& they plucked the grass with their bare hands

gardening is dirty ~.~

Girls' power!

Min Li is so proud of the soil she cangkul-ed.

I'm fetching water all the time :D
(Michelle's pail cacat giler!)

This was sent by YokeJong!
Forgot what sort of lame joke he made when he explained to me about the drawing.

& Mun Loong said "Hi people!"

gotta finish up with the class decorations

tuning in : Vulnerable - Vanessa Hudgens
current mood : pieces of fat

When I think about you and me
I get a litlle weak in the knees
I feel the flutter of a butterfly
Sometimes I can hardly breathe

Friday, February 20

You told me to move on

Its been a week, I stayed away from the world outside, unexposed to the beautiful people all around, except for a few close ones that I stick to, in school. Been thinking a loads lately & wondering what sort of articles and topics could impress my readers. Sigh, I think I should really read more lately and stop those foolish thoughts.

Emo Pictures, Images and Photos

Bye for now, I was switched to depressed mood lately.
Sorry peeps!

Tuning in : Xin Tiao by Lee Hom
Current mood : Ultimate depression

Saturday, February 14

Always thought I'm already strong enough

Hi people!

It's Valentine Day today
, as I mentioned in the previous post, participated the Youth Leadership Challenge organized by Sunway today. I could not find any reason to deny I did had a blast in this event. YES, I certainly did although outdoor activities ain't my preference at all. It's quite a trauma though to be on top of every one heads. I shall just keep that to myself because it was quite an embarrassing scene. Besides that, we reached Sunway reasonably early, surprisingly and we even managed to stroll around the place. It's Valentine and expected there will be tonnes of Valentine's greetings on the Love Boards provided at the entrance of cafeteria and there are really certain guys could write really sweet quotes to their girlfriend or maybe their girl-friends.
Wait, or just in case, they copied from the internet or just some other homosapien's quotes.

Anyway, let's talk about the bruises I got from the event today. Its kinda burning at my knee cap because the consistent rubbing on to the sand when we are having our race in the field this morning. And oh my, Mun Loong was the only lucky one wearing shorts in my team. I bet his condition is worse than mine anyway. Alright, I won't complaint much in this post. Gonna share my happiness with everyone out there! Teeeheeeee

*jumps in joy*
this is really a good day to know nice people, Valentine's blessings I supposed.
The peeps in my team :
JingJing ; Kepong
Wai Ann ; Pudu(P)
Hooi Ling ; Taman Connaught
Khairul ; Victoria Institution
Mun Loong ; Stella Maris (Sorry I left out your surname at the piece :S)
and Chik from Seremban!
The other human which I forgotten your name, I'm so-so sorry. Pardon me for my small capacity of brain memory :(
Anyhow, we seemed to get along and blend in with each other really well.
Yes, our teamwork spirit brought us to success, emerged as the first place of the first task given.

After the event ended *heaved a sigh* we are assigned to complete our task before 27th February, we headed over to Sunway Pyramid for our Valentine's lunch. Since Sue San's friend said it's only a 15 minutes walk from the college and also Mun's statement saying it's only a ten minutes walk, those people who thought of taking a cab there have to push those thoughts to the back of their mind when the majority of them insisted to walk there. Pardon me, it was afternoon 2 pm, when the bright Mr. Sun is still wide awake in the sky.

We walked there, and we took like 30 minutes. (Yea, thirty, sam sap, tiga puluh, san shi) to complete that never-ending-like journey and we even laughed out really loud at the street at certain lame jokes we made. The security guard and by passer gave the look as if we just ran out from some sort of mental clinic when Omar kept shouting Anjing, Kucing, and his what-so-ever-ing at us - he's just acting lame. We behaved like jakuns though and this is the most superb thing when everyone actually sweat together,walking together, heading to the same direction for one same aim together. d:
(Oh shutup, I might had slightly exaggerated on that part, but its not really that pleasant to walk under the hot sun. "We should have bring an umbrella", said Sue San)

Peektures time :DRed . Blue . Black

Sunway College

from left : Vincent, Wei Ann, Kar Yee, Sue San, undefined, Win Yee
(Sorry undefined, I didnt get to know your name :S)

At the end of day, we are supplied with water for our dehydrated body.

Miss Wong, the facilitator of the day.

On our way to the Mall

Sunway Medical Centre.

these budak sesats.
(Check out Omar's expression)

Finally we are few steps nearer.
Not so few maybe

Nearer :D

Tada, about there.

We reached! after 30 minutes walk
(I think we had shorter legs compared to SueSan's friend and Mun)

Sunway Pyramid's mascot on Valentine Day

that's the angels following the mascot :D

Lunch in Wendy's
(Chicken grilled garden salad)

Love is in the air

and more loves!

Tada, that's my Valentine this year.
What about yours? Share your stories with me kay?
Intervensi Paper next week! DAMN

I need to get some rest

tuning in : Only Hope - Mandy Moore
mood : exhausted and fatique