Friday, June 26

Sunset or Sunrise?

Missing in action for about half month & the serial of events failed to be placed into their right positions. Disappointed how things worked out between us after all the trust I gain in you, & every dirty secrets you spilled to me. No, I'm not dedicating any of my entries to any shyts anymore because I couldn't be bothered about every words you wanna bitched, behind my back. I'm gonna hold on to the long entries on partys, school happenings and those upsetting news. I'd been giving in too much emotions in this site that I decided not to anymore & afterall, who appreciates for what I'd given in?

In quote of that, I'll be on hiatus for a period, in preparation for my four-months-till-examination & in conjunction, considering closing this site. I'll leave the tagboard here & spammers are allowed to spam whatever fuck you want, but clearly your spams would not be taken into any form of consideration.

I don't wanna say more,

Overdue entry

Its been a whole long week. Awesome not? Judge them with your own eyes. Updates!


It was the first day of school and were not expecting much today. It fucking awesome when I got to see each & every true faces hidden behind a thick layer of lies and bogus expressions. This was a priceless experience, nevertheless could not be bothered to give much damn attention in that situation anymore ;)

Monday's biology was ever so interesting again sitting next to Ernest, poking him when he was napping, in class. Mind me, he always does that though he's sitting right in front of Sundram's eyes. Why the heck didn't he notices that? Shooosh, anyhow Physics tuition was just completely fine.


Random memoirs of 5S. (Credits goes to Aryl)

Aryldebater, Cicakman Fiq & Ivan

Hon Boon, Yew Weng, Hao Yan, Kee Vin. Kah Wai


Kumitha, Nisshanti, Sharmela, Sherlina

Cicakman Fiq, Jegan mamat, SinghisKing, Vincentfatso.

How things work when we're serious.
Venue : Choir's official meeting

How dreadful it was when things went chaotic & every single bits of events are trailing down so badly as if its close to the end of the world? Exaggerated? Perhaps - till you found out what have your parent done behind your back and start messing around with your schoolmates.

Konged at one after hung on the phone with ahmoiku.

When is the right time?

Saturday, June 20

You need to earn the respect but to lose them, it's just a slipped of tongue

I don't give a fucking damn how do you want things to turnout between us, but all I could judge right now, you're just not grown up! For definite reasons, if you were to spare a tad of your cells analysing the facts & not making up these stories - include spreading the rumours, you'll probably end up earning the bits of respects that I still had for you & made a total fool out of yourself. Sadly, I couldnt spare anymore time listening to your lies.


I knew what you have done behind my back & planning every little things you said or do to the exact precise. Oops, I think I just wasted too much time on you, slutface!


Wednesday, June 17

The weight of words that remained unspoken

I'll be back soon after the short-term-healing period needed for my frigging old notebook.
Will update about the parties, weekends and awesome-funneh serial of events!

Its over. A crumpled piece of paper.


Friday, June 12

sick matters

Hello people once again.

I'd just lost my senses to blog.
Oh right, let's head to updates!



Basically it was a terrible day. Loaded with classes, paperworks and mom nagged me in the morning. Things were fine in the beginning, when headed to meet elaine eniale and slowly things got dreaded when I thought I lost my cell phone in the bus. What the shell? Freaked out and alarmed of this, I searched my file and pockets. Damn! & when I about to reach the bus stop, I noticed that blinking object at the far corner of my seat, picked it up & ran down from the bus. Just happened that when I aboard the bus, the cell must have slipped out off my pocket. Phew, thank God it's still with me now.

Met up with Elaine eniale & she's 25 minutes late. Had lunch with her in Mcdonalds again & babbled the whole afternoon till it's time for tuition. I was looking forward into my interesting Biology class that day but the lessons failed to attract me. Sigh, I didnt know creating me was that complicated. It's not only the fusion of sperm and ovum but involving many others body cells. I couldn't elaborate further because I wasnt paying much attention in class that day, I need to do my revision. Class ended early surprisingly, very seldom he would allow us to go home before the time, and so I was waiting downstairs with Elaine eniale, Ernest and Wilson. Staring and giggled hard about Missysa reversing her car. Her very first time driving to Cekap tuition without her parent, I supposed and it turned out to be a laughing stock. Seriously, if you were there at that point of time, you can't help laughing looking at her driving expression.

Physics class was just fine. Shocking news that I don't find Physics that hard anymore compared to Additional Mathematics but am catching up! Feeling so great that Im finally studying despite everything that happened in the beginning of this year. Didnt expect that things will turn to be good though, afterall... It's time for a change. Alright, parents went for wedding dinner, have no transport home and Elaine eniale generously offered to give a ride to her house. Ahmoiku called at the same time & we had this three-dialled-two-conversation. It lasted about an hour, while I was practically exploring her house beside her. I think we should have a sleepover, ahmoiku! Read this and tell me when & where.

Reached home at 11.30 p.m. and kipped about midnight after the show.


Rotted at home ever since my room is invaded by those bugs. I have these sudden red blotches on my skin and NO, it's not chickenpox. I haven't get them yet, touchwood.

Its flaming red & frigging itchy, when I said it is, you will feel like dipping your feet into the pot of boiling water to stop the itchiness. Exaggerated? Let's see when you're having your beauty sleep and all of a sudden, in the middle of the night. You woke up and feel this tiny unnoticeable creature crawling around your leg, feeding on your skin & still you couldnt see any of them! Scary a not? Plus, you start noticing the red marks getting redder and itchy when you tend to lay your fingernails on them.

The bites look exactly like this, but this is not my feet.

Chilled out in my aunt's house and had some time in the pool with cousins. & then rushed over to Aman Putra to meet up with my mates. Thanks to dad, for always picking me up late & hit there 40 minutes late. Practically, the scene was kinda awkward at first, have not been seeing each other for two years & got used to it after a few minutes of silence.

I miss you heaps, babe. Walking down the memory lane, I still remembered how we hung on the phone in the middle of nights and days, chatting our hearts out and mimic the voices of people we hate. We've yet bound to be the best-est mates of life till you spilled the news, you're gonna leave us for home-schooling. It was a terrible news & you were not there with me anymore through the thick & thin. Missing those moments we shared, the joy & tears we spared over the tiniest issue in high school, our every first moment entering the school was a totally new experience. Laughing away at those stupid yet memorable moments we had in our childhood days, crazed over the hawt dude next door & falling in love. Those stupid and dumb fights we entangled strengthen our friendship & thus, it's getting stronger and still counting, Mel!

We had steamboat at the Restaurant Ho Ho. Practically the food there failed to meet my expectations so badly. The ingredients were just okay, & pricing was still fine, though Mel felt she was cheated. So after that undelightful dinner, walked to the end of the shop lots to find better food. Headed to De Pastry Chef and had a few desserts for the night. I guess the whole scenario happened again. Placed my wallet and cellphone in ahmoiku's handbag but just didnt happened to realise I wasn't holding anything while roaming at the alley earlier on. When they about to settle down and need to go to the loo, I need my wallet and phone. To add into anxiety, I probably have to come up with the munneh first and I can't find my phone in the handbag but the wallet. I know you guys would say, your wallet is still there, what are you afraid of?

What about my cell phone? I even considered running back to the previous restaurant to find back my phone, ignoring the pastries that they'd just ordered. But well, I stormed to the washroom, asked ahmoiku did she saw my cell phone, and she opened her bag, placed her hand into those not-obvious-theres-a-compartment-compartment and took out my cellphone. Pheww, was panting and freaked out what if I really lost the cell phone. There's like tonnes of important pictures, messages and contacts inside it. I'm glad I found you back!
*hugs cell phone and put her gently on the bed, singing her to sleep, MEANS OFF PHONE LARH!*
If four of us were to place together in a room, I'm pretty sure the room will turn into a very noise scene.

The cakes were surprisingly pleasant-tasting but the tea was kinda a turn-off. I'd a great night afterall.

Oreo cheese. (Must try!)

Green Island
(Every green tea's fan would enjoy this. Didnt like it for the red bean paste.)

Chocolate Truffle.

Detox tea

ahmoiku, Mel, elaine eniale

hearts them

Mel and elaine eniale

moi and ahmoiku

Damn, I looked so stoned. Wtf


Thats all for now, practically done nothing at home on Wed, Thurs and today. Rotten at home, lazing on coach, munching on tomatoes and craving for Korean dramas. Gosh, I'm putting on weights. Anyway, I'm proud I've done my 140 peribahasa, and Biology notes.
Bye for now, am not done with Add Maths &Chemistry.

It's another party night tomorrow! See you guys there.

Its different because Im lost now& you are my hero but now you are gone.

Monday, June 8

Love it not?

  • This is my very first entry blogging the Twitter style.
  • Changed my bedsheets and every single clothing on my bed because there are these freaking bugs, no idea what the hell are those bugs & bitten my limbs, causing these fugly obvious red blotches on my arm. Fuck you, whatsoeverbeingundermysheets!
  • I have no idea why am I staying up late every night in order to complete that damn book! Anyway, I wanna take back my words. I love you a loads, Twilight thou how much Minniematt bytch about you.
  • Can't wait to meet Mel on Tuesday for dinner. Seriously, it've been years since our last meet up & long heart-to-heart talk. How have you been ? ( If you're just happening to read this, I need to let you know this; I miss you hell much! )
  • Rebecca is coming back from Singapore this week & am going to meet her soon. Flashing back the memory lanes, I remembered the last gathering we had in Desa Park City before she left Malaysia for her Nanyang high school. *stares at Becca*
  • I have so many to list down but everything is compiling in my brain & I didnt know which to go first. See, I knew it! I talked too much during the day & now I was stunned at night, damn!
  • Minniematt drools over Boa's song, beetch much about Twilight & things went different when dealing with a much better Twilight's reader : his ever-so-horneh-song.
  • Ayamchengkenku is staying up late today which I have no idea whats the reason but keeping me accompany is kinda sweet of him though, despite the hilarious part. "Megan Fox is man." He didnt know Megan Fox is a man & he fantasizes her all the time, I meant him. Urgh, yea so sorry to spill the beans & potong-ed all the steams, ayamchengkenku.
  • Browsing through the schedules I'm having this week, its gonna be a busy week again. Meeting Elaine eniale tomorrow for lunch before Bio. Crap, I'm suppose to be there early then to hand her something. I hope I'll be able to make it on time.
  • I need to go bed by now. See you people tomorrow.

P.S : I need feedbacks about this. Do you prefer this writing style?
P/P.S : I need instant remedies for the bug bites. )=

I used all types of glue to stopped it from falling but it couldn't hold up any longer. I'm falling

Before clicking play, kindly bop to the top of the page and pause the music loading at the top left corner of the page. Seriously this is the nicest version I ever heard of River Flows in You.

Saturday, June 6

Can you spot me?

Hello daisies. Like the picture shows above, my feelings are rojak-ed & totally clueless how should I react to this.


Monday blues are killing me. It was such a tiring day that I just have to drag myself off the bed at 2 pm, knowing I have Bio at four, which is less than two hours to get ready and be prepared. Couldn't have waste more time than before, called up to Elaine eniale saying I couldnt make it in time, meeting her in mcdonalds for lunch and group study. *slapsface and bang walls*

The worst part was I bumped into that dude in the bus stop. "Wtf, world so small meh?" My eyes nearly fell off from its sockets when I saw him walking towards me (literally the bus stop) from far holding his tumbler. Still remembered how embarrassed was the scene took place in tuition. He was sitting behind me, in Chemistry class in Cekap. "You know larh, Cekap tuition centre sempitkan, most of the chairs are closely arranged together and basically there's barely place for you to move." Then, the ugliest moments happened, I just wanted to lean backwards to my seat, his head was just several millimeters away from my seat. The back of my head banged directly on his forehead. I know, it wasnt completely his fault tho, but still he was the cause of all the embarrassment!

*flips hair and muttered*
I'm pretty sure if his head wasn't that close to my seat, I wouldnt have bang on his head. Sheeesh, enough of embarrassment. Biology was just as interesting as how sperms are transported into vagina. No, i'm just kidding. Thats not listed in our syllabus YET, but I supposed most of the teenagers (my age) are knowing that process well enough to elaborate on and spiced them up with a little imaginary skills. Alright, headed home soon enough after that and carried on to Physics class. It was more to theory that night and spotted something that I shouldn't have mention here, or maybe I should have not pay attention to, especially during the class.

I always have strong admiration towards humans with long eyelashes. Yes, eyelashes give you immediate bigger eyes effect and of course, seductive eyes always come in a fullest pair of eye lashes and long dramatic effect. There's this guy in my class, having the most seductive eye lashes I would say, Shermae should have an idea who's that. His eye lashes are so tempting, I felt like plucking all of his and make them mine. BUT not till that level that I've to steal them. I shall just probably ask him one day, ONE DAY.

" May I have your eyelashes please? It's so sexay! "
*drools and gave the wickedest grin to him*

And he shall just probably shrug off and stares at me like I'm one of those that made it an escape from Tanjung Rambutan.


Went to Midvalley by KTM alone this time, my very first time in this entire 17 years of life. I reached station late & ahmoiku and Elaine eniale couldn't be bothered to wait for another 15 minutes, they left me behind. Basically they waited really long tho and we'll meet at the entrance of cinema. Bought tickets and kena conned by the fella, fat Malay lady in precise. Bloody bytch came up with excuses saying we can't purchase our movie tickets at a student price with a school library card. & that frigging smart arse even came up with this identity card that our school gave us, saying written our identity card number and school name. Whatever shyt it was, since when our school has this bloody thing & she even make it up saying she saw the frigging shyt before.

Too bad I wasn't in the line purchasing the tickets or else, I'll be firing back to her bloody sickening face, frigging con my munneh, watch terminator salvation & have to pay more munneh for this unreasonable excuse. "You people too soft-hearted already larh. Should have ask that sickening lady called up to our school and ask school identity card exist kah? If really exist, I take off my shorts and run around the mall. If there's no such freaking shyt, fired that damn Malay lady that shouted at us and jog around the mall topless." Crap, have to fork out extra munneh watching a movie which is nothing special than others.

Anyway, terminator salvation was awesome. But I still prefer terminator three tho. Basically ahmoiku paid 12 bucks for covering her eyes in the cinema. According to her comments, it was just too violent for her cup of tea and the sound system are really loud. Well, I didn't bother much about the violence in that movie, Elaine eniale and I enjoyed the show really well. We even giggled on several scenes how stupid were the robots and ahmoiku curled herself like a prawn.
*thumbs up for the movie, not the cheater Malay lady*

After a day of cons and cheats, I can't believe my eyes we fell for that again. Dragged ourselves around the mall looking for the perfect place to settle down and heal our hunger pangs. Indirectly, we just wanna brag much about the movie. Walked to Gardens & somehow they set their minds on Little Dragon Balls, namely Siew Long Pao. Planned to dine in Dragon-i but reached Din Tai Fung instead, settled our hunger pangs there. Cravings for that tiny ball-like-wrapped-with-soft-*insertsnamehere* skin-with-porkmeat-inside, we ordered another two dishes as the side dishes. Honestly, I did not really enjoy the meal tho, the only food I admired was the dragon balls and basically the chef recommendation dishes obviously failed to attract my attention. Aiyar, brag no more, the bill rounded up to 50 bucks and yet didn't enjoy the food there.

Picture from ahmoiku

See a not?

Walked around & grab desserts at Jonker Sweets. & some snacks at Shihlin. Yea, we actually hang out a loads at food corners more than walking around the mall.

"Why arh the packaging so Shaolin-like? Don't you think so?"
"Yea, because it's Shihlin."
Shih is brothers with Shao mah. Dunno meh?
(that's how Malaysian sounds like)

A little snapshots of what they were doing at Shihlin. Both of them were so obsessed over my belongings and started imagining with my stuffs.

ahmoiku looking into the star mirror and thinking of someone.
*cough cough

This one experimenting my wallet.

& after her dreamy session, she helped herself with seafood tempura.

Elaine eniale too shy for a picture.

We burst out laughing and random chats after the very much cons and cheats session. Moving on, walked to Forever 21 and check out on dresses. Ahmoiku could hardly get her dress there because of her petite frame and we'll be teasing how badly she will ended up if she's in European countries. Kids section *hint

Stopped at Juiceworks and completes our day with just a little cam whoring session. Gossips and babbling how badly school were days before the semester holidays. Awesomely, the exam fever came to an end & coming up, Open day disaster. My parents are so gonna kill me when they see my results. Oh crap!

Elaine eniale, yours truly, ahmoiku

Reached ahmoiku's home at 8.30 p.m. The craziest experience of taking the train was so unforgettable and swear if I ever get to drive, I'll never lay my feet again on the train. *giving away that disgusted look*

Guess what I found in ahmoiku's house?
This stupid tiny little beetle given by our primary teacher during a trip to Penang.
The so-called souvenir.
(Cheapskate larh, less than 2 bucks)

Dad picked me up about 9 and had some lectures from both mom and dad for not picking up their calls. Hello? My phone did not ring at all.


Dad called up to my cell just to alarmed me about the time and get myself prepared to go Petaling Jaya. Have I mention about this saying I'll be attending CLIOD program sponsored by Taylors? Basically, my dad wanted to reach their earlier to avoid the massive traffic jam & turned out that he went lost again. Remember the entry I wrote about how my dad got lost in Petaling Jaya uptown and passed 5 freaking tolls? This time, it wasnt that bad but it's just a little too frustrating and I finally got him a new name. The absent-minded highway traveller. After an hour of search in this totally unfamilliar area, he finally reached Kurnia and spotted Taylors.

I wasnt exaggerating, he's just bad in remembering the routes. Met several new friends when I was waiting outside of the office because it's not open yet and these two really nice girls from Klang walked up to me and introduced themselves - Aina & Shireen. We clicked really well & explored around before signing up our name in the office. Throughout the whole ice breaking session, got to know Zoe from Sri Inai, Subang Jaya. She's very nice & am feeling so comfortable with her. Coincidently, we applied for the same course except Shireen, she's going for culinary arts. Interesting enough, they get to attend the class in the kitchen most of the time.

Hospitality and tourism wasn't really my cup of tea after attending the course. It was more to practical and discipline, which I doubt I could handle that with ease. Worst thing, History is a must-score subject for that course. Totally blown my mind off especially dealing with history matters. Anyway, the course never failed to attract my attention throughout the day, it was awesome how things work between one another & a totally different perspective from what I though in every college student.

We were gathered in a lecture hall and distributed striking red goodies bag with notebook, a pen, several brochures and a mini highlighter courtesy of Taylors at the end of the program. A name tag was also given to each and every of us to wear during the program. I felt so college-ey. Uh, basically that's how those stuffs look like.

& then we started the program, heading over to the restaurant. F&B section.

See the head in the picture?
That guy was so friendly towards us &
aint that reluctant to answer our questions unlike that frigging Chinese dude. Yikes!

experimenting food in kitchen is so fun!
Honestly, I would consider culinary
they change the hat of the cook to something more stylish and the white uniform.


To this.

Chio right? (;

The duck taste so awesome.

with a little enhancing flavour and garnishing

One more thing, they added so much cheese to this dressing.
Love it.

Ignore that arrogant face there.

After lunch, we were exposed to slideshows and took a short nap. Excuse me, the slideshows failed to attract my attention & eyelids were weighing extra that particular moment. Heart-to-heart talk with Zoe after the slideshows were getting way so boring and finally heading to tourism theory class. Although we only knew each other less than 24 hours itself, honestly I felt we were mates before we even came across with each another & felt relieved to have you there throughout the program.

Tourism talk was interesting because the lecturer was so funneh. He has this Indian accent & he even tried spiced up the class by adding humour in the class.

Do you have any problem understanding my slang? Pardon me, I'm from India & just arrived Malaysia two years ago. I still struggling to get used to the slang here. Just a slight different though, most of the Indians end the sentence with 'neh' and Malaysian here ends their sentence with 'lah'.

True enough and everyone burst out laughing.

After the session ended, we went on a tour around Taylors. The man in black tee, was kind enough to show us around although the program ended. So, yea here.

Auditorium hall

& last but not least, my mates that completed my day.

Aina and Shireen

Random hyper Aina

Hearts Zoe

Ended my day with a cup of soya bean in Kepong with dad.

I'm going to Serdang in less than two hours time. See me there!

I've yet to see you coming nearer to me but yet you recklessly rammed through the walls of my soul & never see this getting further.