Wednesday, May 27

100 truths

Tagged by sherMae.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

1. Last beverage : Orange juice

2. Last phone call : Benjamin

3. Last text message: Wee Liam

4. Last song you listened to : Seventeen forever - Metrostation

5. Last time you cried : few days ago

6. Dated someone twice : yea

7. Been cheated on : well, no I supposed

8. Kissed someone & regretted it : no

9. Lost someone special : yea

10. Been depressed : definitely yes

11. Been drunk and threw up : yea

12. Purple
13. Green
14. Black

15. Made a new friend : Hell yes!

16. Fallen out of love : I guess not

17. Laughed until you cried : LOL YES!

18. Met someone who changed you : nope

19. Found out who your true friends were : almost

20. Found out someone was talking about you : not too sure yet

21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list : yea

22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life : most of them

23. How many kids do you want to have : one or none

24. Do you have any pets : nope

25. Do you want to change your name : no, I love it ;)

26. What did you do for your last birthday : spent my day with him

27. What time did you wake up today : frigging early, six!

28. What were you doing at midnight last night : chat with Marcus. LMAO

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for : Terminator Salvation tomorrow :)

30. Last time you saw your Mother : one minute ago

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life : my results

32. What are you listening to right now : To make you feel my love - Kris Allen

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom : er.. no

34. What's getting on your nerves right now : my fats & weights

35. Most visited webpage : blogger, facebook and blogskins.

36. Whats your real name : Chang Shu Ting

37. Nicknames : Shu Ting, Shu, Chang, Shooting, Shushu, Lao Shu

8. Relationship Status : Unavailable

39. Zodiac sign : Gemini

40. Male or female? : Female

41. Elementary : SRK Taman Kepong

42. High School? : SMK Kepong Baru

43. College? : -

44. Hair colour : Black

45. Long or short : Short

46. Height : OMG, I hate this. 152 cm

47. Do you have a crush on someone? : No

48. What do you like about yourself? : I love my fingers. ROFL

49. Piercings : yea

50. Tattoos : will be reconsidered

51. Righty or lefty : Righty

52. First surgery: None

53. First piercing : when I was 5

54. First best friend : missysa, Chuixing

55. First sport you joined : Badminton

56. First vacation : Genting, when I'm only 6 months old

58. First pair of trainers : Er, KiKi Lala.

59. Eating : no

60. Drinking : no

61. I'm about to : get dressed up to go out.

62. Listening to : Thinking of you - Katy Perry

63. Waiting on : my sister to prepare herself.

64. Want kids? : of course ;)

65. Get Married? : yea

66. Career? : professionalism is important

67. Lips or eyes : eyes

68. Hugs or kisses : hugs

69. Shorter or taller : taller

70. Older or Younger : older

71. Romantic or spontaneous : both

72. Nice stomach or nice arms : arms

73. Sensitive or loud : both

74. Hook-up or relationship : relationship

75. Trouble maker or hesitant : -

76. Kissed a stranger : no

77. Drank hard liquor : yea

78. Lost glasses/contacts : yes

79. Sex on first date : no

80. Broken someone's heart : yea

82. Been arrested : no

83. Turned someone down : yea

84. Cried when someone died : yes

85. Fallen for a friend? : indirectly, I did!

86. Yourself : Mostly

87. Miracles : sometimes, well it depends.

88. Love at first sight : no

89. Heaven : yea

90. Santa Claus : no, used to believe in him.

91. Kiss on the first date : yea

92. Angels : maybe

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time : Yea

95. Did you sing today? : er.. haven't yet

96. Ever cheated on somebody : yea

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? : very far

98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? : 30th May 2008

99. Are you afraid of falling in love? : Unfortunately, yes!

100. Posting this as 100 truths? : Alright.

I tag ;

1. The next 25 people who read this. (Better complete this or I'll trace you !)

I love you. You're my life now

Exams are finally over! I'll talk more after today.


Friday, May 22

Have you seen such a long & big banana?

Hello ;

Oops, looking weird there. Its okay, am just trying different angles, people.
Anyway, I felt so bad for abandoning my mom's demands and engulfed in guilt for the whole night. Gotta bear with that till I can finally express my thoughts to my dad, when he returns from his match tonight. Updates.


Went to tuition which I supposed to be there half an hour early to meet someone but he left without a word. Met Ernest & Wilson downstairs in the sundry shop. Headed sundry shop twice, due to shermae's demand. Purchased her Rocky and Kar Weng's chewing gum. (I'm so nice wtf) Passed the chewinggum to Kar Weng and somehow, suddenly he returned me the whole packet.

Him : Damn smart larh you! See the packaging. *hand over the packet*
Me : What larh? You said any sweets will do, so I got you this. Request so much.
*take the candy and check the expiry date*
Me : OMFG !@##$% *whispered to Elaine* expired already, how? Karweng ate sudah!
Andrew : Manufactured date is it?
Him : Check what date is that again?
Me : Expiry date *giving that oh-so-silly-look-again*

He spat the gum out and passed the candy to shermae. Am going to bring it to school on Monday for trick and treats. Fucking nice of the uncle to con my munneh. Shouldnt've display at the rack in your frigging shop if your goods are already overdue. Crap larh, waste my munneh but at least, got Karweng in his mouth. Chewing overdue gums?

Moral Value : Do not take stuffs from unknown/familiar/silly people.

The gums are supposed to be in white, it turns yellowish. Eww

3rd Feb 09 : Expired 3 months already!

Went to missysa's house after tuition. Carpooled her mom's car with sherMae and then waited for my dad to pick me up. On the way back, he bought me more bananas. It's pretty shy to admit this, but I'm having this humongous craving on bananas recently. Fuck it? Yes, the taste of it disgusts me, somehow till the extent I hate having them everyday due to the poor bowel movements, mom forced me to consume two bananas every single day. & miracle-ly leads to addiction of bananas. Weird right? Dad bought me insanely-long-thick banana in the evening from the night market. He added, "These are fake bananas."

Where's the original ones then? LOL.

Have you seen such a huge, long, thickhairy banana?


Another paper down, one more paper to go, two more days. Am feeling so giddy this morning, god-knows-what-happened-to-thclimate was really drastic in the afternoon and the temperature in class. Chemistry paper today was just so-so. It wasn't that hard as I expected & not as easy as I wanted it to be. Blah, I guess I'm gonna flunk this paper, especially the paper 3, was totally unprepared for that. Yesterday ahMoiku called before bed & planned to stay back for lunch with her and Elaine today, asked if missysa wanna come along. Ended up, only ahMoiku and I went over to Mcdonald for study session. Took the bus and talked to Weng Wah for the very first time, and ahMoiku elaborated at her terms of 'Ladies First'. Met heaps of people over there though, in both casual clothes and school attires. Went into the outlet, bumped into Yoke Jong, Zi Kang and also the girl I met in Kepong's IR. It'd been quite a long queue, were planning to make a sketch for the Mcd nuffnang competition, but were in school attire. Lazy to think of it since it was like so random, out of the blue stormed into our minds, and barely have anything in mind while hunger pangs were calling. Poof, met Khai Weng, Jo Yee and Jun Kit. Good gracious, it's like a KB gathering in that fast food outlet.


vain vain vain
(bear with that, destressing after exam)

ahMoiku : Your eyes so scary staring at the camera larh!

& I gave her this priceless expression ;)

Geee, I this picture!

Moving on, went over to Guardian to restock on hand sanitizers. & went back to Mcd to get ahMoiku's sundae. Am going out for the practice now, bye!


Thursday, May 21

Bra and panty

*shouts in joy*

*throw confetti everywhere*

Why am I joyous?

*drum rolls*

Kris Allen is American Idol Season Eight winner!

OMFG, i totally adore this 23 year old singer, Conway, Arkansas. Not only he has the vocals, he has the looks too. *winks* The very boy-next-door image in him has already score part of the points given to him and he definitely deserve the title.

Anyhow, those day dreamers out there, sad to notify this ; he's married.

Wtf yes, he is, on September 26, 2008. She must be one of the luckiest one to have him. Aww, he's so cute.

The way he sang touches me deeply and nearly cried when I'd first heard his song in Shermaine's blog. Good job Kris!

Falling Slowly - Kris Allen

Take this sinking boat and point it home
we've still got time
raise your hopeful voice
you have the choice

you've made it now


following up,
3 papers down. Two more papers to go. This means closer to the end of this semester. Crap, I didn't know why is there a sudden adrenaline rush to write this down. But I'm going to miss high school despite every tiny weeny details and drama I'd been through. Without them, I wouldn't have been much stronger these days then. Flashing back the memory lane, 5 years back, I was just a teenager-wannabe, stepping into this high school. Everything seems so humongous to me, probably because of my petite frame & those seniors were so much taller & bigger than me. Feeling so envy yet lonely, I'd got to know more friends and of course better-looking dudes. Anyway, I think this could go really long, I would save this for the next post kay?

Stay tuned!

Moving on to the next topic,

History paper was the effin worst subject that ever created for exam papers in this entire planet. Seriously, I've no idea what's the point learning history; how Malaysia got it's name, how did we achieve our Independence, and etc. Alright, maybe I'm just a little too selfish as a Malaysian, we should have know the details behind the achievement of independence day. Well, but we don't really NEED to know that detail and precise & made us memorizes the facts and dates, which ain't going help much in our future. Fine, maybe part of it but that don't apply to every occupation right? Don't believe? I tell you!

Why does a plumber need credit for history?
To know better which pipe aged more than 500 years.

Why does an accountant need credit for history?
To calculate the history of the long-lost-and-found-debts.

Why does a maid need credit for history?
To be cautious if that family's master raped ex-maid before.
(Choi Choi Choi, I'm just setting an example.)

Well, see larh, History wasn't a necessity in all jobs. Maybe you have not considering the jobs mentioned above, like I'd said, it's just a few examples. There are still plenty of jobs to be picked. No worries. *pats*

P.S : Bear in mind, this is not pointing out to any people working as a plumber, accountant and maid. Afterall, maybe History is just another important/easy/simple subject to score for some people. So, read.

Oh right, Kien Lam told me my post was really short these days and compared to those days, my post are really long, is it? He's not the first one mentioning this to me; received numbers of emails regarding this issue. One of them is this 'censored name'. I find him pretty amusing, let me elaborate this.

"Hey, I'm xxx. May I be your friend? Can you update your blog often a bit? I want to be your friend."

Well, I've got to declare this. Hallelujah, I'm almost close to hitting 17, just a not-so-typical teen, juggling between my exams and assignments to be handed in before the due. I'm definitely not the robotic mankind, sitting in front of my screen 24/7. Don't expect as much you expect from other bloggers. When I have something in mind, I'll blog about it.

& as for xxx, I'm sorry but I have to say this, I don't really know you well & it's just awesomely nice of you to demand me to update my site. Most of all, I'm just being nice to censor your name & not mentioning your details here. Stop the hell bugging and viewing here if you don't wish to see your name written here the next time.

P.S. : XXX's name and details will not be disclosed in any forms of scripts and mails.
P.P.S : I know larh, my title always very irrelevant with the post, bear with that. Wonder why need a title larh?
P.P.P.S : Kris Allen's wife is pretty.


I've yet to upload this very awesome picture of him.
Find out who's him in the next post!
*claps and ciaos*


Wednesday, May 20

Hey Ladies

Check this out!

Am wondering should I attend not?

Sekarang cinta pakai otak, jangan rugi hati dan rugi waktu.

tuning in - Hey Ladies by Rossa

Tuesday, May 19

His words like music to her ears

Hello ;

Could not be bothered to attend school today. Mix of feelings again today, was thinking whether to stay in bed or followed mom to the morning market. Struggled deciding in between both in split seconds as dad was about to leave the house, haled to the bathroom and dressed up in less than 5 minutes. Imagine how messy could my hair turn out to be in the crowd. Anyway, it's just morning market, it's not like larh I'm gonna meet any celebrities nor my school mates there. If I did, I bet they just did the same thing as me, playing truant. *bitch mode : am gonna report to the discipline teacher if they did*

I guess many of my mom's friends (those bitchy aunties and jobless uncles) don't even know the existence of me, & they went wonders, asking my mom am I her child? Wtf, do I look like her sister or maybe her mom? Oh, maybe I do, if I put on a wig and hold a tongkat.

and look like this.
I'm definitely looking old with this appearance

and this.
Maybe it's too cute for me.

Was modifying my blog this morning. Now you see some changes at the background of my site & also some tiny weeny modification in the font. If I did not mention about this, I doubt if anyone could actually notice that. Hallelujahs, missysa and ahMoiku didn't attend school today. Missysa said she's having red eyes while ahMoiku giving an excuse she was too tired and unable to focus in school even if she attends. Well, so I guess Elaine is the only hardworking one among us that attended school today. Update me kay? Biology Paper III & Chemistry Paper III tomorrow!

Yesterday Biology's class was interesting. Maybe due to the topic hormones, *cough cough* to be exact, plant hormones got missysa went dumbfounded in class. She was so blur in class that I actually explained to her about it. Oh crap, it's Biology. Was unsure about the explanation I made was 100% true, I asked Ernest about that for assurance. And Elaine came up with a new term, Shulogy. If anyone is going to use the Shulogy terms invented into Biology SPM papers, equivalent to digging your own grave.

Oh right, I recalled this. Smarty ass missysa thought paragraph symbol is the same as pi symbol and showed us the table she used in the additional mathematics assignment. Bursting into laughter, wanna snapped a picture of it to be posted in blog, but she didn't allow me to.
*take in deep breaths*

moving on...

Physics class wasn't really a blast that night. More on revision form 4, so was totally clueless what's going on and missysa was asking for the assignment details. Teacher scolded & we kept quiet, not really the quiet ones but in low profile. Once again, it turned out to be a mockery when Elaine tried to relate one of the questions to Biology terms, and once again relates to Shulogy.

Shu : Next time, when I grown up, one day I'll become like Sundram, teaching Biology. But well, I'll be teaching Shulogy. And everybody will have to study me.

*burst into laughter*

SO yea, be prepared for Shulogy in the future.
Oh crap, why am I being ridicule these days. *slaps self, bang wall and die*

*resurrects self and continue*
Have not done with the schedule, was busy tidying my desk since last weekend till now & finally done with it. A picture of now and before.

Before the cleaning session

My chair was piled up with books too


*drum rolls*

TADAH! very clean right?
*nods in agreement*

Jeremybaby was in my house yesterday evening and earlier on this morning. He was too cute to handle.


He sneaked into my room when I was writing this and he went ooh-aah when he saw his pictures on the laptop. Am hugging him while completing this post.

Ciao dulu, having lunch with him and mommy.

A lovers' pact
the most likely to last.

tuning in : Pokerface

Sunday, May 17

Pills and remedies

Gee, I didn't know sore throat could be that infectious. Crap, went out for dinner with mom and sister today. Sister was sick, running nose and terrible sore throat. I had her drink, claiming my immunity is strong enough to overcome her virus. Too bad, it's infectious enough to get me down this time. I guess, I'll be having mild sore throat tomorrow. Sheeesh. I need to go bed now.

Anyone bother to wake me up at 1 ? I need to study for my Bio papers tomorrow.

I smell failure tomorrow :(


Saturday, May 16

Evil clowns and balloons shouldn't go together.

Hello ;

Feeling insanely happy because finally I got to sit in front of my laptop and started typing something at least, but ultimately depressed, having nothing in mind to write about. Crap, what the hell am I babbling now?

*act in a bimbo tone*
It must be the hot shower that cooked the cells in my brain! Hey. Pause and think, well, it's just random. And I was just lying about cells could be cooked under hot shower, but in high temperature; yes.

Let's see, I'm finally down with my additional mathematics assignment and greet hello to my biology reference. Good gracious, next week would be pretty torturous when all the tough papers are pilled up in one week, 5 holy days in school. & when the teacher walked over to my table and could not able to wake me up although she shout, slap, pinch, kick me, call 999. I must be staying up late too often which resulted insufficient of rest & faints in class, especially with the temperature nowadays plus the bad feng shui of my place, stuck at the very right end corner in my classroom.

Apart from that, nothing much happened last week. I updated a post about that; Moral papers on Friday was kinda laid-back. I doubt if I could score in my moral paper this time. Well, I didn't expect those that I did not revised. You get what I mean? Met Sai in toilet and gave her answers. *staring at computer screen and laughs* Was laughing my arse off when she ran out of the toilet to get a pen but couldn't manage to jot down the answers on her palm, passed her the paper for easier access during the exam. Choy was copying the answers, th-infamous Vincent.

After Moral paper, went out ahMoiku to get cendol. The well-known Sue San's cendol because she's always promoting cendols for that stall. (Aunty, I think you should get Sue San to be your ambassador. Sure banyak business giler.) Plan to get some food, since ahMoiku said she wanna eat something filling but gotta reach school before 1.45, or I'm gonna missed my bus again.
Headed to Zoom Stationary Shop after lunch to get her fancy papers for the assignment. I saw something I wanna get long time ago. Those balloons can be stretched really long and shaped into vary sizes.

See this? The green one looks so wrong.

However, I have no idea how to twist those balloons into shapes. Wait till I get a clown boyfriend, kay? He'll teach me by that time. *choi, choi, choi & touchwood* Afterall, it's just a joke. Nightmares will be haunting me down every night by that time. Whenever I turned my head to him on the bed, his big red nose is right in front of my eyes.

I find the second clown looks effin scary with the bloody background.
oh my! *shivers*

After purchasing her papers, we went over to the candy rack. Saw some really cute mini package with white wrappers. AhMoiku used to like them a loads when she was young. I think she must be kind enough to make up that lie and trick me in getting that thing into my mouth.

Stepping out from the shop ;

Shu : *unwrapping the candy box* Are you sure it's safe to be consumed?
Michelle : I used to eat a loads when I was young.
Shu : It's made in Indonesia. Safe a not larh?
Michelle : Open larh.
Shu : Why like bombshell & round? Look like balls. You eat first. *pick up one blue-black ball*
Michelle : Eat together. One, dua, three.

We spat out after 5 seconds in mouth, 2 seconds of chewing. Gross, it taste awesomely bitter and weird in the same time. Could not believe I allow that ugly ball into my mouth. I felt like slapping the whoever that came up with this cute packaging with fugly artificial flavouring. Crap larh, rinsing my mouth with Listerine a couple of time wouldn't help. I think Dettol would make a difference. I must be gone out of my mind if I were to rinse my mouth with Dettol. *bangs head to the wall*

On the way back to school, bumped into Hui Nee. So ahMoiku walked back home with Hui Nee, & left me behind, heading back to school alone, although she knows I'm really bad in remembering the routes & streets nearby our school. You couldn't blame me for that, the houses there look freaking the same. Damn. But I still made it alive, reaching school in one piece, and bumped into Lao Jo, Lao Ti and Kah Chuah. Waited alone in the canteen for my transport to arrive asap; I wanna catch up with the last episode of that Singaporean drama.

Friday's night was boring, stuck at home facing four blank walls, watching at the TV screen with sister, drooling over the hawt actor. I'm just a little exaggerated. Well, he looks so manly with his tanned-healthy-looking-skin. First and foremost, in my two peas' worth of opinion, he's the first and only tanned-looking actor which I find him really good looking and hawt, am not a big fan of tanned-skin-guys. Th-healthy-not-so-tanned will do :)

Who else other than sizzling Louis Koo?

Eh, somehow reminded me of Louis Chan. *flips hair and continue typing* Talked to ahMoiku till late hours last night, went crazy over blogshop & had heart-to-heart talk session with her. Thanks for being there through the thick and thin. Fell asleep when was waiting for my hair to dry due to the late shower I had. Sorry Mun to keep you waiting for an hour.

I need to touch my Biology book before my result keels me.
Good night.


tuning in : Blame it On the Alcohol - Jamie Foxx

Place the pieces together.

BUZZ OFF BYTCH! Middle Finger Pictures, Images and Photos

People like YOU are the reason we have middle fingers.

P.S : Angry post alert! Shall talk more when someone serves me an icy cool bowl of Ais Kacang.

Finally I can kiss the hell off my tight study schedule. Say hello people to my ideal plans in holidays. Sadly, couldn't be excused from book tho this weekend, dad insisted I have to attend my tuition in the morning. It was a very bad week afterall, shall elaborate more on updates! Go.


Previous night, watching Terminator 3 with dad and sister on the coach, & snoozed till sister woke me up for bed. Feeling way so crappy and decided to hang on the phone a little while before tugging myself to bed. Random talk with her made me a better person somehow, feeling open to all criticism and there she goes, babbling from A to Z, every flaws I had, & hear out her rants throughout the late hours. Doze off by 3 morning.

Aroused at 3 in the noon by mom to get my brunch, and got dressed up to go out with dad to the mall. Feeling grumpy (part of it, am feeling so sleepy) & wasn't in a desire mood to restock on my groceries, headed to the nearest bookstore and spent my time till dad got his stuffs done. Honestly, is this the sign of getting old nowadays that I'm experiencing sulkiness and being uber cranky in every tiny detail? wtf


I spelled early today. Went out for a jog with dad & sister in the park about 8 & waited for mom to get ready for breakfast. It'd been quite a time we spent time together with dad ever since he changed his job. Sigh, it'd never been easy to meet him ever since then especially during the weekends. Yea, he brought us to the badminton court, new and recently established at my area & ready to explore. Met Ben over there with his sister.

Later on, went to Kepong to bungkus the cendol (inside story *cough) and pampered myself with some tauhufa. Tucked myself to bed as I reached home after my lunch and went out in the night time. Jeng Jeng Jeng, you've no idea who I met there?

Mr. Ho aka Secondary Two Mathematics Teacher!

Woots, he went there with family and my dad was shocked to see him there. Apparently, he forgotten how my secondary two teacher looks like and asking gobs of question about him. Our conversation sounded this way ;

Him : Why don't you walk over there and greet him?
Me : Can't you see he's enjoying his meal with his family? Gimme a break!
Him : It's a polite gesture. I see nothing wrong by walking over and say a word hi. He's your teacher, right?
Me : Yes.. NO! He was ONCE my mathematic teacher?
Him : He's was once & still your teacher, agree?
Me : Gah, fine.
Him : Aren't you supposed to get your butt off the chair then?
Me : Errr...

(The waitress serves the dishes on the table )

Him : Why are you sitting here?
Me : To heal my hunger pangs!
Him : ...

Mommy and sister burst out laughing when dad went speechless. After all, while I was busy enjoying my meal, he left and I ended up not greeting him. Hello, it's darn awkward to see my teacher when he's wearing his house tee & in short pants as I always see him in school in proper attire. Anyway, left about nine, sister felt sick after having meal in that restaurant.


2/3 of paper down. One final piece tomorrow! Gosh, physics paper was so tough which I barely know how to answer most of the questions in the paper & slept throughout the periods I had for the paper. I nearly passed out in class when I was doing the exam because it'd been a really hot day, & Mr.Ong was so delighted to present his long-winded speech that morning, adding temperature to the surrounding. Stuffy and unventilated assembly contributed much as I'm unable to stuff in facts into my tiny brain. (Sorry Ong to push the blame on you)

Bio tuition was interesting. Sundram finally reached the

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore. And I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore. When do you think it will all become clear. Cause I'm being taken over by the fear.

When I can't speak

Something run through my mind.

Had a hot shower really late today.
(My very first shower in super late hours)

Am not in a mood of talking.

I wanna express.



Wednesday, May 13

Momma's Day


Wesak's Day and Mothers' Day peektures posted.

Sorry for the stagnant days. Was somehow allowed no access to the internet with the dead notebook. Bear with the temperature these days.

Not this Deathnote

but this


Happy Momma's Day peeps. A belated post this time, was tucked to bed that night after I reached home, couldn't afford to go against her will & lighted up a match on my own butt. Or else, she'll be running after me with a cane, although it's her big day. My mom has always been a strict lady, never once she'll fail to make us listen to her. Probably when she screams then. LOL.
Anyhow, went out to have dinner with granny because she said, no one is fetching her out for dinner. So my dad reached home early & headed to Taman Petaling for meal. Good gracious! Dad ordered satays & the meat is not fully cooked. Crap, gotta wait the freaking dishes to arrive for an hour & basically everyone on the table kept quiet except for mom & granny. Blurting out every single details as if they did not meet each other for years although they hang on the phone every night.

(Pictures is uploaded)

Went Thean Hou temple on Wesak's Day night.

& they believe this.

I swear that the hall is frigging cold although with loads of fire and heat.


I found this in the temple & it looks so freaking real,
except that it made of rubber and in China.

A rubber crocodile

So considerate of them to provide recycle bins.

*close eyes while looking away from the screen*

Boar, in better familiar name ; pig.

It said that this man in beard improvise relationships and the list goes on and on.

Momma's Day

The delicious-looking-but-taste-like-crap-satayy

Durian cake.

Granny, GOTCHA!




Hmm, the flow of my days were pretty skeptical lately. Was wondering what the heck am I doing when I was actually trying to finish up the 10009273th maths question. Malay paper is pretty easy except for the part, I put the wrong word for the wrong definition. Gonecase for that particular sentence, 2 marks flew off. Hang out with Mic & Pammy during recess. Laughing session was all taking place instead of reading for the next paper. We were like nerds in the foyer. Spot us next time!

Someone has a new nickname. Bunneh, love it right?


It'll never gets boring when it deals with English. That's like the ever-so-interesting-paper among all the subjects the Government offered us. Ish, basically I guess it's time for an improvement in this universal language. They changed the syllabus of science subjects in order to allow the students to cope up with English language better & easier understanding compared to Bahasa Malaysia. Honestly, if the Government were to convert Science & Mathematics into Bahasa Malaysia again, I'll die in front of your eyes. I meant, we are so used to learning Scientific names and Mathematics theory in English, don't mess with our future please.

Rushed add maths assignment as teacher said we have to hand in our papers next Monday. She'll be deducting marks for those who fails to do so. Crap, doubt if I could eventually finish up the assignment by time if I have not started.

I need to go.
Add maths paper is tomorrow.
Wish me luck, love!
I'll update whenever I stand a chance to access my site again.

Oh yea, Sher privated her blog. I'm here if you need me kay?

Bitter and sweet are both in life's menu.


Tuning in : -