Sunday, November 30

tagged by Michelle

1.The last person to tag you is?
: baby Michelle (Jieyang claimed this is les)

2. Your relationship with him/her?

3. Your 5 impression towards him/her?
: caring (its really late to talk to you that night :/ , but thanks babe )
: butter-fingers
: shopaholic
: adores a princess-life
: gigi-besi (braces)

4. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you?
: hmm? talk to me over an hour on the phone at very late hours

5. The most memorable words that he/she has say to you?
: "It takes so much pride for a girl to write this to a guy" (i remembered this very well, babe)

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
: love her?

7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
: back off? lalalalala

8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
: her butter- fingers ...ROFLLLL

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
: her butter-fingers too xD

10. The most desirable things to do for him/her is...
: give her a hug when she's back from Penang (:

11. Overall impression towards him/her is...
: slim .________.

12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
: I been repeating this thrice. NOISY!!!!! alert D:

13. The character of you for yourself is?
: bumpy-naughty-noisy-little-brat

14. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
: LOL? lazy

15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
: be SHU, be Sha Sha, be Shu Ting, SHU larh

16. For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
: adore you [ :

17. Bra or panties?
: lalalala, i want none :b

18. Chocolate or ice-cream?

19. 8 people to tag.
: Jo Ee
: Keith
: Cheng Ken
: Ivan
: Fiona
: Ai Mei
: Jie Jiun
: DingDong

20. Who is number 2 having a relationship with?
: idk. Human ._______.

19. Is 3 a male or a female?
: chicken :D male

20. If number 3 and 7 got together, would that be a good thing?
: err? Kinda... (Don't cry Yew Weng xD)

21. How about 5 and 8?
: cannot be? they both super straight .__.

22. What is number 1 studying about?
: secondary 4 in year 2009

23. When was the last time you had a chat with them?
: recent

24. Is number 4 single?
: Is he? aww, its complicated

25. Say something about number 2.
: Mr. Shy / Mr. Blush

26. What do you think about number 3 and 6 being together?
: Not bad

27. Describe number 4.
: loving dad :)

28. What will you do if number 6 and 7 fights?
: that one day will never come. LOL

lol, completed this tag in just 5 minutes.
Pretty proud huh? X)
ANYWAY, i wanna go shower !
sealed post with a kiss (:

mood : in love
song : crush by David Archuleta

Do you ever think
When you're all alone
All that we can be
Where this can go
Am I crazy
Or falling in love
Is it really
Just another crush
Do you catch a breath
When I look at you
Are you holding back
Like the way you do
'Cause I'm trying, trying to walk away
But I know this crush
Ain't goin' away
Goin' away

Shaooi tribute

ok, this is very random, ahahaha, but i love this picture LALALALALA

Sha Sha loves to N.G.E.K N.G.E.K

teeeeheeee x)

mood : happy bouncy ball (idk why isit ball >.<)
music : realize :)

Saturday, November 29

joke of the day


Im speaking at the top of my voice.
I know it was my wrong to curse in front of you, but cant you just fucking respect yourself? Addressing your own wife with all those raunch? I couldnt bear a single shit of what you said and what you did anymore.

Have you ever treat this place your home and even treat us as part of your family?

Have you ever respect us in front of your friends and those so-called ladies which you used to flirt with?

you don't OWN a single respect from me
call me disgrateful or disrespectful daughter! whatever
i just don't fucking care after what you did to my mom and I.

you can always leave this warm loving home, but just leave all the money you had.
we don't need you!

Friday, November 28

Tagged by Hh

1.The last person to tag you is?
: huan hee dear :)

2. Your relationship with him/her?
: my dear

3. Your 5 impression towards him/her?
: tall and skinny
: she's very friendly
: she likes to go toilet (i always meet her in toilet :X)
: fun to hang out with
: sweeetie pie

4. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you?
: she visits my blog very often to stalk me :D

5. The most memorable words that he/she has say to you?
: love you *melts

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
: love her

7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
: back off and settle the misunderstood in between us

8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
: not going to the toilet that often :X

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
: she's TOO tall =S

10. The most desirable things to do for him/her is...
: give her a hug

11. Overall impression towards him/her is...
: cute chick

12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
: noisy as usual

13. The character of you for yourself is?
: er? lazy LOL

14. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
: being lazy larhhhhhh :X

15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
: myself, Shu

16. For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
: i like you too

17. Bra or panties?
: panties

18. Chocolate or ice-cream?

19. 8 people to tag.
  1. Florence
  2. Chia Hui
  3. Mei Shen
  4. Sherman
  5. Xiner
  6. Wai Hoong
  7. Yoke Jong
  8. Yong Lim

20. Who is number 2 having a relationship with?
: lol, i have no idea about this

19. Is 3 a male or a female?
: female

20. If number 3 and 7 got together, would that be a good thing?
: cannot, i wont let that happen :X

21. How about 5 and 8?
: won't happen too :D

22. What is number 1 studying about?
: maplesea - pirate job TEEEHEEEE :)

23. When was the last time you had a chat with them?
: today?

24. Is number 4 single?
: he is, isnt he?

25. Say something about number 2.
: adorable

26. What do you think about number 3 and 6 being together?
: Whaddeturf LMAOOOO

27. Describe number 4.
: maplefreak

28. What will you do if number 6 and 7 fights?
: watch them... breakdancer Jong and Wudo Sifu Wai Hoong *urrchiiaaaa

-The End-

Movie time

I'm so addicted to this freaking awesome drama.
OK, well I know, I'm sick and im supposed to stay on my bed, mom, but well, this drama is AN irresistible temptation. I'm currently addicted to myth, folktales and legends movies ._____.

Being the possessive and down-to-earth-girl, ever since the previous-failed-relationship, ahahaha, I always believe there's no such occurrence of true love, eternity, everlasting, forever, eternal, perpetual, never-ending, persistent, and of course being the naive one, i used to believe all those bullshyts he used to tell me when we got heated up with arguments and disagreements. HELLOOO, I'm only 16, how do you expect me to bear with all those responsibles that one should have to be commited in a serious relationship? please stop the fark bullshyting about eternal love we gonna have till the end of our life, when our hair turns shining silver and blardy shyt on. Its just those common lines guys would use to cheer girls up. PLAIN dumb when i think of the tears I spared on him and used to hold on to the promises he made to me. LOL (well, couples are always blinded by promises and love when they are in a relationship, right chuixing? but owh well, who knows i might fall in love again in the very next minute? ahahhaa)

Well, I still remember every single detail happened in the cinema that particular day, the first day High School Musical 3 was out -24th of October 2008. Hmm, I dont really feel like bursting all out here about it, but I still think of you when I listened to the soundtracks.

the only things i would rant about my ex is there were times when I wished that I can just throw him onto the wall and step on his head couple times until his skull cracks so he understands what I am trying to say to him. :D

i adore you, tomato :)

小鱼儿&小仙女 (translation Xiao Yu Er and Xiao Xian Nu)

love the chemistry they had in between them
waiting for my next-door
SPM 13 more months :(

and owh yah, the drama I'm addicted to right now is The Dragon Heroes
Happy watching *cheers!

music : the theme song of The Dragon Heroes
mood : very random.. :b



im sick :)

Why do i have to get sick on friday?

going to bed again
have a nice day people
byeeeeeee loves

music : if i were a boy
mood : super-duper-uber SICK

Thursday, November 27


hi lovely people!

i couldnt get any nice tops! grrrr
well, i guess heading towards my aunt's house instead after the window shopping is the right choice

when i reached there, entering the house, my first sentence :

shu : OMFG! *screams.. JEREMY, ure thereeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

actually my aunt babysits my little nephew all the while since he is 2 months old. and he looked like a girl when he was a baby, i meant he is still a baby now, but he looks way more charming these days. AHAHAHAHA.

i fall in love with his smile. he's such a cutie and his saliva keep dripping from his mouth when i carried him, dripping right on my shorts. ROFL, making me wet, soaking in saliva.
LAUGH ALL YOU WANT .__. he's way too cute to resist not to hug him NGEK NGEK


picture of him x)
he's fair (how i wish i have his skin)

and im addicted to this lyrics LMAO

Just an old boyfriend - Kaci

I see you on the street
My broken heart still skips a beat
I hear your name inside I go insane
Baby each day that we don't touch
is one more day it hurts too much
I can't forget the love that we made

But there'll come the moment that we're gonna meet (again)
Baby it won't even bother me
Trying to make it to the day you'll be
Just an old boyfriend
Won't be thinking of you every night
Only wishing we could only try
Won't tear me up inside
Just an old boyfriend

Anyone can see the love we killed is killing me
I'm just so sad to lose what we had - Oh yeah
There's no doubt that I should be ok by now
But I'm not there yet
It hurts me so bad but

From the moment that we're gonna meet (again)
Baby it won't even bother me
I'll be looking to the day you'll be
just an old boyfriend
Won't be thinking of you every night
Only be wishing we could only try
You won't tear me up inside
just an old boyfriend

Nothing more and nothing less
No more living with regret
Your memory won't get
The best of me,the best of me
Oh you're gonna see

till here, chatting with my tomato

music : when i need you
mood : missing you desperately x)

market visit

you got tagged!

all this phrases seems to be flooding everyone's chatbox, included chuixing's, shermaine's, michelle's, ivan's and those people who i'm tired to list down. sorry :(

im tired, forgive me :)

i woke up as early as 7.30am in the morning, and rushed into the bathroom to get a quick shower. TEEEEHEEEE, wanna follow my mom to the market for the first time in the entire year 2008. Shall pay more visits to that place, i think? ahahaha, staring at the way my mom choose the chickens, and spinach. LMAO

and she bargains

till here, going out to shop for clothes
love you guys,
bye for now

music : she's dangerous
mood : happy :)

Wednesday, November 26

tuition nightmares

good evening peeps.
i need to see some human!
get me out of my house? SOMEONE PLEASE! exclude tuitions please :X
i been like having tuition almost everyday throughout the whole month
i thought of working with michelle, tell me when everything is confirmed. cheer up babe! you have been really upset over that issue, but you still have me. never give up trying and persuading.

muahahahahah. ngek ngek

and every father will give in willingly when their child used this : TEARS!
*shouts happily, cheering over my new room

i haven get the curtains yet and the deco racks to place my tiny cute bits. shall take picture of my whole room when its ready :)
so glad that im delivered into this family
lalalalalala, i love you dad! not you MOM.
grrr, always scold me for such a small reasons.
i love you in heart though mom

well, i couldnt afford to hate them for long. they're still my parents, brought me to the world, showing me colours and love. TEEEEEHEEEEE (konon anak taat)

and thanks michelle for sending me such a wonderful song, and YOU'RE right!
He's just an old boyfriend.
and thanks ziq for always right there for me
lol, ting hong too :) for being there for me
chuixing, im sorry over your case there. Cheer up girl.
i sound like im going to leave this world :X
lalala, i leave for dinner then.
im hungry xD

i love you peoples
music : he's just an old boyfriend by DJ boonie
mood : stepping over a 'closed door'

sweet tag by Liz

Tagged by Darling Liz
1.The last person to tag you is?

: baby Liz *smile

2. Your relationship with him/her?
: besties :)

3. Your 5 impression towards him/her?
: she's sweet, the girl-next-door, freaking friendly, has a angelic-voice (listens when she sing karaoke :b), and she loves camwhoring. NGEK

4. The most memorable thing that he/she has ever done for you?
: she went karaoke with me, in Curve, and we sang all our heart out : )

5. The most memorable words that he/she has say to you?
: she called me sweety *heart melts

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
: give her all my heart

7. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
: back off, and let her hates me *heartache if she is

8. If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
: loving me more XD

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
: she had another boyfriend : (

10. The most desirable things to do for him/her is...
: bake her a cake TEEEEHEEEE :D

11. Overall impression towards him/her is...
: sweet and cute

12. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
: er? noisy. NGEK NGEK

13. The character of you for yourself is?
: giler panda and indifferent

14. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
: i hate the emo me

15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
: HELOOO!! i wanna be shu ting :X

16. For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
: i like you too

17. Bra or panties?
: panties : )

18. Chocolate or ice-cream?
: don't want. I MAU LOLLIES!!!

19. 8 people to tag.
(those peeps that couldn't copy and paste the tags from my post, kindly refer to baby Liz's blog. TQ)
: Ai Teng
: Ann Tan
: Eugene
: Chui Xing
: Jie Jiun
: Michelle
: Shermaine
: Ting Hong
20. Who is number 2 having a relationship with?
: err??
currently single i assumed. is it?

19. Is 3 a male or a female?
: he's a male. straight one too. LOL

20. If number 3 and 7 got together, would that be a good thing?
: shermaine and eugene? funniest joke on earth!

21. How about 5 and 8?
: maybe, same age :D

22. What is number 1 studying about?
: her chicken rice xD xD

23. When was the last time you had a chat with them?
: recently

24. Is number 4 single?
: idk.

25. Say something about number 2.
: she's pretty and sweet

26. What do you think about number 3 and 6 being together?
: they might be perfect together.

27. Describe number 4.
: my childhood friend. and she's bulimic nervosa. (teeeheee, kidding, consume more food, babe)

28. What will you do if number 6 and 7 fights?
: hmm... i stand there and watch.. NGEK NGEK (call me evil!)

Tuesday, November 25

crabbie view

Hi people, its been three days i didnt touch my beloved laptop. I know this is insane but that works for me. my dad took my modem to his workplace in order to stop me from the internet and get my room done. its been really messy for the past two months :X

im lazy i know, but this wouldn't stop me from blogging. in the previous posts, i did mentioned of my-one-day to the crabbie island. well, its fun, i wouldnt deny that, but i got sun-bathed there due to some sudden circumstances. i had a bike ride all around the island, and its really HUMID. not only sun-bathed my skin, and also several pimples popped out. do your own imagination.

let pictures say everything :)
(give some time for the pictures to load, have a break and come back soon)

the boats

the sight before departing
the cruise to Indonesia

the sight in the ferry

the atmosphere inside

after 30 minutes ride, finally lay my foot on the jetty of crabbie island

sight from far : a house

idk what this represents for._____.

HELP HELP! im lost in crabbie island - the police station (its obvious kay?)

the traveller - my dad

some sort of temple, but i have no idea what is the name : (

GuanYinMa in the middle :b

the sight of the opposite street

lunch : the sight in the restaurant

LALAs ._____.

crab *TAKE ONE!

crab *TAKE TWO! (they are so huge)

my sis and dad stole my bike :x

they were filling their pails with water. (shortage of water i think)

house : )

construction (all wood, no simen :X)

pipes and grounds

crabbie island hypermarket selling from A to Z

spot the name of the shop .___. - Persatuan Hai San Pulau Ketam

their primary school, nice wye!

that two random fella inside :X

their basketball court and building

the sight of leaving the island


abandoned jetty

ferry arrival (the opposite one)

their petrol station (Not Mobil, Petronas, Shell or BhP )

shot 2#

last shot # : (

fishermen's village

the luggages (not mine :X ignore my reflection)

the motorboat

NOTICE my reflection this time (i am tall, ngek ngek)

up! upp and up! leaving back to KL

the sight in Sungai Buloh's highway stop

had satay there with my relatives and POOF, one day gone.
: )


its a tiring day. Many people got married on that day, wonder why? prolly that day getting marry could ensure a loads of babies to the family :X
the common reason.
well, i didnt get marry on that day, but i painted my room with the help from the sis and the dad ._____.

pictures pictures pictures said it all

the paint used - Nippon Paint odour-LESS


lol, paint my heart :X

random : b

this is very very disgusting. a spider web on top of the table our food was served

this is a very long post, haha.
i accepted the fact he's not coming back but this question will always running in my mind
" He's not coming back to me, right? "

i know he wont (whisper silently in heart)
If you're over me, I'm already over you

music : rehab by rihanna
mood : sleepyhead

Monday, November 24


finally, i just finished the two tags tagged by my beloved dar-links
LOL, and i arrived home safely at 23.09.45 hours from the crabby island. i took 245 pictures in that small deserted island. HONESTLY SPEAKING, i spent like 5 hours there and have nothing better to do there and i ended texting ting hong :X
the only vehicle that i can find there is bicycles.
Bicycles are the only transport there i assumed, because the routes there are way too narrow for a sumo to pass through. teeeeheeee but i love the serenity there. no worries, no crimes but no hotties. all UNCLES there!!!!

-shall blog more about it in the next post-
more pictures by then

haziqqqq, i miss you
you didnt believe me, do u?

going to bed right now
loves shu

music : i gotta go my own way
mood : lazy

another tagged

The rules:
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List (8) random facts about yourself
and tag (8) people

  • i hate myself for being so possessive over him
  • i love being me
  • i hate whatever small creatures around me (Strictly no pets allowed)
  • i enjoy staying my room than going outdoors
  • i hate how it feels when i still love you
  • i dream of going to Paris, Italy and United States of America
  • i wanna get myself a purple car somehow :X
  • i love playing switches ._____.

  1. Amanda
  2. Clay
  3. Edward Teo
  4. Chui Xing
  5. Huan Hee
  6. Sherman
  7. Shermaine
  8. Wan Yee

First Name: Chang
Nickname: Shu Shu
Name you wish you had: my name - SHU
What do people normally mistake your name as: su teng wtf
Birthday: 1992 May 30th
Birthplace: Chinese Maternity Hospital
Time of Birth: idk?
Single or taken: Single
Zodiac sign: Gemini baby

-Your Appearance-
How tall are you: 15x Centimeters .____.
Wish you were taller: DUHH
Eye colour: black?
Colour you want: Brown
Natural hair colour: Black
Current hair colour: Brownish
Short or long hair: SHORT
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color: yep
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair: i cut it myself? dramatic enough?
Glasses or Contacts: both
Do you wear make up: sometimes
Ever had hair extensions: thought of that, but nope
Paint your nails: YESSS!!!

-In The Opposite Gender-
What color eyes: Brown
What color hair: Brown
Shy or Outgoing: outgoing but shy in times
Sexy or Cute: He's cute
Serious or Fun: He's serious in times but fun to hang out with
Older or Younger than you: Younger by 3 months
A turn on: when he tends to act cute
A turn off: when he got emo :X

-This or That-
Flowers or Chocolate: Chocolates
Pepsi or Coke: None of it
Rap or Rock: Rap
Relationship or One Night Stand: Relationship
School or Work: Work
Love or Money: Love
Movies or Music: Music
Country or City: City
Sunny or Rainy Days: Rainy days
Friends or Family: Both

-Have You Ever-
Lie: yepp, i did
Stole something: yes, i did that too
Smoked: NO! wtf (last thing that will never even come across my mind)
Hurt someone close to you: yes, i did. I'm sorry
Broke someone's heart: yes, i did and i regretted
Had your heart broken: TOTALLY YES
Wondered what was wrong with you: yes, yes and YES
Wish you were a prince/princess: yes
Liked someone who was taken: yea
Shaved your head: NO! never
Used chopsticks: Once .________. or maybe twice :X
Sang in the mirror to yourself: Yes, when i get emo

Flower: roses?
Song: So Sick by Ne-Yo (on 24th Nov 08)
Scent: im sensitive to scents ._____.
Colour: purple, anything that blends purple with it
Movies: KYLE XY!
Singer: Avril Lavigne
Word: 'DUHHhhh'
Junk Food: no specific favorites in this
Location: my purple room
Animal: non-animal-lover :x sorry

Ever cried over someone: yea, i wish i can reverse everything
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: getting taller pl0x :)
Do you think you're attractive: err? -leave it blank-
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: Sleeping Beauty?
Do you play any sports: Badminton

tagged the same survey by,
.Ai Teng
.Jie Jiun

tagged by Ivan

1. What's your most favourite colour?
. purple

2. Who is the most important to you?
. my family and pals

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
. err idk, several times :x i know its dumb

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
. well, errrr depends.

5. How many babies you want?

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
. idk i only saw it twice in my lifetime

7. What is your goal for this year?
. this year? one more month left, get a brand-new laptop

8. Do you believe in eternity love?
. so far nope .________. but i believe i will still love him

9. Do you think that the person who tag you like to play kidnapping?
. hmm, the one tagged me was Ivan. I don't think so :x

10. What are you really afraid of?
. regrets
. depression
. left behind
. loneliness

11. What is your bad habit?
. getting stuffs which is totally unnecessary
. laziness
. loves to brag
. annoying Elaine

12. Do you have a secret crush?
. so far NO

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
. DUHHH! of course i do!

14. What does flying means to you?
. birdies? aeroplanes? freedom!!!!

15. What do you crave for the most currently?
. serenity

16. Are you single or in a relationship?
. single

17. Describe the person who tagged you.
. LOUD one
. always-do-the-unexpected
. best conductor ever in choral speaking :D
. he bakes
. caring
. skinny
. a-very-good-listener

18. What have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?
. kick boxing
. yoga
. sleep
. cry
. blogging
. cycling :X (im not a good cyclist)
. talk to someone (thanks dear)
. and of course, not to be miss, eating lollies in my room :)

19. What is the worst case scenario that can happen to you in your life?
. being a clerk in a small office... (i hate this)

20. Describe the person you like?
. a boy?
. loving and caring
. good looking although he's skinny :X
. perfect physically,mentally and emotionally (yahh, he is)
. a good boyfriend material

Instructions: Remove the last question from above and add in your personal question.
Make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people.
List them out at the end of the post.
Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged.
Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

i tag . . .
(: Michelle
(: Keith
(: Mun Kuen
(: Shannen
(: Yoke Jong

Thursday, November 20

over it

hi people again.
i know i have been blogging very often these days due to the randomness surrounds me.

I couldn't really think rationally, speak and act logically, i really have to put an end to whatever my mind is thinking all this while. I know i have been talking about this issue since the past few posts, but its only him that come across my mind these days.
how could u be that cruel to let go this relationship just because of a girl which u only knew for several days? our love wasn't really that strong enough to overcome the attraction you had for the girl?

what about all the promises we had? i bet you forgot all about it. in love? that would a perfect answer to whats happening to both of us now. You're totally in love with that girl, and im concerned about this. absolute dumbness to cry myself to bed every night.
i had it enough, seriously. all the wrong and mixed messages shall be put to an end right now. I shall neither hang on to this relationship nor letting go just like this. Honestly, i love you a loads, but i will move on.

mood : emo wtf
music : I can do better -Avril


wtf is wrong with my messenger keep displaying this message.

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

wth? Am i the only one facing this problem?
(i know im demanding) >.<


I know that actions worth more than words.
but all i hope now is only serenity.
leave me alone!

(i know i sounded emo there, but im not actually)
wtf am i doing? LOL.
i blog more tonight. IF im allowed to :[
see ya peoples after TEN

p.s : Haziq, ure so cute!


Session Start: Tuesday, November 11, 2008
  • s h u u (
  • I dunO Y i Will MakE Dis DeciSioN (
(2:41 PM) I dunO Y i Will:wad hapen o u?
(2:42 PM) I dunO Y i Will:u y o?
(2:42 PM) s h u u:dun disturb me
(2:42 PM) s h u u:i hate u so much
(2:42 PM) s h u u:just because i stay a while in fm
(2:42 PM) I dunO Y i Will:y hate me o?
(2:42 PM) s h u u:u called me slack
(2:42 PM) s h u u:i LAG how the shit am i going to train
(2:43 PM) I dunO Y i Will:-___-
(2:43 PM) s h u u:just bcz u freaking 81 rb
(2:43 PM) s h u u:u have to call me a slacker?
(2:43 PM) I dunO Y i Will:sryyy lorhhh i didnt sy my rb high aso
(2:43 PM) I dunO Y i Will:nop
(2:43 PM) I dunO Y i Will:bcause i rely tot u rely slacker ma..
(2:43 PM) I dunO Y i Will:u kep goin fm ba liao
(2:43 PM) s h u u:i duwan to listen
(2:43 PM) I dunO Y i Will:thn if lag aso duwan sms me o..
(2:43 PM) s h u u:shudup
(2:44 PM)I dunO Y i Will MakE Dis DeciSioN has been blocked

Our only conversation in this month. Lol, but i'm keeping all this stuffs aside from now. STOP the hell contacting me JUNK!

aside from this, im gonna get my new room done soon. shall post after its fully done : ]
and those people that confirmed about going to the Curve this Monday are namely :
Shu (shaooi)
Florence (matrixmage1)
Tze (sinmylord)
Ting (a1medsh0t)
Ning (orangedays)
Sherman (Skelarx)
Deryk (BlackHavoc)
(check out the previous post for more infos about this)

going to snooze people, im sick! wtf, shouldn't have play under the rain yesterday

song : umbrella
mood : SHIVERING cold : [