Monday, December 14

No, seriously

Good morning earthlings.

I know you've been shouting and screaming for more updates. Here we go! Oh wait, I heard those voices, shutup! You don't have to remind me how retarded-looking was I in the picture, or maybe I do always.

Well, I did somehow managed to pull it through the thick &thin for the past one month, practically not succumbed to the truth, that high school is finally over already. And end of the year is around the corner, it simply sounds more of going to party and getting to know more people, I smell alcohols :D

No, you got it wrongly. Neither an alcoholic nor a smoker, that disgust me a lots. Alright, I got a little too long-winded. Chemistry paper wasn't that good but I was basically looking forward to go out for a little shopping after the papers.

And we went Millwheel after that. It was totally heart-wrenching to think that we might probably go in separate ways after this last meet-up. Everyone, practically leave the same old spot and move on with their goals and dreams. Pathetic, I'm still stucked in NS by that time. Of so many teens in this country, why am I the lucky one enlisted?

That's a really big question to the ministry. It's so freaking unfair! Yes, it comes to no avail though I gave a fucking damn about it. *WHINE WHINE WHINE ARR!

Anyway, I'm supposed to be glad, chosen for the first batch, with the most holidays in it according to most people around. Seriously, I can't believe I shed my tears for this frigging  I shall blog about NS after I'm back!

Let's cut short, more pictures.
I'm so emotional distress over it now :(

Pictures credit to Chelle.

Family portrait

Let me elaborate how this picture was taken. It started off with a friendly talk I had with the waitress in the shop. So she was really warm &kindly explain to me what's on the menu although it's clearly written on the table, which I didn't notice it when I sat down. After that, we had stupid camwhoring sessions in the shop &met my long-lost tuition mate there, Emerson. Somehow, I didn't know why do I have such a short urinary tract or small urinary bladder, I tend to attend to nature's call very often, make my way to the loo with Elaine. The kind waitress yet offered to lead us the way to the loo but it was too creepy. We did went up to the stairways but freaked out after a few blows of wind on our neck. We ran down instead & got ourselves back into the shop, laughing our hearts out while holding on my urge to pee, FML.

In process of having this beautiful portrait, Chelle blurted out something really funneh - joke of the day. Did you realize the lady looks like Aputha Marry?  We were like laughing our ass off in terror & the lady was really nice to offer to snap picture for us for the second time, I felt so bad now.

My lesby-friend

Ignore the face, ain't really posing for the shot.
Was really trying hard to stuff Chemistry notes into my brain at very last minute.

Bye humans, off to get some sleep today.
Brekkie tomorrow with the girls (:

Letting go of someone dear to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn't even feel the same is much harder. Giving up doesn't mean you are weak! It only means that you are strong enough to let go!

Saturday, December 5

Bra and panty


I have not updated in a while &judging from the views per day, I can tell all my readers are bored and stop coming back, right?

See, I know you guys are mean! 
You're hoping for miracle update aren't you?

Fine, you have my word, fellow readers!

On 8th December, sweetpies!

While you're still reading here, why not drop me a comment on my new layout? :D


It's not right because I turn around and let it slide
And I'm crazy for thinking that someday change things
When you keep on crossin' the line

Saturday, November 14


I'm officially a high school graduate now. Eventually, it marked to another pathway closer to bigger responsibility. Anyway, I shouldn't be staying here for long but do take care all my readers. I need to get back to my crib & study again!

Th-graduation peektures will be on hold till I finally get the whole album from Michelle!

Emotions, drama, broken hearts, and lies
And they say these were the best days of our lives?

Wednesday, September 30

It's not gonna be long

Hello loves.

It's gonna be a quick update. Things have not been going great these days. Results are distributed in classes & I'm so not satisfied with my achievements & totally be screwed by my parents if they would find out, soon! Anyway, I would really wanna apologise to those who fell for the pun in the previous entries. The space tour was totally fiction & all made up for blog sake purpose. I didn't see that coming in fact, its pretty entertaining how the storyline entered my mind. Oh right, I'm gonna be away for long this time due to the EOTY. It gonna takes up much effort compared to the previous years and deciding which path of my life gonna be. I hope everyone would just bear with me of the temporary hiatus. I will be M.I.A till the exam is finally over.

Till then, toodles

xoxo ♥

Friday, September 25

I went to space.

Hello people, I'm back once again.

I'm sorry for neglecting my blog again, seriously I'm just too excited of everything! Three months ago, I received an unknown call from someone I would least unexpected they have my number. I thought it was a prank and nearly blurted out chiocheebye on the phone with him. Who the heck expected that larh! Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor (if you have no idea who's him, try googling) rang me on the phone, asked do I wanna join him with Kapten Dr Faiz Khali for the second astronaut programme in this month. I was really excited about that! I was totally unaware was it a dream or not till my sister gave me a pinch on my arm. Blue black tau? So he asked me to give him a reply when I've make up my mind. On first thought, I was hesitating, I couldn't imagine myself in the outer space, Shuu lightyear! *inside joke*

While I was still considering the offer, my parents urged me to go. Cumon' it only happens once for a lifetime opportunity. It's freaking hard to say no, okay?
So, I decided to return a call to Dr Sheikh.

"Hello, is this Dr Sheikh on the phone?"
"Ya, saya. Selamat pagi. Who's on the line please?"
"Oh, I'm Shu here. I'm calling to give you an answer about the offer. I couldn't turn down your invitation, I'm so thrilled. Pardon my shaking voice."
"Tak apa, so Cik Chang akan datang ke mari?"
"Yes, I'll be joining the programme. Is there anything I should prepare, or maybe attending any courses?"
"Tak payah. Take it easy!"
"Alright, you let me know about the further notifications about time. So shall call you then?"
"Boleh, jangan lupa bawa IC!"
"Okay, byeeee!"

I should record the conversation between him and me, fml. I still couldn't believe what's happening, my voice trembled with fear when I was on the phone with him. So I can't wait to see my face is going to appear on the TV! & feel so superstar-ish, wtf!

Just so I happened to pay my first visit before the take off in space shuttle. My eyes would practically popped off when I saw the first rocket in my whole 17 years of life. I bet those that aged 50 and above might not even see one before. Camwhored with the rocket, it's quite inappropriate to post it up here. What do you expect larh, I'm a just 17 year-old vain teenager! So Dr. Sheikh walked me through the places & brought me to the space shuttle. Those colourful buttons, now it seems like I'm living in a science-fiction movie, StarWars.

He explained to me each & every procedure from how do we put on the space suit, the movements allowed in the outer space (I can't wait to float, weee!), how are we gonna consumed our food. It's very interesting of the way astronauts drink and eat in space although they consumed anything edible like us on Earth. The only difference is we have to use a straw to suck the water & the space foods were all bite-sized and placed in aluminium tube. He even teach me how to pee! Very very interesting. He showed me a video of it (not someone peeing larh, wtf) they just pee in their pants, literally! Spacesuits are usually fitted with diapers so that astronauts can work for hours in space, but there's also toilet. What if we need to poop?

In the toilet, due to weightlessness, there's a lots of restraints, like foot loops to prevent us from floating away. They also rely on the air & vacuum pump to create suction getting rid of the waste. Also can shower, cunted sial! There's a full body shower unit in the shuttle, when they need to shower, they stepped themselves into the cylindrical shower stall & get themselves wet, like what we did on Earth. But those little droplets of water you'll be noticing it's floating about, your soap bar too!

After that long introduction, I'm finally ready for my only likely happen once in my lifetime journey to the universe. On the launching day, I bid goodbye to family & relatives, none of my friends attended the farewell, it was quite a last minute decision, dears! Was thrilled and excited throughout the journey, I saw a myriad of stars & getting nearer to the Moon. It was very interesting how I brought jelly beans to the space & I can eat them without my hands, floating all around me.

I brought my camera to space too! & camwhored there too!

So after a week there, we finally going home, back to Earth. I seriously miss those days in space, a lots not to mention the bathing experience! ;D Afterall, its a memorable one, how I wish I could hold a birthday party in space in years to come, who knows? Everyone will be in their birthday space suit, cool eh?

Last but not least, I wanna thank you Dr. Sheikh for such an incredible experience, the crew members for being really helpful in the space & also everyone who wished me for a safe journey. I'm back home in one piece now and sat right here blogging an entry about it. I'm glad that you guys were there when I've to make this really tough choice.

P.S : I would like to express my gratitude to Blogger for allowing me to post up such a incredible & fiction tale about my experience in the space. Besides that, I'm really impressed of the idea of getting a scorecard to the space but it's just another imaginary tale I would like to share with everyone, its my dream at very young age. I'm sorry if this somehow offended anyone in the story but I'd hope to give everyone a good laugh, somehow at least I think its funneh!

Where do you obtain the pictures?
Missy Google.

Where do you get the picture of yourself in spacesuit?

Where did you inspiration comes from?
You, because you collided to my blog!

Tuesday, September 22

A fairytale deal *updated

Its quite a kickstart for me to regain the oomph to blog again these days, practically these several sleepless nights I had &yet have nothing in mind, totally blank of what's going on around me. Hari Raya was totally un-cool at all to me, personally because I merely stay home more than before, most of my tuitions were cancelled. This leaves to no avail for helpless Shu to rot in her own crib. But there's one thing for sure, I'm listening to lots of songs these days, much than before. And I started to sing in my dreams too these nights. FML


Well, how badly I hope to be in a shopping mall now, healing my shopping pangs by just picking everything I need & longed to have so badly in my cart. Just having these thoughts in mind made my big face smiles. Seriously, Ive never been feeling so good ever since he walked out from my life. At least those silly dreams and fantasies could brighten up my dull days. Oh maybe these unreachable goals will be fulfill in the future, I hope at least. *fingers crossed.

Perhaps, I'm still living in own small world, quite big in my opinion. Being in such and all of these hallelujah scenes are gonna be the blessings, I'd never reach upon after all effort I gave in. Question ; how many years could you work in your adulthood that you can splurge in the mall all you want, & satisfy your desires & lusts in shopping? I would rather live in my small world now on second thoughts.


*big smack on head
Ouch, that is definitely a hard time when you're way far carried away from reality & all you want is just a good escape to your own dream. This smack not only reminds you're just another weaklings in Earth & there's nothing much you could do but to behold your own faith and destiny. Sadly, if I'm given a choice, I wouldn't wanna undergo these pressure and stress I'm dealing with nowadays.


Examinations & assignments are such a pain in ass when teachers in school are giving you a hard time. Have I not mention this to anyone before? I would have to agree that most of teachers & parents had been through this classic days, used to be the moments they would love to treasure but that doesnt appeal to everyone, at least not to us, at this age. Probably as time goes by, when that fact hits golden age I would called, parents tend to outgrow what they felt for the children & started flashing into past of what they had been through when they were in our age. I'm pretty sure they had undergo puppy loves, that developed much into some deeper affairs in high schools later. Precisely, more or less likely they went through courtships, broke ups, torn between two, practically the ups and downs of a student in life.


Well, exposure to more people in the society are quite scary in some ways. Most of the friends left and went separated ways after high schools, some would chase their dreams, go after their goals, make some achievement before its too late & some would just remain static, no where to go ; remained the way they were before. How sad it was when it comes to the crucial part, reunion. Basically, they would go gaga-ed over achievements they've made, fame & fortune when these people are placed together. Oh, I forgot some important points, some girls might even get marry after high school, thats fast right?

pregnancy Pictures, Images and Photos

Pregnancy is not really bad thing afterall. Think of the bright side, you get to set up your family at a very young age, & enjoy family days pretty more than the average ones do. If you're lucky enough, you might even create 4 generations in 5 decades. Wow, that's a lots, under one condition, your children have to get marry at young age too. Imagine you're only forties, you have a bunch of grandchildren calling you granny, its another blessings ;D Although you might have lost your freedom at young age & you're stucked at home breastfeeding your child while your mates are having fun in the club, getting the new hot guy's number, think of the little toddlers calling you granny while strolling in the park, what a bliss!

As we grow older, our actions & responses started to slow, rate of metabolism decreases rapidly. Silver mine setting up in our hairs, I'm not mentioning those that dye their hair damn frequent. At that age, we would really hope for more love, care & concern our children could showered at us, not forgetting the attention we would seek for. Nothing more we could ask for as long the children is loyal and filial to the parents. Do appreciate your parents before anything happened. Undo the regrets now or never.

P.S : This is personally my own thoughts on the cycle of human growth. Basically I'm feeling these because I'm getting older, precisely & watching my parents grow older into their golden age period was quite a painful sight. They used to be strong, wrinkles-free and generally tough in most of the situations. I supposed when human grow old, they became vulnerable & unable to adapt into changes made in their lives.

After a relatively long soapy post, let's move on to something amusing. Allow me to post these several nude pictures of myself :D
Here are some warnings I would warn before strolling down.

  • This is not for the weak-hearted, please close the tab if you can't help laughing right now.
  • Pardon me being buffoon in these raya holidays.
  • Prepare yourself for the lamest-pun-ever today! 

Friday, September 11

Just feels right

When it seems that everyone is busy catching up with the pace of their life, it never likely I would be catching up with whatsoever occurrence in my pathetic life. It's that supposed to be a bad warning for every next chaos?

Oh right, its down to three more papers ; Chemistry, Physics and Additional Mathematics. Seriously, I'd most probably screw my Chemistry papers this time, Ive heard its going to be really tough this time compared to the rest. & Ive took history, seriously the papers was fucking hard as my mind went blank the moments I flipped through the sheets. Ordinary questions I would said, but Ive no idea whats all those questions about despite the late nights I poured for this trials.

There's so much happenings this week, where shall I start from? Oh, have I mentioned anything about this really strange incident that happened on last Monday? The scene started off in tuition, I set my alarm to 3 a.m. for the last minute revisions. So the whole scene only revolved between Elaine eniale and I, we were busy discussing who's gonna wake each other up and getting up for the last minute lynch. After I got home, I was all ready to bed, pretty sure I would be awake by 3, dozed off like a log. The next thing I knew when my mom woke me up was 6 in the morning. FML, my alarm did not ring and I received a text message from Elaine eniale. I thought she must have got herself brushed up for school so I could not reach her phone.

Scenario became a puzzle to everyone of us when Elaine eniale asked why did I called her repeatedly yesterday night? Wouldn't that be strange when I'm still in bed and Elaine eniale received a call from my number at 3.04 a.m.? She kinda emphasized she did received my call last night when my first thought landed it was just another prank. I can't assumed I really did gave her a call if I'm still in bed, I went home and checked my call log.

The next thing I saw is, I did called her at 3.04 a.m. Wtf, this whole thing seriously creeps me off then. I let my parents knew about it & they claimed I'm suffering from somnambulism again, the disorder of sleepwalking. The only thing I remembered was I found myself in the living room trying to open the door and get myself out from the house & that was like 2 years ago. I guess I don't really enjoy staying here then.

I have in mind, if she did pick up my call that night, whose voice would she hears?

As I was struggling to find a solution to every paranormal manifestation took place in my daily grind, I left myself pondering with tonnes of questions in my head. What lives in the other dimension of the world? What does it takes to continue with life? Do they look the same as us in our world? I bet you have an answer in mind what am I talking about.

I meant its nothing more than just bumping into 'them' , I meant, but why does this happened that we always have these thoughts in mind, fearful and timid when it deals with this matter? This statement would be pretty subjective, I'm not trying to say I'm not believing in these stuffs, but it all just down to mind matters, if we would to spend a little time and think of how everything revolved. However the state of matter started to change for bad, we would just have to believe in no reasonable explanation of how the lady diagnosed with cancer had now got rid of her tumour without any surgeries.

Probably I'm just having these in mind because it's the month of Hungry Ghost Festival. This 14 days journey really gave me chill down my spine when they are offering prayers & burning incense at the junctions, and roadsides. Oh, I used to ask my mom on the roadblocks in the middle of those neighbourhood, they set up this really huge place and stage for some sort of concerts. I was simple & guileless at that time, have not exposed to internet at that age, didn't know much the reason behind the stage. I used to bug my parent to bring me & watch those ah lians performing on the stage, wearing skimpy clothes. Their apparels don't seem to be appropriate for general view purpose, but I did noticed many ah bengs and ah lians enjoyed watching them from the floor, ah peks too not to be forgotten. Some even recorded the performance and most probably compiled the video for their ultimate collections, & mainly watching them when they wants to you know what.

There are also some interesting precautions I came across with via internet, old folks' saying and parents ;

  • Never go swimming during the 7th month.
    I've heard my mom said, those water ghosts would probably drown you in order to get a replacement of soul. In order to obtain a body and reincarnate, they got to get themselves a sacrificial. If your luck is low, you might probably happened to encounter it.

  • Extra early curfew.
    Family members, especially children are advised to stay home at night because the spirits might be wandering around looking for victims. Working adults are advised to return home early and best not going out during the late hours. No more clubbings and partays!

  • Never talk much during the night.
    It said that do not give any comments when you saw people having their prayers at the roadside or any strange incidents.This belief is due to the reason that you might offended the spirits and wandering ghosts might possess you.

  •  Do not go for dark shades.
    Avoid dark shades and colours of apparels and manicures. They believed that spirits often have dark manicures, blood red shades of long nails, & mistaken you're one of them. Avoid this unless you want them to greet you.

  • Never wait under trees and bus stands at night.
    I've just come across with this from a movie. When it happened that you might get yourself involved in an accident, the driver couldn't see you standing there mainly not because of faulty breaks or shitty driving skills but the spirits covered their eyes. It said that the places are cold. PHRRANNNGGGG!

There's a lots of source around, mainly these are the important ones preventing much of what you didnt want to encounter in this month. You can refer to here, here and here for more details.

Prevention is better than cure, do not try to take up any dare in this month because you'll have no idea what's living in the air you breathe.

You might probably wondering who's next to you when you're reading this article!


A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.

Wednesday, September 9

The day when there's no tomorrow

Hi ;

I did not realised its 09.09.09 today till I saw the receipt of the pictures I took from the shop. Well, its kinda unbelievable somehow this day reached that fast, just as I was flashing back to those days when I just bypass 08.08.08 last year. Somehow, it reminds me a lots of the sweet yet bitter memories in the past. Updates, here we go!


Basically another family gathering, went to Manjalara and had steamboats with the cousins. Sorry, no pictures on that day because I had an awful bad hair day. Plus, I had this frigging huge pimple on my forehead. Oh, I'm being whiny again. My dad used to complain to mom how do I look and put myself into presentable mode in public. Anyway, apart from the facial comments I got from him, he burst out laughing in front of the public about my constipation. *shy

It's fucking embarrassing to share the story of it. Yet, we are these really weird family. Why? We don't mind talking about shits even we're supposed to enjoy our scrumptious meal, despite the awkward scents we would imagine in our mind, having each and every bite of the food in our mouth. Besides that, dad went to grandpa's house again after the dinner. We left separately and both of us, basically my sister and I were left in the car, basically she's revising for her papers next week while I'm reading twilight in my ebook. All this seems to good to be true till a stranger, in his early fifties, Malay man approached our car and knocked into our windscreen. We were kind of surprised but in agony, I was like wtf, and keep pressing the car's horn, hoping that will scare off the pervert. & just so my parents returned, my grandpa told them about the recent rape cases in his neighbourhood of this chinese lady and the malay man. Wtf


Trials is finally here. Shall blog about it soon in conclusion of all subjects.
Oh my, biology papers are really tough. Am so ready to fail that paper, I've no idea what the heck is all the questions asking of, despite the late hours I stayed up for the readings. FML, shouldn't have practice last minute revision, this is so bad, kid!

Oh, I simply adored watching Chace Crawford every minute in the series. He's such a heartthrob, his voice, and eyes are way so seductive.I guessed I'll be sleeping beforehand mom stormed into my room for not studying on history.

Friday ; History kills.

Oh wait, on second thought, I think Ed Westwick is turning on the siren pulaks. *bangwalls.

Hands off from him.
I'd really need to stop fantasizing both of these hawt arse.
Back to my crib, & start reading the insane facts.

Her sentiments were echoed by subsequent speakers , anybody hear her then?

Saturday, September 5

I need help!

To all loyal fans, stalkers, readers, friends and mates, kindly drop me your name & url of your site for the relinks, for those I used to link in the past, I want to read your blog a.s.a.p!

Well, if you want me to read your site, drop me the link as well.

Cheers :)

Thursday, September 3

Top 3 things to do in exam


What's right when its wrong. I knew it could be fucking incredible to tell you this, I'm blogging during my exams. Wtf

Top 3 things you should do during your exam :

  1. Sleeping
  2. Copying
  3. Blogging (Attempted : Success)

Had this weird fetish all of a sudden over blogging, I can even be bothered to blog during the papers, call me desperate. Likewise, I really love the idea how things were brought together again! I seriously have these deep affections towards you, mrsweetguy but I'm just so uncertain of the next moves. I could possibly be crushing mrbear but its obvious enough I'm really falling for you this time, for real, unexpectedly.

I couldn't believe my mind all these are happening. Deep down in me, every words of yours resembled the missing pieces to the beautiful puzzle in my mind. Knowing you would possibly be there every time I need you, I'm afraid of what it may seems happening to me are the same to what you've been treating other chicks. Honestly, I could no longer bear the sight of it, what more the picture of both of you.

Looking at Jegan, looking at me. 

Random quote. Back to topic, it slipped in my mind how did I transformed into a vain-looking bitch, proclaiming I have the best-est family of all. Seriously, if you think I do, why am I whining over here?

Afterall, it must have been the sudden adrenaline rush of me to write the three words to you, mrsweetguy across the rows of seats. It must have been utterly bitter to see the sights of you grinning from ear to ear when you meet the girl but also lovingly enjoyed your innocent sweet acts, he's not so innocent actually.

May it seems I have these deep thoughts for you, I've yet to know what's in his mind, his thoughts and miraculously what does he thinks about me. Helpless I would said, I can't afford to make the first move this time, just in case it would spoiled our friendship.. What's bothering me much now is how am I gonna revised all the chapters in just one night for Chemisty? Y'all know how badly I did for the past papers.

OOPS, Mr. Firdaus is staring at me when I'm typing this. Be back in noon.
Bye people, xoxo

Monday, August 31

Like a broken CD, her heart skipped a beat

I knew its down to few hours till your first day of hitting 17, another year closer to legal age. I had so many thoughts about you, simply much enough to fill up the entire concrete pillar of feelings, mate. We'd been friends since primary days, &'ve never slipped past my mind, we would be standing this close right now, babbled our hearts out every opportunity we had.


Never appealed to me in just a blink of eyes, we just walked off from the childhooddays and slowly bypass teenagehood, stepping in young adulthood. Flashing back, we used to be those typical teenie-boppers over-fantasized on those sick love novels and reading cute thick Enid Blyton's storybooks. I wouldn't condemn any of her books as it's really interesting for peeps at our age, at that point of time &now, the obsession outgrew us and changed from time to time.

You developed and changed a lots compared to those days. As for in the present, you tend to be more responsible to your own acts and words upon every consequences you might had to bear. But afterall, you'll just stood right next to me, clinging on every breathe you could take for struggles you had to face. It's just a tad whiny sometimes when it comes to conversation between us, typical nature of yours! Don't worry, hun.


Facing countless obstacles in every hardships and nasty breakups, you always ought to be the stronger one, although how bad it feels like, you always carry them on your shoulder, all by yourselves and totally acknowledged the presence of us, the bud. That's what friends for, act upon your pillar of feelings, sink every deep thoughts in our hearttohearttalk session.

Walking down the memory lane, I remembered the numbers of call in the endless nights, had these big really dark circles and eyebags, sleepless nights when I just had to simply get on with life. How motivational your words are & simply remained every unspoken thoughts in my mind; real clearly. We always do have some unconditional psychic for one another in times and under certain circumstances we couldnt agree to disagree.

Redang was one of the best-est period ever, we could really spent those moments the max, & giggled every stupid stunts and poses we made, never appeal to me what's wrong with those days till you finally have someone in mind. It tortures your inner soul & break you apart. How hard it felt like always have to be one of the pain memories you soon gonna erase.

Looking through beautiful album, countless snaps we took, are often just so happened that it's just random in mind. Mind you, in each &every picture simply framed the beautiful bizarre thoughts in my mind of how I felt about you & our friendship.

& simply admired my photo-snapping skills *big wide grin
You know how well I do


Kawan baik selamanya, Mic-chilli!


1.Besides your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed?

2.How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
gawddamnit, it's raining again & postponed my driving class.

3.Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?
the very last time I stood near to one was about weeks ago.

4.Would you consider yourself spoiled?
sometimes, but I would gladly be one.

5.Will you ever donate blood?
yea, needles hurt.

6.Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
yes, of course.

7. Do you want someone to be dead?
no one in mind so far

8. What does your last text message say?
Want come my house?

9.What are u thinking right now?
I wanna shower so badly.

10. Do you want someone to be with you now?

11.What was the time you went to bed last night?
2.25 a.m.

12.Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
I got it from my cousin

13.Is someone on your mind right now? .

14.Who was the last person who text you?

TEN Lucky person to do this quiz...
1. Shermaine
2. Edward Tan
3. Yuhjiun
4. Keith
5. Michelle
6. Nixolie
7. Florence
8. Tze Han
9. Marcus
10. Yee En

15. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
With no. 3

16. Is no. 3 a male or a female?

17. If no. 7 and and no. 1 get together, would it be a good?
World War 3

18. What is no. 1 studying about?
Chemistry, I don't know

19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
#1 - last thursday
#2 - weeks ago
#3 - weeks ago
#4 - yesterday
#5 - yesterday
#6 - weeks ago
#7 - yesterday
#8 - yesterday
#9 - days ago
#10- yesterday

20. Is no. 4 single?
Yea, he is

21.Say something about no. 2
 Footballer & madly in love with his girlfriend

22.What do you think about no. 2 and no. 6 being together?
Yuhjiun is so gonna be pissed!

23.Describe no. 9
He's horneh

24. What will you do if no. 6 and no. 7 fight?
I'll stay still

25. Do you like 8?

He's the new 

Its down to one day finally.
Am totally screwed for this examination
I'm fucking scare pulak, FML.
Gawd, I need to retreat to my desk.

Always remember that the pain of holding on
is greater than the pain of letting go.

Friday, August 28

Can we bring yesterday back around?

Totally overwhelmed with every scenes that took place after one another.

Try to say it's over
Say the word goodbye.
But each time it catches in my throat
Your still here in me
And I can't set you free
So I hold on to what I wanted most
Maybe someday we'll be friend's forever more
Wish I could open up that door

Now here it comes, the hardest part of all
Unchain my heart that's holding on
How do I start to live my life alone?
Guess I'm just learning,
Learning the art of letting go

Hooked up to this song for the entire day, I couldn't believe I'm tuning into this song for the past 13 hours. Seriously, she sang pretty good!


Happy Smexy Tujuh-Belas Fiona Eleanor!

I've no idea when did you privated your site, and hardly get to know the happenings. However, I'm sure your life is still so fabulous and smelling great! Good luck in upcoming trials and three months-noted SPM papers!

See, I remember your big day girl!


Wednesday, August 26

Edible roots and leaves

Felt upset entirely on everything. Gawddamnit, I deserve a break. Really, do I?

These holidays are definitely not an option, undergo the pains and missings I had without school, yes definitely schoolsick for now. Getting way beneath my inner souls, had these thoughts about you again, mrbear. I hope you're feeling great, at least better than I do.

Moving on, it's someone's big day!

Jeng Jeng Jeng!

Happy Manis Enam-belas JiunJiun, the super nice girl-next-door!

I knew it havent been long we came across each other, but we got closer by every footsteps we could after what we've been through together, every hardships and these deep thoughts we always have in mind, hesitated which pathway shall we take. Grab every chance when we could be alone, having these hearttalks session, wondering how far could everything goes. But both of us, combined; recreate miracles, that we could have never imagine & successfully put down everything in the past and walk out from the gloomy days. Those were the days, you cried, shed & poured for the one you loved. It's different now, you giggled every minute now &then, telling me how wonderful &awesome your life is.

Those moments we spent together in class, the dirtiest joke I cracked to you, ridiculous poses we made, aimless shyt we would just talk about when we are just having each other in company. You're just so beautiful the way you are, be strong and appreciate of everyone you have around you. I knew this would might be a tad too sentimental, I'm glad I found you!

Sahabat selamanya, Jiun.

We are always do silly stunts, unexplainable theory when we're paired together, watch out!
& now, I'm jiun-sick! wtf

I need to go to bed, xoxo

P.S : I'm just kidding sweetheart, I do miss you as much as I hate celeries. Everyone knew how badly celeries could hurt meh, ouch!