Wednesday, January 28

Miss Pandalicious

good evening people.

finally I managed to dig out this really old song, reminiscences of those days I was young.
*flips hair
I'm still young now though.

Miss Ai-yo-yo from Good Morning, Sir!

I seriously heart every series of her. She's so pretty and always with her motherly-gentle-tone, I watched her series everyday last time and I always bugged my mom to get me her videos. She's such a loving character and I wish every teacher is about the same as her.

She's a legend in the MediaCorp... having won a Best Actress award for her role as Mo Wanwan, and winning the All Time Favorite award in 2006. She won 2 memorable role awards for Miss Aiyoyo and Mo Wanwan. (From Holland IV)

YES, she's a really good actress! I can still remembered in one of her series, she casts a spell, some sort likely and the kids are having so much fun in that series. I used to imitate their dance moves and her adorable tone.. d:

Alright, what reminds me of all these?

Geeeee, last Wednesday, choir put on a show on Madam Shiu's retirement and we were having our last practices before the event starts. And oh well, while we are situated next to the Chinese Orchestra team, they played this song. LOL!

It takes a few minutes to wonder why the heck is this song so familiar, and GAWD, Michelle starts humming the tune and those peeps started singing beside me.

I remembered, the Miss Aiyoyo!
We came up with an idea, started singing that song to warm up our vocals instead, and everyone stood still watching the beautiful melody tuned. Go and watch the video of Miss Aiyoyo here.

Gotta go complete my homework
Till here then.

tuning in : Superhuman - Chris Brown ft. Keri Hilson
mood : pandalicious

Its my heart and Its going away.

The early morning, the city breaks

Geeee, this site is so dead.

Hullo peeps
, I need some response puh-leasseee?


Its the third day of Chinese New Year, and oh whadturf I'll be stuck at home, laying rotten and just decomposed. Gaining these calories honestly driving me to the park, must be the damn attractive-mouth-watering-Chinese-delicacies. Not ba gua, but those jelly beans.
YES, i love them a loads.... *tempted betul

Seriously, I need to put off weights. Photobucket

kay, skipped that full-with-fats-part, jump to a new topic.

Dad will be working tomorrow - simply means no more family gathering till Friday. Awww, I don't feel like staying at home tomorrow; watching those boring duk-duk-chiank programmes. All they did every year is just substitute those pretty cute little girls to some other cuter, younger ones. *whadturf. You can observe the trends and they won't even think of ways to improve the song. (turn it into a rap version maybe? )

Wait, or maybe they did.

8TV shows a very good improvement in producing the what-so-ever-title-with-cowboy-mv
Photobucket Its a interesting video. Check it out here.

CNY is boring.

alright, enough of ranting & complaints, I'll stop here and finish up with what I've not done with.

Homeworks & assignments.

Till here then,

tuning in : You Found Me - Fray
mood : exaggerated happiness Photobucket

Monday, January 26

I could not put up with this temperature

Happy Chinese New Year peeps.

(practice what my mom preaches. Red= Ongness)

Its a miracle I'm still sitting down with my mobile phone, blogging away right now. I was caught in such a drastic weather; giler-panda-sunny-hot-with-numerous-bad-UV-rays.

Yes, I know I'm pathetic. Shaddap!

Stucked in granny's house for 5 frigging hours. Simply imagine what could I have been doing there, in the house with those unfamiliar faces, whom I only see every 12 months, and yet you don't really know how to communicate in their foreign languages.

Geeee, I'm quite sure you have been wondering what sort of foreign languages could it be?

Huar Yu
Wah Yue
Bahasa Cina
Yes! They speak Mandarin hell fluently and fast, and I could barely catch up with what are they talking. whadturf?

"Wo hui chiang huai yu."

Hell ya, I'm a pure 100%-Asian-Chinese-with-a-fair-complexion. This is no doubt, because both of my parents are pure Chinese. (How I wish either one side of my family is Caucasian xDD)
Geee, a little dark secret to be disclosed. Wait!

Maybe not-so-dark, a slight purple one.
Gah, crap.. My parents are English-educated, although both of their family backgrounds are fully Chinese-educated ones, idk why are they so special enough that my grandparents chose to send them to an English boarding school.

Well, since my parents are not used to speak in Mandarin, they communicate with me in English. This is just a mere fact I came to know when I started to know more people, and thats what we call, childhood friends and started talking to my cousins when I was 7 (Yes, Seven. Tujuh. Chat. Chi.) *whadturf
I soon realized what I lack of when I started to speak to people around.
(whadturf) *faints.

heheh, I could still remember how funneh was that scene when I tried to ask my cousin for a balloon, those round, colourful, big, made-of-rubber ones. (Was a toddler at that age) I have no idea what balloon is called in Mandarin and I keep telling him, " I want balloon! I want balloon! "


the funniest part is, he's totally clueless what am I talking about. *slaps head
therefore, I started showing him what is a balloon.
YES, I made some silly hand movements describing a balloon.
*malu-sangat ni
and my mother giggled how stupid I was and she often reminds me about it although its like ten years ago grandma stories.

Don't laugh when you talk to me in Mandarin.

But you can always try me in Cantonese!

I started talking Cantonese at the age of 10. *flash my bangga-smile sial ahahahaha..
It must be parental influence, my parents communicate in Cantonese behind my back because they didn't wanna let me know what are they talking about, but slowly I found my own way to understand Cantonese instead, TVB DRAMAS!

I picked up the language rather fast. very soon, I managed to communicate well in that dialect about two months later. ahahahaha (Well, now you realized how televisions play an important role in a child development?)

Gosh, this is one of the worst CNY ever, I supposed. This weather seriously ruined my entire mood for this festive season and I wouldn't want to step out from my house, for any purposes..
Or I would ended up in a giler-panda-jacuzzi, in other words; perspire.
I hate getting wet. Meow

oh yes, I managed to read till chapter 5; Konserto Terakhir
*flash my bangga-smile
geeee, I'm going to bed early again
toodles peeps!


tuning in : Without You - Hinder
mood : heavy-hearted

Called you up cause’ it’s been long enough
And you said that you were so much better
We have done a lot of growing up
We were never meant to be together

Cause something changed, you were acting so strange
And it’s taken its toll on me
It’s safe to say that I’m ready to let you leave

Without you, I live it up a little more everyday
Without you, I’m seein myself so differently
I didn’t wanna believe it then
But it all worked out in the end
When I watched you walk away
Well I never thought id say
I’m fine
Without you

Sunday, January 25

its New Year's eve.

Its Chinese New Year's eve, and Shu is lazing at home, in front of the TV.
She's engulfed by laziness.

OMGWHADTURF? I need to lose weight!

*screammm at the top of my voice

gimme 'angpaos' and shower me with MUNNEH :D

geeeeee, updating this dead blog once again.
As my previous entry mentioned about the last minute shoppers, I did that again. Last minute shopping in Sungai Wang plaza. Giler-panda, I swear I'm not going to shop at very late hours again, caught in a massive traffic jam for almost 45 minutes. (I can walk and shop around 2 floors in 45 minutes)

Scene 1 : In the car, stucked in the traffic jam.

Mom : I can snooze in the car already.
Shu Si : Yalarh, SISTER LARH wanna come this hell-traffic-jam place.
Shu : Oi! what larh, say it loud you didn't wanna shop, auntie! *point fingers

Mom : In the car also can quarrel.
Shu Si : buckle up your seat belts larh.
Shu : Gah, shuddup! Mommy, lets go some where this festive holidays *grins
Shu Si : Go where?
Mom : Where do you wanna go?
Shu : Lets go Cameron. I never been there before, it must be quite interesting to barbecue at that place.
Shu Si : Siao, your charcoal won't burn. And that place has a loads of ...
Shu : What?
Shu Si : *lower down her tone. A loads of this ghost Pictures, Images and Photos
Shu : Of what?
Shu Si : this ghost Pictures, Images and Photos
Shu : What? *stares
Shu Si : ghost Pictures, Images and Photos
Shu : Whattt larhh? *in a bimbo tone.
Shu Si : argh, bitch! GHOST larh!
Shu : *LAUGH-my-arse-off*
Mom : Just keep quiet, you both noisy girls!

Gah, its been 10 years ago I stepped into this plaza.
I hardly spot my parents in the crowd and there's loads of peeps in the mall.
somehow, we stopped at the herbal tea store for a drink.

I have no idea whats the title. x=

my addiction


Wiki :
Guīlínggāo is a Chinese medicine that is made with the powdered shell from the critically endangered three-lined box turtle (金錢龜) and China roots (土伏苓; Smilax glabra). It is also eaten as a dessert, made in the form of a jelly. Commercially available guīlínggāo are always sold as a dessert and do not contain turtle shell powder (despite the prominent turtle images on most brands). They do, however, share the same herbal additives as the medicine and are similarly marketed as being good for skin complexion when ingested.

It was believed that Emperor Tongzhi nearly cured his smallpox by taking guilinggao. However, Empress Cixi believed his disease could be cured by worshipping a smallpox idol. She succeeded in convincing Tongzhi to quit his guilinggao regimen. As a result, the emperor died.

Guilinggao is thought to be good for the skin, allowing for a healthier complexion upon repeated consumption. However this effect, if any, is most likely attributed to the additional herbal additives within the jelly.

nutritious right?
You should have try it some other day. ahahaha

shall cut this short, simple and sweet
Happy Chinese "Niu" Year peeps!
have a remarkable festive season!

*cough cough
I need to go shower,
wouldn't be able to wash my hair tomorrow, or else, kena spank from parents ...
gahh, traditions and pantangs..


tuning in : You found me -The Fray
mood : bad cough, unfit health for shopping D:

Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why’d you have to wait?
Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, you found me

In the end everyone ends up alone
Losing her, the only one who’s ever known
Who I am, who I’m not, who I want to be
No way to know how long she will be next to me

Saturday, January 24

ready for something big

( quench my thirst )
*whadturf? why is there a bittergourd behind?
Ignore it!

I immersed myself into mua studies.

and I engulfed with last minute shopping.

the queue at the cashier was incredibly-turfing-long. Its quite unexpected to see many last-minute shoppers busy picking their super-panda-last-minute-clobber.

"Mommy, I wanna get this! " *points finger*
"Mommy, this is SOOO adorable! Can I have this please? "*stares hard with teary-eyed*
"OWHMYGEEZ! mommy, look here, this is so convenient. "

and in the end, Mother just walked off saying she has red eyes and POOFFF, all the stuffs i longed to buy flew off like little birdies flew back to their nest.
*how pathetic it was

well, sort of went home but whadturf? Mom dropped by at granny's house to hand her some CNY groceries stuffs. Things went pretty creepy when I entered the living room, sudden goosebumps rush in my head. I have no idea why is that happening as things were pretty fine earlier on when I entered the house.

Out of a sudden, my granny was saying at the top of her voice, that she dreamt about my grandfather very often lately, saying that he walked past her acknowledging her in those weird dreams. Oh fine, I was trembled with her words!

This is so scary...

Anyway, in less than 48 hours, all the Chinese and Buddhist will be celebrating Chinese New Year with the same typical line, "Have a Prosperous Year of Ox!"

Despite that everyone is actually preparing to celebrate this important day with their loved ones and families, many of us had acknowledged that poverty levels in the world's richest nation were on the rise. Have we ever thought that the money we spent on the unnecessities can actually contribute to their necessities and also helps in raising fund for those who are weaker and less fortunate compared to us.

Very often we demand for things we want to get, and never once we look back and think, do we really need them or was it just another selfish desire in us? Selfish desire destroys the harmony between the soul and our conduct. If our language and our conduct are in harmony, it may be as a result of our conscience, or it may spring from selfishness.

Think before you act.

P. S : This is not referring to any parties, its just my pea worth of opinions. No one should take this in deep consideration.

Too much craps in this entry, shall move on to something cheerful and bouncy now :D

- shu : LOL. and you should really watch the video in my blog
- shu : gogogo
- Stylish Retro: what video
- shu : something funneh
- shu : go ahead and watch
- Stylish Retro: oh that swing
- Stylish Retro: everytime i go jogging
- Stylish Retro: always chill thre for 1 or 2 hour
- Stylish Retro: so..
- Stylish Retro: @@
- shu : owh you jogged there ?
- shu : (=

he's referring to the previous video took in DPC. Lmao

- Stylish Retro: wooah.. slow, peaceful, just the right song and type
- Stylish Retro: lol
- Stylish Retro: few years back
- Stylish Retro: i thought Op*** ****ney was dead and their doing her documentary
- shu : -.- LOL!! ahaha
- Stylish Retro: and i was wrong
- Stylish Retro: until i saw Op*** ****ney show
- shu : >.<>

and this, it's just for laugh gag!

- Stylish Retro: waaa
- Stylish Retro: i know how to play piano!
- Stylish Retro: just 1 song
- Stylish Retro: my cousin taught me
- Stylish Retro: and i just remember
- Stylish Retro: hahaha
- shu i'd li: what song?
- Stylish Retro: Mary Had A Little Lamb
- Stylish Retro: LOL
- shu : *faints
- Stylish Retro: eh c'mon la
- Stylish Retro: that time i was about 8
- shu i'd li: lol...
- shu i'd li: im slightly better than you
- Stylish Retro: i forget how to play already looo
- shu i'd li: at least, i know how to play the choir's warm up vocals tune! ahahaa :)
- shu i'd li: *collapse
- Stylish Retro: lol
- Stylish Retro: *go ahead

this shows how pathetic he was (:

Happy Chinese New Year people !
and don't forget your last minute groceries!
till here. Toodles!

tuning in : A little too not over you - David Archuleta
mood : cny bizarre feeling

Memories, supposed to fade.
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go.
Didn't think it'd be this hard.
Should be strong, movin' on.

But I see you.
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside.
And I turn around,
You're with him now.
I just can't figure it out.

Tell me why you're so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.

Maybe I regret everything I said,
No way to take it all back, yeah...
Now I'm on my own..
How I let you go, I'll never understand.
I'll never understand, yeah, oohh..

Friday, January 23

this is so random

1. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend or girlfriend smoke?
yes, it does

2. How about drinking?
its fine... not a kaki-botol please

3. Do you like someone you can't have?

4. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
errr... maybe?

5. What's your favourite sport?
geeee... sport seh? Badminton

6. Its Saturday night, and you're home alone... what do you do?
get my friggin arse out and party

7. Do you like roller coasters?

8. When's the perfect time to have a bf/gf?
well, depends! :) If you're mature enough to handle this relationship issues, it doesn't harm then

9. If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
err... tonnes of them... Mike He is cute

10. What are you doing this weekend?
getting ready for CNY

11. What is your favourite restaurant?
no specific ones

12. Have you ever hugged someone?
yepp! (=

13. Ever kissed someone you weren't attracted to?
er.. yea

14. Do you like anyone right now?
geeee... takde!

15. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
their eyes, smile, hair, complexion, and sense of fashion. (Sorry, I'm against L.A.L.A)

16. Which do you prefer, Beach or Mountains?

17. What kind of phone do you have?
Nokia classic phone. whadturf?

18. Computer or Laptop?

19. Jeans or Sweats?

20. Which year(s) has/have been the best so far?
er? 2007/2008 and the very soon to be 2009 ! :D

21. How old are you gonna be on your next birthday?
Seventeen, Tujuh Belas, Sap Chat, Shi Chi

22. What should you be doing right now?
watching TV and having dinner with family

23. What is your favourite TV show?
err, so far I'm addicted to Mars VS Venus!

24. What's been your last purchase?
lemme recall, I just bought two bottles of milk. Ngek Ngek

25. Are you attracted to girls/boys that smoke?

26. Have you ever fallen on your butt in front of a crowd of people?
yes, that was like err... 10 years ago..

27. What do you do when you're at home?
sleep, eat, study, bath, and cook (:

28. What is your favourite subject?
English and add maths. I started to fall in love with Miss Teoh. *whadturf-giler-panda!

29. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?
loving family, beautiful gans, and those peeps that I appreciate.

30. Tag 10 people:

Ann Tan
Cheng Ken
Edward Teo
May Yan

-end of this tag-

another January baby.
Happy Birthday MeiYin!

may you have a prosperous and abundance of wealth this year.
Wait, that sounds so wrong, CNY greetings pulak. sorry x:
Stay pretty and may all your wishes come true!
ok, this sounds better :)

gotta go
byee people!

tuning in : Shining Friends
Mood : sick, very sick

Tuesday, January 20

buried deep down in heart

Good evening people..

Green House's sport practice had just ended in about 3 hours ago,
a pretty sad experience today.
It wasn't that bad after all.
I admit, I did have fun with my bunch of gans in the practice just now,
certain sights and truths which i slowly discovered were truly a saddening experience after all.
I hope to have fun in this practice,
since this will be my final year in this pathetic school,
unless I decided to take Form 6 here.
and we did.
This would be one of the best sport's practice I ever attended so far in 5 years in this school.
We did a formation of perpendicular straight line, applying Physic's theory in our run, and we managed to do it successfully.
running at the same velocity and momentum (:
*Imma physics geek
and we ended the run beautifully in a 90' degree perpendicular straight line.
we'll be aiming for another formation in the following practice.

The events went smoothly as I expected, but never ever once that this slips into my mind, that he will eventually duty on that particular day. I did not think likely that he will ever join that team, under the hot sun for so many frigging hours, burning like a roasted panda.

Random thoughts running through the nerve impulse in my brain, acknowledging the false or real impulse made, I started to think too much beyond the border I shall never cross.
Ever since the moment I found about the truth and reasons behind all these occurrence, my instinctive feeling was clearly arise.. and I had a sinking feeling whenever I anticipated the view from the moment I walk down from the stairs.

You had really move on really quick from our relationship in the past, and knowing you had already lay the (.) full stop to it, leaving all to the past and walked off from this relationship.
Fast and furious eh?

Being naive and credulous, I chose to remain static and holding on to this ended-relationship, putting hopes that one day, sooner or later, you will eventually return but I've to get all those thoughts neglected, cast off the feelings and obsession I had with you at this moment.

Used to be,

(thanks Hx for the Chinese translations)

Whenever the more I try not to think about you, things eventually tuned into the wrong channel and somehow, every single tiny stuffs I do, reminds me of what we'd been through. Little time I spared would be just having you in mind, reminiscences of those moments we had together.

I can spend






even months,

over-analyzing a situation

trying to put the pieces together,

justifying what could've,

what would've happened,


I can just

leave the pieces

on the floor


move the turf on.

it will be a painful and long journey.

Walk Pictures, Images and Photos

laying back & remain static or maybe bouncing at the same spot won't bring me any further apart from how bad I'm feeling deep inside, but I'd just chose to bounce off from the same spot and I'll never bounce back.
(This theory was actually created by Ivan Tan)
and if you're reading this, Pammy...

Be strong now,
because things will get better,
It might be stormy now,
but it can't rain forever.

tuning in : Would you be there by Redwan Ali
mood : depressed and stressed

If I were blue, would you be there for me,
And whisper in my ears that's ok.
Would you stand by me, let me hold you tight,
And say you love me one more time.

If I feel good, would you slow dance with me,
And touch my lips with tender loving care,
Would you die for me, would you run with me,
And never look back..

Would you be there to love, to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away?

Would you be there to love, to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away?

Would you be there..

If I am away, would you still think of me,
And wished that you could hold me now.
Would you die for me, would you run with me,
All the way ...

Would you be there to love, to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away?

Would you be there to save my soul tonight,
Would you swear that your love is always true,
Would you say that you always be there,
To kiss my pain away,

Would you be there to love, to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away?

Would you be there to save my soul tonight,
Would you swear that your love is always true,
Would you say that you always be there,
To kiss my pain away,

Would you be there ..... for me ...

Sunday, January 18

a little recap of what we did those days

This is the bunch of wackiest people I ever come across with.
My giler pals.

namely ;

Chui Xing,
Mei Yin,
Kar Yee,
Khye Chwin,
Wei Ann,

the video we took at the playground in DPC.

(Promise, it takes a short while to load only. Hit the play button)

honestly, life without them is dull.
anyway, strike the lala pose part is the funneh part in this video.
do enjoy!

tuning in : just dance
mood : in-extreme-boredome

depressing day before exams

Oh yay, whadturf!

The days till SPM are decreasing :(

and I'm totally not prepared for that examination yet.

Today, a well-dressed man with glasses - a teacher, entered our class (used up part of Rahimi's lesson), and asked us to fill in the form for SPM.

WHADTURF? so fast!

Its like I'm the only one taking the 6 core-subjects, and additional 3 science subjects, total - 9.
I'm totally clueless what subject else to take, when the geeks surrounding me are taking additional one or two subject at least. Accounts, accounts and accounts.
Whadturf? Why everyone is taking account larh wye?

I don't even understand a single shyt about accounts even in Kemahiran Hidup in Sec 3 (don't doubt how I managed to score an A for my KH paper :D )

What else do they offer?


Basic Economy?




Well, lets see Science, I took the branches of it - Chemistry, Biology and Physics, I doubt if my parents want me to take another repeated subject. I thought of taking Basic Economy, however I'm afraid its too late for me to start learning the basics now, few more months till SPM to cover up the two years syllabus.Photobucket Geography? Veny gave me the sample examination format, and it looks kinda simple, which is all the theory we learnt in Form Three. Don't even think of putting even the slightest hope of all that I'm going to get 1A for my Chinese, I'll just probably get 2 marks for the whole paper, if I'm lucky enough to shoot the correct answers. Photobucket Yeh, Art! weeeeee, I enjoyed his lessons so much, those days in art class with Karyee.. ahahaha

Holy hell, I'm certainly Photobucket about my future plans. Whadturf?

Matriculation, College or Form Six?

apart from this, I don't (Bu Yao, tak mau, do not want, don't vill )wanna take accounts so badly Photobucket

well, teeeheeeee Dad brought us to Bangsar this evening, he had to collect something from his colleague's house. Oh whadturf? I didn't know my sis is good in making fun out of my parents too.. ahahahaha

Dad : I want the article in the newspaper today.
Mom : What article?
Dad : The article in the newspaper The Star.
Mom : The Star ? I thought the article you said you want was in The Sun.
Dad : No, the one I want was in The Star...
Mom : Not The Sun arh?
Dad : I want The Star.
Mom : Are you sure it was in The Star? The Sun larh..
Dad : Its not, I want The Star!!
Sister : You both cant have The Sun and The Star larh! Both of them are hanging in the sky!
Me : *laugh-till-giler-panda in car and ended up getting stomachache
Sister : What? Truth what, the Sun and Star on top of our heads, dont you agree?
Me : duhhh... I'm laughing that you got mommy and daddy dumb-strucked in front at the passenger seat! ahahahahaaa

and slap me someone. I feel like sending him a message.

OMG OMG, i simply love this quote!!!

Patiently you waited for a courting boy's embrace, then everyone would know. But the letter jacket wasn't yours to own and it proves to be on temporary loan. And as they all grow older the truth will be understood, cause we never turn out the way we thought we would.

takpe, I'll feel better in time, I hope
pray hard for me.


I'm going to bed then

tuning in : It's not over - Secondhand Serenade
mood : sleepy and yet being so studious

I lose myself in all these fights
I lose my sense of wrong and right
I cry, I cry
It's shaking from the pain that's in my head
I just wanna crawl into my bed
And throw away the life I led
But I won't let it die, but I won't let it die

But now it's over, it's over, why is it over?
We had the chance to make it
Now it's over, it's over, it can't be over
I wish that I could take it back

I'm falling apart, I'm falling apart
Don't say this won't last forever
You're breaking my heart, you're breaking my heart
Don't tell me that we will never be together
We could be, over and over
We could be, forever

Wednesday, January 14

an ordinary update

Good evening people...
been so busy lately that i don't even have time to update this site :(
geeee, too many emo posts those days. Gonna make a difference this time

oh, before i forget,
happy belated birthday Pammmyyyyy :D

I know you simply love your name so much, girl
13 years of friendship and i appreciate you, leman!
ahaks, i knew you can drive now, so no reasons to say NO the next time, I wanna go out.
and i hope you did had a blast on your big day, gan!

and happy belated birthday Omar

your-Ricola-nipple and Nescafe?
heehhhh, cheers :D

more peektures to entertain your stay :)

before we start our meal :) tomyam soup opposite and clear soup at the bottom

the meat - Chicken, not pork, not beef (my blog is pork-free :D)

boiling? its random :X

candid #1 : Shermaine

this is so not candid, poser betul!

lunch in The Steamboat
(that was Omar's hand with the Maggi and he's showing off his holding-chopstick skills)

Omar and Meiyin - lovebirds in class

birthday girl - Chui Xing, the one in the black is KarYee

this is wei ann
(she's not that shy actually)

eugene christopher gerard
*why did he gave that look?

candid #2 - the yoga-power girl

another candid

Afiq says fork you!
Scene 1cutting her chocolate-strawberry cake
Eugene : Chui Xing, can i have the fork please?
*she's too busy handling her cake, she couldn't hear Eugene
Afiq : *hold the fork* fork her larh!
*Chui Xing was poked! - staring at Eugene
Chui Xing : What?
Eugene : You're having my fork
*everyone giggled and she returns eugene's fork to him

more peektures and video next time.
gotto run
byeeeeeeee people

tuning in : Save you - Simple Plan
mood : fucking depressed, thinking of you :(

thanks shermaine for dedicating the lyrics to me, babe!

That if you fall, stumble down, I'll pick you up off the ground
If you lose faith in you, I'll give you strength to pull through
Tell me you won't give up 'cause I'll be waiting
If you fall, you know, I'll be there for you

Tuesday, January 13

Killing me softly and dump all this shyts

I wont be going online anymore till the end of CNY holidays.
Drop me an email if you miss me :)
for those that simply miss my updates but doesn't have my email, you can simply get it at the left corner under my introduction.

but no worries, this blog will stay, updates will be made when I get to use the frigging computer
and do drop me comments about the song in my blog kay?
I need feedbacks!


tune in :
Killing me DJ
mood : hyped

Sunday, January 11

the slightest secret about you which i don't wanna know

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I hope so :D
*mumbles - its pretty hard..

well, I'm not done with my last week school works, so i'll be burning the midnight oil tonight, rushing up all the homeworks in one night. Physics exercise, Additional Mathematics, Biology revision, karangan, Chemistry lab report, my malay oral test, and some ulasan for Malay subject.


kay, keeping this short, I went Desa Park City, celebrated Chui Xing's birthday with the whole bunch of 5S peeps. And also celebrating Omar's belated birthday too :D
We ate in The Steamboat and we had a blast in the park after the lunch *grins

I shall upload the video next time.

I shall also blog about this in the next post, and peektures too.

Smile, kay?

till here, im still working on my homeworks!
bye loves!

tune in : I miss you - Sweetbox
mood : exaggerated-tiredness

Saturday, January 10

boy, you're my brand of heroin ; still you are

On second thoughts, I decided to maintain this blog the way it is. *snorts

I know i was quite rushing in making decisions, i know i always do which actually leads to losing him. An abrupt changes in my schedules somehow might even affect the progress of updates in my site. I'm really sorry for this but *sigh - i couldn't do much about this.
I'll blog if there is time :)
don't miss me too much people.

pictures of you reminds me of us;

in the past

things had been really awkward between us lately,

we don't talk the way we did in the past,

and those times are stated as past.

Well, as for the present, we walked past like strangers,

we'll never come across before,

and not even a single word of 'hi' too.

After everything we been through those thick and thin,

we came to an end after one year and four months.

Its quite a short period of time,

but also a long one too to banish those thoughts in mind.

now that you're gone,

and not coming back,

what am i supposed to do?

Honestly, I'm totally clueless about this,

really don't know what to do.

I should have put an effort to save this relationship.

However, instead of doing so,

I just let you walk out of my life.

but now that,

you fallen for someone else ;


its too late.

sad emo girl Pictures, Images and Photos

tuning in : Cinderella - Sweetbox
mood : blank

i'm just a little too not over you

Im so over being blue , crying over you.

I just wonder , do you think of me anymore , do you ?

Its just another saturday morning with me

its a beautiful saturday morning, somehow im looking forward to it, but certain unexpected circumstances just arise.

although it was quite saddening truth, I felt relieved and happened to be feel so much better after listening to her story :) You don't have to feel bad or guilty over what happened between us, its just another misunderstood and some sort of mixed feelings, again in me :X

well... I couldn't really differentiate whether I'm into a rebound guy or was it only another crush?
confused and feeling so perplexed every moment when things grow fonder.. till i met him again.

and the feelings were still there, stood still - unchanged

life means change, it cannot remain static. It is always in a state of flux.

yeh, im struggling hard to apply this mentality in my life.
struggling really hard that i could actually cry myself to bed every night.
I need a break from all these.

on other hand, i thought of private-ing this blog. Should i?

current music : I kissed a girl -Katy Perry
current mood : obligated to pay for what i did.

Friday, January 9

illness strikes in the month of January

im looking forward tomorrow :)
wait? or maybe day after tomorrow!

its kinda unexpected what happened today, I went up to classroom early with Michelle, and suddenly, one slender slim figure appeared - Marcus. He entered the classroom and asked her not to curi tulang and clean up the classroom. Half way doing the duty, the prefect asked all of us in class to go down to the assembly ground immediately - reasons : our class was detained

Mic : Can we leave our bags and books here?
Prefect : No, bring your bag and books down!
Mic : Shu, we leave our tumbler here then :D
Me : okayy

(aiyar, should bring my rusty bottle, can hide something there, at least?
err, something?
maybe emptying my bottle and store the mp3 player?)

and our class got spot-checked suddenly, which is like er?
HULLLOOOO!!! its only the fifth day of school
and 3 cell phones got confiscated, and they even confiscated one-of-the-5S-student's CHEWING GUMS

let us finish them first larh, at least? you can have the bottle larh, aduh for your what-so-ever-use.

I'm wondering what will you guys do with the bottle of chewing gum?

chewing it whenever you feel likely in the prefect room?

juggling them when you have no names to take down?
or maybe?

camwhore with chewing gum like this?

where the heck is justice!!
*pffffffttttt scornfully

bad days, bad health lately couldnt do much about it, but to sleep and take pills everyday

ehh, there's purple diet pills
(stop staring at me with that look, i dont take diet pills, kay?)

going to bed early today as usual
could not afford to fall sick again when CNY is around the corner ;)
till here peeps

current music : that's what you get - Paramore
current mood : feeling queasy

a simply awakening scene

Looking forward for this weekend, to be a fun and adventurous one.
LOL.. before any craps flowing IN to my mind, pictures updates :D

5 S

my seat :D

the 17 textbooks

the Elections of the year
Class monitor : Ivan
Assistant : Marcus
Treasurer : Afiq
Person-in-charge-of-cleanliness : Chui Xing
Person-in-charge-of-noticeboard : Omar
Person-in-charge-of-tools : Cheng Ken

in pictures : Shermaine, Ivan and Marcus

Shermaine and Marcus at the left, Mei Yin and Jonas at the right :)

the blue-collars :X

shaddap, i know i look weird there
*in a depressed tone
"awww, we will miss you indefinitely, Jonas"

(owh, its elaine's cousins :D)

shall talk about what happened today later
gotto go at this moment
byee peeps!!